Alternatives To Biden’s Presidential Medal Of Freedom Awards
By Mark Wallace
Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes
Those following the news these days will note that President Joe Biden has been generously doling out Presidential Medal of Freedom Awards to some of the major heroes of the so-called Progressive Left. Among the recipients are Liz Cheney, Hillary Clinton and George Soros. Also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Biden is Cecile Richards, a past president of Planned Parenthood.
More appropriate awards for these individuals are as follows:
For Liz Cheney, 30 pieces of silver. (For those unfamiliar with the Bible, consult Matthew 26:14-16). Regrettably, the rope Judas Iscariot used to hang himself is no longer available.
For Hillary Clinton: A broomstick, a black pointed hat and a DVD of the movie Rosemary’s Baby.
For George Soros: Three consecutive life sentences in a federal prison.
For Cecile Richards, the Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Eichmann Award for Extinguishing Innocent Human Life.
More seriously, the Presidential Medal of Freedom (established by President John F. Kennedy in 1963 prior to his assassination) has been awarded to individuals who are distinguished in their field, be it athletics, religion, music, architecture, science, journalism and an entire host of other disciplines. The award can be given posthumously and is not restricted to U.S. citizens. Past United States Presidents have generally refrained from using the award to make a political statement or to intentionally antagonize large sectors of the U.S. population.
Thus, the awards have been given to Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, Mother Teresa, architect Mies Van Der Rohe, James Watson (discoverer of DNA), and Edward R. Murrow (TV journalist). Awards have also been bestowed on U.S. Senators, past U.S. Presidents and other distinguished public servants.
Joe Biden, when he took office as President following inauguration, made a point that he was going to be a great unifier for the United States. This was one of his first Big Lies as President. Throughout his tenure, he frequently went out of his way to antagonize large portions of the U.S. population — primarily conservatives, Republicans and MAGA supporters. He sicced the Justice Department on parents attending Board of Education meetings and on pro-life activists praying at abortion clinics. The Presidential Freedom Medal awards are yet another instance Biden’s “in your face” taunting of millions of Americans.
So let’s review the four awards described above. Liz Cheney served a mere three terms in the House of Representatives. She authored no distinguished legislation. Her main “achievement” is betraying the Republican Party of which she purported to be a member. Giving the award to her would be as if George Washington gave a presidential medal of freedom to Benedict Arnold.
Hillary Clinton’s “achievements” are (1) jeopardizing national security by routing tens of thousands of government-related emails through a personal router in her private residence, and (2) failing to take appropriate steps to defend Americans in the Benghazi Affair, who ended up paying for her negligence with their lives. Additionally, she has characterized millions of Americans as “deplorables” and has fostered an atmosphere of hatred toward those on the Right.
Soros earned vast sums of money by shorting the British pound. It’s a good guess that he’s roundly hated by those across the pond in Great Britain. He then used this money with the objective of destroying the West, particularly the United States. One of his latest campaigns is to finance left-wing prosecutors who decline to prosecute the criminals who are ruining our cities.
Cecile Richards is a past president of Planned Parenthood, an organization dedicated to extinguishing the lives of millions of unborn babies in their numerous Death Camps across the nation that masquerade as abortion clinics. One can imagine Satan as grinning widely as Biden bestowed the award on her.
Image Credit: YouTube Screenshot award to George Soros
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