Biden’s War on Women by Sharron Angle [+Video]

Biden’s war on women is subtle but not so subtle if you are a woman’s rights warrior who knows the history of the women’s movement. Women’s suffrage was more than just the right of women to vote which was the last voting right to be granted to a free person regardless of gender August 26, 1920 by the 19th Amendment. Just as a point of reference, black men were granted the right to vote in 1868 by the 14th amendment. August 26 is Women’s Equality Day and this year marked a time effectively negating the entire hundred-year-old movement.

In politics it takes three punches to effectively notify voters of an opponent’s perceived villainous activity and reputation. It’s difficult to come back from those three strikes even if the attacks are verifiably false, especially if the media refuses to report the truth or stands by neutrally to watch. That’s how Biden was able to deliver the final blows without much objection from women’s rights activists.

Biden’s first blow was choosing Kamala Harris as his running mate and later as the elected United States Vice-President. Of all the qualified Democrat women in the United States, Joe Biden chose the woman who personified the sexist stereotype of women in the workplace of the last century — all women get jobs in a man’s world by sleeping with the boss. It took decades, a World War in which women worked in hitherto men’s jobs, and sacrifices of family and long hours of hard work by qualified, intelligent women to break the glass ceiling. Harris’ selection was an insult to any woman who suffered and fought against sexual harassment and the humiliation of watching a man get the job she was more qualified to do. (I’m one of those!)

Rick Trader, my co-host on Conservative Commandos Radio Show, a weekday nationally broadcast radio and TV show, calls her the “Vice-Prostitute.” Her relationship with Mayor Willie Brown launched her political career. The Democrat Party, the self-proclaimed champion of women’s rights, and their media stooges said nary a critical peep. On the contrary they heralded her as a hero to women’s rights by becoming the first female Vice-President.

We hear constant reports on Kamala Harris’ trip abroad, when she should be present during the Afghan crisis. How many stories have we seen on truly heroic women like Allyson Reneau, coordinator of the rescue of the all-woman Afghan robotics team or Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee and Marine Sgt. Johanny Rosario Pichardo who were killed by a suicide bomber while escorting young girls to cargo planes for escape? Ironically they died on Women’s Equality Day 2021and not one mention of their sacrifices in the President’s proclamation.

Biden’s War on Women continued with ending Title IX during The Olympics in Japan. Title IX, established in 1972, provided equal access to any program or activity that receives Federal financial assistance, including sports. Public schools, are legally required to provide girls with equitable sports opportunities. When men were allowed with transgenders competing as women in women’s sports, with the support of the woke Democrats and their leaders Biden and Harris made it clear that women no longer have equal status. Women and girls lost their unique rights to sports, restrooms, privacy, even their pronouns and genetic roles as mothers and wives. To those who know basic biology gender chromosomes, because they are contained in every cell, are immutable. However, science is not the rule of the day nor is the law. Feelings are the trump card of Biden and friends.

That’s why Allyson Reneau, mother of 11 biological children all with the same father, and a NASA expert, is being demonized by the press. She told CCRShow in an exclusive interview that she was being threatened, her reputation besmirched, and has been served with a cease and desist summons since the valiant rescue of the Afghan girls. Although Allyson would not name the names of her accusers one only has to read the newspaper articles or research the modus operandi of the left to know that those manipulating Biden are also the engineers of this War on Women.

The dehumanization of  Afghanistan’s women and girls is the final blow. Biden deserted women and children to home invasion, brutality, forced marriages, and rapes. The Taliban’s medieval barbarian treatment of women and girls as livestock makes females into sub-humans. By abandoning Afghan women, Biden sent a message to all women around the world. “You don’t matter to the President of the United States.”

In Christ there is neither male nor female. That was the Bible principle the Founders wrote into the Declaration of Independence that “all men [all human beings] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.” They were standing on the Bible and scientific fact that all mankind is 95% the same. That’s why a woman can donate an organ to a man and vice-versa. Sadly because all mankind was not created perfect, it took nearly a hundred years for all males to be declared equal and over a hundred and fifty years to make women equal under the law. In less than nine months women’s rights and their humanity have been obliterated. How’s that for a great re-set Mr. Biden? Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton are you rolling over in your graves? I say to the women who voted for “touchy-feeler -of-women” Biden, the Male Chauvinist Pig, “Shame on you for betraying women! “ One last thought, who’s next?


Sharron Angle

Sharron Elaine Angle is an American politician, writer and radio personality who served as a Republican member of the Nevada Assembly from 1999 to 2007. Sharron appears as a guest host on the Conservative Commandoes Radio Show. She ran unsuccessfully as the 2010 Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate seat in Nevada, garnering 45 percent of the vote.

©Sharon Angle. All rights reserved.