Entries by Sarah Kramer

Can a Teacher Object to a Proposed School District Policy? Not in Loudoun County

Editor’s Note:   On June 9, a Virginia court ordered that Tanner Cross be reinstated.  It was a big win for First Amendment/free speech by the Scottsdale-based Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). Thankfully, Tanner’s stand in court did ultimately pay off. Today, the court ruled that Tanner’s constitutional rights were likely violated and ordered the school to reinstate Tanner while […]

This Lawsuit Threatens the Rights of Faith-Based Schools to Operate According to Their Beliefs

At the end of March, an LGBT activist group sued the U.S. Department of Education, demanding that a key religious exemption be taken away from faith-based schools. If successful, college students would be forbidden from using their federal tuition assistance at schools that proclaim widely held religious teachings on marriage, gender, and sexuality. In other […]