Am I Racist Movie: A Legendary Mockumentary
By Neland Nobel
Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes
Podcaster Matt Walsh produced “What Is A Woman” in June 2022. In many ways, he showed that the trans movement was illogical, unscientific, and cunningly profitable for consultants and advocates. As such, the movie changed the discussion. Many women began to realize that 4th wave feminism, which argues that there are no differences in the sexes, was now capable of defining women out of existence. This, in turn, endangers many of the advancements and legal protections that earlier phases of feminism achieved for women.
In short, the film was a national wake-up call. Transgenderism, which started among obscure academics at universities, has become mainstream doctrine for the Democrat Party.
The film struggled at the box office, but Daily Wire, its producer, ran it on its subscription website with considerable success. Then, about one year after release, they put it free on X, and it received an incredible 177 million views.
Matt Walsh is at it again, acting as a combination of intellectual sleuth and Borat-like detective determined to understand “systemic racism” as a concept and as a highly profitable industry.
It has been out in just a few weeks, with no reviews or favorable promotion from the standard sources. Still, it has already become the highest-grossing documentary film of the year, grossing more than $9.5 million. It has ranked among the top five movies in popularity. Audience satisfaction runs very high and scores favorably under the Rotten Tomatoes rankings.
We watched the movie last weekend. It is a comedy/documentary, but it so successfully makes a mockery out of the race-hustling business that you could say it is a mockumentary.
Not wanting to give the plot away, Walsh goes underground, becomes a certified DEI consultant, and hobnobs with many of the most prominent academics and practitioners in the field. The result is both jarring and satisfying.
You realize that you can’t win the way advocates frame the problem. One scene in the film makes that point. If you smile at a black person, it can be construed as condescending. If you don’t smile enough, you are snubbing them.
Another revelation is that so many people want to be humiliated and are willing to pay big bucks for the mental anguish. There is a professional class of practitioners making a fortune shaming white people. The dinner scene where this process takes place is eye-opening. Many of the victims of this scam appear to be women. Such preconditions for shaming can only be set up after extensive education to hate your country and civilization. We can all thank our university system.
There are many scenes where you can feel quite uncomfortable. This is then broken with hilarity. The hilarity stems from his display of the contradictions and illogical underpinnings of a movement that has captured the school system, many corporations, and public policy.
The pseudo-intellectual drivel and rehearsed dialogue of many practitioners are genuinely frightening. It seems most advocates read the same material and use the same canned lines. The vocabulary and cadence of the language used by DEI practitioners are so striking that it seems to be the product of a brainwashing mill. Robots are more creative.
In many ways, the only way to effectively reveal this movement’s ugly and dangerous assumptions in a short film is through humor and mockery. Walsh succeeds in doing a great job of explaining their positions while at the same time humorously showing their errors.
Rarely have we seen humor used more effectively in taking on a pretty serious subject.
The people at Daily Wire are to be congratulated on a huge success. They are producing first-rate work in a very ecumenical environment. Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing are Jewish, Michael Knowles and Matt Walsh are Catholic, Andrew Klavan is a Jew converted to Christianity, and Jordan Peterson is a force unto himself and quite complicated. Still, he does believe in the biblical God.
Your own position on the Almighty notwithstanding, we urge readers of The Prickly Pear to see the film and support both the producers and theaters that have made this film possible.
It is great to see really bright Conservatives strike back against the cultural rot eating the freedom out of this country.
You will learn, you will be entertained, you will squirm, and you will laugh. That is a great way to spend 90 minutes or so.
Image Credit: YouTube Screenshot Daily Wire Website
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