MOLLIE HEMINGWAY: Rigged – How the Media, Big Tech and the Democrats Seized Our Elections

By Scott Graves

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DOUGLAS MURRAY: The War on the West

By Scott Graves

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PETER SCHWEIZER: Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win thumbnail

PETER SCHWEIZER: Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win

By Scott Graves

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Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2022

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safe from the investigations conducted by Peter Schweizer and a crew of forensic investigators.

Peter is president of the non-partisan Government Accountability Institute (GAI) and a senior contributor to Breitbart News. They spent over a year investigating for this book that many of the political elite as well, as their families, will be less than happy about its publication. Schweizer took away all the excuses by carefully untangling events where ever they lead.

First up in the book is the Biden Family and how deep the entanglements with China reach. Involvement begins when Joe was a congressman, magnifies while VP with Hunter, his brother and others joining in and the subterfuge becomes more pronounced. Laptop issues are discussed as are the President’s “claims of knowledge”.

After the chapter on the Biden Family, Schweizer moves on to Senator Feinstein and her husband, Speaker Pelosi and her Family, Mitch McConnell and his wife, just to mention a few of the elites! Each of these power couples will be none to happy about seeing themselves in print in this book.

Big Tech and Wall Street have been in the news along with their very wealthy owners and their lobbying with various committees in DC. Reading about it here is clearly organized and doesn’t have the inflammatory emotional rhetoric involved with mainstream infauxtainment folks.

Schweizer goes back and looks at how/when the US relationship with China started down this path to trouble and we have Reagan, Albright, Kissinger, Clinton, the Bush Family, Obama and Trump. It’s really sobering to look at the changes in business & technology over this timeline and to compare the US growth with China’s. He believes that many agree with a Kissinger idea that at some point in the not too distant future, Beijing won’t have need of the US and when that happens, “they will be difficult to handle.” Basically, they have paid to play; the elite have their fortunes tied to China and the rest of us are learning now just how much our daily lives are tied to them. We’ve been caught “Red Handed”📚

Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2022

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Author highlights the dangerous game our elites are playing with China. From Bidens to Bushes and McConnells to Pelosis, they are taking money to influence American politics in favor of China and helping China in their ultimate goal: to be the top player in the world. They want to dominate economically, technically, and militarily. Keep in mind, they are also a totalitarian state. They repress the Uighars and Tibetans (Dalai Lama exiled), they have no judicial due process, they have surveillance cameras everywhere, they don’t have free speech, there are no elections. We are not perfect but arguably our system has done more to raise economic and freedom levels than any other in the world. I’m not sure that would happen with China as the world’s superpower. Get in the fight and resist.

Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2022

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A must read for every American!

Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2022

When your own government is run by elites who become super wealthy from intimate relationships with hostile foreign elements, where can you turn? This is a huge problem right now that is being exposed by books like this one. Peter Schweizer and his team spent a year investigating the unethical ties that the elites in Washington, tech, media, Wall Street, etc. have with foreign enemies of the U.S. The liberal media will continue to laugh these relationships off as conspiracy theories, but they are facts which can be easily proven by following the money trail. And the money trail points right back at them too!

Every American should read books like this because we’re being lied to – from every area of government, the media, the medical establishment, private industry, and everyone else who is selling us and our country out for the usual culprits: Money and Power.

Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2022

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This is a very well written book that goes into great detail about the corruption in our government as well as the crooked dealings of the elite. This is a total “eye opener”. Do yourself a favor a pick it up, read it, understand it and maybe we can save this country that we love.

Reviewed in the United States on January 26, 2022

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Let’s see… the Biden Family, Senator Feinstein and her husband, Speaker Pelosi and her Family, Mitch McConnell and his wife, just to mention a few, Kissinger,of course, since he was the main guilty party who enabled China… You should also read Peter Schweizer’s other books as well.

I also recommend, “The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower” by Michael Pillsbury.

Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2022

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Simple to understand and well sourced.

Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2022

The more Americans who become informed about this corruption the better. Our great nation is being sold out by the ‘beltway bandits’ in DC.

Top reviews from other countries

John R Francis

3.0 out of 5 stars Quite good, but does not live up to the hype

Reviewed in Canada on January 27, 2022

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I enjoyed this book, and learned about details and people I wasn’t aware of. But anyone who has followed alternative media over the last few years will not be astounded, or even surprised. However it is a well-researched and footnoted addition to the proof of corporate America’s motivation to suck up to the CCP.

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