ARIZONA STATE SENATE DECLASSIFIED BRIEFING: Healthcare Issues — Illegals and Refugees thumbnail

ARIZONA STATE SENATE DECLASSIFIED BRIEFING: Healthcare Issues — Illegals and Refugees

By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

This full and complete briefing was presented in a secure setting for members of the Arizona House of Representatives and State Senate, along with various state-wide elected and high-level appointed officials.

The subject was the medical and health issues that will surely come into the United States with illegals, especially those from Middle Eastern and third-world countries.

As you know the President has every right to close the borders of the United States as a National Emergency exists.

When you read this declassified briefing, you will be even more alarmed to learn that most likely a Medical National Emergency exists if these illegals bridge the border.

SUBJECT OF BRIEFING: Bacteria Resistant to Antibiotics Found for the First-time in the United States



BRIEFING LEVEL: Law Enforcement//Intel and Threat Assessment Specialists – Selected Elected Officials overseeing Public Safety


The content of this briefing contains information and opinions along with findings that are considered as intelligence analysis classified as: SELECTIVE DISTRIBUTION INTELLIGENCE – OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE//OSINT. Said content is sensitive and proprietary, and is intended for LAW ENFORCEMENT//INTEL//THREAT ASSESSMENT SPECIALISTS. If you are not law enforcement//Intelligence or Threat Assessment Specialist or Selected Elected Official overseeing Public Safety issues or a designated professional vetted by the sender, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, dissemination, copying or distribution of the herein stated material is strictly prohibited. No portion of this communication and/or attachment(s) are to be released to the public, the media, or others who do not have a direct need-to-know without specific documented authorization from the sender. Failure to abide by this admonishment may result in a legal action taken against you. Notify sender immediately if you have received this communication in error. WARNING: This Document is for Official Use Only//FOUO. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552).


On Thursday, June the 2nd, 2016, I released for public distribution a report titled a “Medical Ticking Time Bomb.” This report presented medical and other facts detailing a looming problem that will create a medical State of Emergency for Arizona and other states, especially Border States due to the unchecked and increased flow of illegals from South America and third-world countries, as well as Muslims purposefully being delivered into selected states in America, especially politically conservative states.

Both sets of incoming populations represent the poorest of the poor, and many are presenting with medical and physical challenges rarely seen and difficult to treat.
More alarming are those coming into Arizona and other Border States who have not been medically screened, or who entered Border States in an unknown and unmonitored fashion. The current Measles outbreak in Arizona is an example of these named situations. My report discusses additional medical presentations specifically unique to populations in third-world countries, which populations, are now crossing our southern Border or being airlifted into selective states by the Federal Government with questionable (at best) screening.

For the first-time, researchers have found a person in Pennsylvania carrying a bacteria resistant to antibiotics of last resort. This report is highly disturbing, and health officials are sobered by this finding. The antibiotic-resistant strain was discovered last month in the urine of a 49-year-old Pennsylvania woman. Department of Defense researchers determined she carried the strain of E. coli resistant to the antibiotic Colistin, according to a report published yesterday in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, a publication of the American Society for Microbiology. Colistin is the antibiotic of last resort for particularly dangerous types of superbugs, including a family of bacteria known as CRE, which health officials have dubbed “nightmare
bacteria.” In some instances, these superbugs kill up to 50% of patients who become infected. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has called CRE among the country’s most urgent public health threats. The Pennsylvania case has set off alarms in various public safety and medical communities.


Protective Intelligence and Assessment Specialist Consultant at Behavioral Analysis and Threat Assessment Private-Sector Intelligence Analyst U.S. Border Intelligence Group ASIS International Association For Intelligence Officers Association of Threat Assessment Professionals – Arizona ATAP International Association Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts



Behavioral Analysis and Threat Assessment Protective Intelligence and Assessment
Private-Sector Intelligence

Arizona State Senate Briefing

Healthcare Issues – Illegals and Refugees

August the 17th, 2016

Imminent Challenges to Arizona:

  1. So-named “Refugees” deliberately brought into the United States by our Federal Government are NOT well screened or at all for many diseases, such as HIV, Parasites, STDs, Hepatitis, Fungal infections, and illnesses not seen by American medical professions either ever, or in decades. These “refugees” also constitute approximately half of the TB cases now manifesting across America.
  2. Tuberculosis is one of the most lethal infectious diseases in history, and despite the fact that we know there is no way to accurately vet the “refugees” being imported, agencies/departments in the federal government are allowing well over 200,000 into America by 2017.3. Tuberculosis is quickly becoming highly resistant to all our antibiotics, and it is a disease that is very easily transmitted. a). A fertile feeding ground for TB is anywhere in a country with close- quarters, lots of chaos, a shelter or temporary housing, and school classrooms. b). Many refugees are completely unaware they are carriers of TB.
  3. The flood of humanity inbound to America (Arizona) will also bring microbes and parasites known as “superbugs” or as health officials in multiple states already are calling, “nightmare bacteria.” Data is now beginning to surface demonstrating that superbugs kill up to 50% of patients who become infected. Even the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has called this increase in superbugs the country’s most urgent public health threat.


  1. . Launch an aggressive statewide public awareness campaign – not sensational but candidly informational in makeup.
  2. Immediately begin teaching about hygiene, especially in retention/detention centers, refugee facilities, and schools. Teachers and teacher’s aides should be trained in basic identification of disease onset, i.e. coughing, fever, skin changes; tummy aches and refers to school nurse for further evaluation.
  3. Educational programs and Public Service Announcements (PSAs) encouraging early detection and treatment of Parasites, TB, Upper Respiratory Infections, HIV, Hepatitis and other STDs. Take away the stigma, and promote early detection and assistance without judgment.
  4. Begin an immediate crash course for doctors and health care providers on the pending threats. A generation or two of Drs. have NEVER seen or treated some of the diseases and parasites coming this way. Check immunizations for health care providers.
  5. Pre-stage pharmaceuticals and vaccines throughout the State in pharmacies, 24-Hour Walk-in clinics, doctor’s offices.
  6. Legislature needs to begin serious planning for additional funding to address multiple areas of costs.
  7. Prepare contingency plans to declare a State of Medical Emergency with shut- down of border, increased check points and screening stations. The State of Arizona needs to prepare contingency plans to shut down the Arizona portion of the Refugee Re-settlement Program and the children entering the US Unaccompanied Program. a). Healthcare screening immediately implemented in schools. b). Healthcare intervention for identified previously mentioned diseases implemented in schools and detention facilities. c). A monitoring and outcomes program immediately developed across the state.
  8. Begin immediate discussions by and between all branches of State Government and State Agency Directors developing action plans and protocols in the event of mass medical challenges.
  9. Treat this subject seriously, and not as an overreaction.


The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been quietly transporting illegal immigrants from the Mexico Border to Phoenix and releasing them without proper notification, processing or the issuing of court appearance documents. During the week of June the 14th, 2016, 35 such individuals were transported 116 miles north of Tucson to a Phoenix bus station where they disembarked and went their separate ways. Judicial Watch was present filming the entire episode, and observed the white vans carrying said individuals arrive at the Greyhound Station on Buckeye Road in Phoenix, off load the individuals who then separated.

The numbers of like situations are staggering.


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