Left Spins as Texas Turbines Freeze

Green energy policies have failed Texas. Power outages, in large part caused by frozen wind turbines and snow covered solar panels, are still keeping nearly 500,000 Lone Star residents freezing in the dark. Now, Big Green and the wind and solar industries are in non-stop spin-mode, trying to drum up an alternative narrative to shift the blame from their failed policies.

As The Wall Street Journal reports:

“While millions of Texans remain without power for a third day, the wind industry and its advocates are spinning a fable that gas, coal and nuclear plants—not their frozen turbines—are to blame.

After imperiling the grid with their wind turbines and solar panels, Big Green is gleefully distributing talking points to the press about natural gas plants failing to keep up with demand.”

Holman Jenkins tells us why in another article at the WSJ:

“Thanks to the Clean Air Act, pipeline compressors run on electricity now rather than natural gas. So blackouts meant to conserve electricity can actually reduce it, by knocking gas-burning generators offline.

Tracing energy problems to their source always leads back to bad Green policy.

Yesterday we were all slapped in the face by some very sad news.

CFACT mourns the passing of Rush Limbaugh who was as much a voice of reason on climate and energy as he was on so many issues where freedom was on the line.

As Peter Murphy writes at CFACT.org:

Rush Limbaugh had a connection to CFACT, which was one of his go-to places for environment and energy issues; in particular, Climate Depot, which he viewed as his favorite source of climate change information other than himself. (That was another part of his humor, his braggart act, which was always meant as lighthearted.)

In the early 1990’s, Marc Morano, before he became CFACT’s Director of Communications, was Rush Limbaugh’s “Man in Washington,” as he described. Admittedly, Rush also once said he never liked the word “Committee” as part of CFACT’s name.

Texans shiver in the dark as Green energy fails.

RELATED ARTICLE: Climate Lockdowns to Break Us into a New Peasant Class

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

JUST RELEASED: Hot Talk, Cold Science

If you’re in need of a bit of distraction from your television and screen, we have the perfect thing! This book, written by the late, great Dr. S. Fred Singer is exactly what we all need right now. No #fakenews here, just the straight climate facts.

Updated for 2021, by David R. Legates and Anthony R. Lupo, Hot Talk, Cold Scienceis an essential, clear-headed book of scope and substance that no one who claims to value science, the environment, and human well-being can afford to ignore.

Singer’s masterful analysis decisively shows that the pessimistic, and often alarming, global-warming scenarios depicted in the media have no scientific basis. In fact, he finds that many aspects of increased levels of CO2, as well as any modest warming, such as a longer growing seasons for food and a reduced need to use fossil fuels for heating, would have a highly positive impact on the human race.


EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Something Evil This Way Comes

Last night Tucker Carlson did a fine segment on the stupidity of wind.

Make SURE that you watch the short video in the article, which is superb!

My only beef is that Tucker repeatedly called industrial wind projects “wind farms.” There is nothing being farmed, other than subsidies. The lobbyists purposefully coined the phrase “wind farm” to deceive non-aware citizens into thinking an industrial wind project is pastoral and environmentally benign.

Both are false, as industrial wind projects are environmentally destructive. (E.g. see here.)

They are also typically a net economic liability to host communities. (E.g. see here.)

Further, industrial wind facilities are a net burden on the electric grid — the backbone of our modern society (and the Texas situation is one of numerous examples).

Stunningly, this is actually a desirable consequence for those pushing wind, as their real objective is to undermine our way of life. (E.g. carefully read Bill McKibben, the journalist — not scientist — who is the leader of the environmental movement.)

Lastly, there is zero genuine scientific proof that wind turbines are of any consequential benefit regarding climate change. In fact there is substantial evidence that they are a climate detriment! (E.g. see here.)

Please get educated about energy realities, as this is just a small part of the enormous devastation that will result from Green New Deal type policies. Please pass this onto your social contacts.

©John Droz, Jr. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Texas Freeze Shuts Down ‘Renewable’ Power

Texas is experiencing a serious deep freeze which is causing people to lose power.

Texas investors larded their state with solar panels and wind turbines to rake in federal subsidies and tax credits.  Wind and solar are not only inefficient, a cold snap can shut them down all together.

CFACT’s Marc Morano discussed the Texas freeze with Tucker Carlson on Fox News last night:

“Warren Buffett famously said years ago that there’s no reason to build windmills without the tax breaks and without the subsidies… the same thing’s happening in Germany by the way right now Tucker. Their solar panels are covered in snow and Germans are freezing through winter much the way Texans are.  Who would have thought this would have happened in Texas?  But this is what we’re dealing with. And Biden now wants to nationalize this plan of the less than four percent that comes from solar and wind and make it our chief go-to energy source.”

After generations of striving, America at last achieved energy independence.  Forcing America to abandon efficient energy sources such as natural gas and nuclear power and pushing them instead to wind and solar which can’t deliver is a tragic mistake.

As Marc told Tucker Carlson:

“We were in a position where we weren’t just independent, we were dominant. We had our own domestic energy. So the Green New Deal is going to swap that for a reliance on solar and wind and electric cars which, by the way, are going to be using rare earth minerals from China — 90% of which dominates things like cobalt copper, nickel. And we’re going to now be reliant on China for these rare earth minerals to make these unreliable solar and wind power batteries!  So the Green New Deal is lose, lose, lose all the way.  We’re seeing it unfold in Texas like we’ve seen it unfold in California.”

Europe and Australia have already proven that forcing people to subsidize wind and solar energy raises prices for consumers while making energy grids unreliable.

It only took a little cold and snow to show that you can’t depend on them in Texas either.

Relying on wind and solar to power the grid is always a mistake.   Don’t count on the Biden Administration figuring that out.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Green Energy Leaves America Out in the Cold in More Ways Than One

February gave Texas the cold shoulder this weekend as an extreme winter storm pounded the entire state. As of this morning, power had not been restored to more than 4 million Texans. Hundreds of thousands have also lost water after the water treatment plants in Fort Worth, Abilene, and elsewhere suffered power outages. A handful of deaths from the cold have already been reported, although we may not know the true toll until the state digs itself out.

Prolonged power outages are always life-threatening for the sick and elderly, but are made worse by freezing temperatures. In subtropical Houston, temperatures dipped into the teens, while temperatures around Dallas plunged toward zero this morning. Residents have reported temperatures inside their homes are in the 30s and 40s, and they still have no power.

Economically speaking, the catastrophe was caused because power demand peaked as power production plummeted. But what role did lack of preparation and an over-reliance on so-called green energy play? The state had planned to implement 45-minute, rolling blackouts — because those always work so well for California — but was forced instead to cut power to entire regions for extended periods. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, responsible for running the state’s power grid, reported 30,000 megawatts of power generation went offline. For context, they also reported that nearly 70,000 megawatts of power was demanded, a new winter record.

If you believe NPR, most of the outages are at “facilities run by gas, coal or nuclear energy,” a narrative they’ve repeated over and over. Those reports are “false,” according to the Texas Public Policy Foundation. They pointed out gas, coal, or nuclear power plants work just fine in parts of the world much colder than Texas. The real problem, they said, is the state’s reliance on nearly 20,000 megawatts of wind and solar power. Wind power generation bottomed out at 2 percent, creating a system failure that knocked other plants offline, too.

It turns out green energy performs poorly in white-out conditions. This should come as no surprise. National Review’s John Fund pointed out that winter storms freeze wind turbines, and snow blankets disable solar panels. The Center for the American Experiment calculated that, during freezing conditions, wind turbines are a net loss of power because even when they are unable to produce power, they have to consume it to run electric heaters to keep the oil in their housing from freezing.

The lesson here is that green energy production is least available when it is needed most. Even if, by some miracle, America achieves 100 percent renewable energy production, we will need gas, coal, and nuclear-generated power as a backup for when wind and solar generation inevitably goes offline. Advocates believe that renewable energy can be stored in batteries to be used when needed, but the Texas Public Policy Foundation said batteries are an “impractical and expensive” solution. In Texas alone, they estimate the state would need more than 1,000 times its current battery capacity.

While Americans slowly freeze in their homes, President Biden in his first month in office has already aggressively restricted the fossil fuels that could keep them warm. He has revoked the Keystone Pipeline permit, restricted drilling offshore and in Alaska, and closed public lands to fracking. All this is done with an eye towards expanding green energy production. In fact, White House climate czar John Kerry inanely suggested pipeline workers who lost their jobs could make solar panels. But when energy matters most, renewables just can’t cut it. Americans will be forced to rely on foreign dictators to export the oil that will heat their homes. This is simply unacceptable. There is little chance that Americans will warm up to President Biden’s environmental policies.

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Progressive Eco-Group: Renewable Energy is a Hoax

Independent physicist John Droz alerted me to the website of Deep Green Resistance (DGR), an international environmental organization that calls for the total destruction of what it refers to as the “global industrial economy,” a.k.a. capitalism. Given the group’s progressive credentials, its call for dismantling capitalism throughout the world is not surprising.

What is surprising is that in an unusual show of progressive candor, Deep Green Resistance openly acknowledges what skeptical scientists have been saying for more than two decades: that renewable energy is a government-backed hoax that enriches big corporations and green energy investors at the expense of taxpayers and the environment. If you find that admission hard to believe, please keep reading.  The questions and answers below were copied from the organization’s website.

Will green technology save the planet?

No. Wind turbines, solar PV panels, and the grid itself are all manufactured using cheap energy from fossil fuels. When fossil fuel costs begin to rise such highly manufactured items will simply cease to be feasible.

Solar panels and wind turbines aren’t made out of nothing. They are made out of metals, plastics, and chemicals. These products have been mined out of the ground, transported, processed, manufactured. Each stage leaves behind a trail of devastation: habitat destruction, water contamination, colonization, toxic waste, slave labor, greenhouse gas emissions, wars, and corporate profits. [Author’s note: The devastation can be seen in this 3-min. clip from Michael Moore’s renewable energy documentary “Planet of the Humans.”]

The basic ingredients for renewables are the same materials that are ubiquitous in industrial products, like cement and aluminum. No one is going to make cement in any quantity without using the energy of fossil fuels. And aluminum? The mining itself is a destructive and toxic nightmare from which riparian communities will not awaken in anything but geologic time.

From beginning to end, so called “renewable energy” and other “green technologies” lead to the destruction of the planet. These technologies are rooted in the same industrial extraction and production processes that have rampaged across the world for the last 150 years.

We are not concerned with slightly reducing the harm caused by industrial civilization; we are interested in stopping that harm completely. Doing so will require dismantling the global industrial economy, which will render impossible the creation of these technologies.

Will renewable energy save the economy?

Renewable energy technologies rely heavily on government subsidies, taken from taxpayers and given directly to large corporations like General Electric, BP, Samsung, and Mitsubishi. While the scheme pads their bottom lines, it doesn’t help the rest of us.

Further, this is the wrong question to ask. The industrial capitalist economy is dispossessing and impoverishing billions of humans and killing the living world. Renewable energy depends on centralized capital and power imbalance. We don’t benefit from saving that system.

Instead of advocating for more industrial technology, we need to move to local economies based on community decision-making and what our local landbases can provide sustainably. And we need is to stop the global economy on which renewable energy depends.

“Stopping the global economy” means destroying the capitalist system that created here in America the most widespread prosperity the world has ever known. That a progressive eco-group would admit that the true agenda behind the push for renewable energy has nothing to do with “saving the planet” and everything to do with destroying capitalism is quite remarkable. To reinforce its position that renewable energy is a hoax, DGR’s website has a cartoon that shows dollar bills being sucked from a wind turbine directly into the pocket of a fat cat investor in subsidized green energy projects.

The Elmer Gantry of renewable energy

Few insiders have profited more from taxpayer-backed renewable energy projects than Al Gore. When he left the vice presidency in 2001, his net worth was estimated at $1 million to $2 million. Since then, his wealth has skyrocketed to $300 million, and if the climate change legislation he advocates is enacted, the former vice president stands to become a billionaire. Much of his enviable fortune has come from being an inside investor in government-backed renewable energy projects, many of which went belly up after the insiders made off with millions, leaving hard-working U.S. taxpayers stuck with the bill.

Like all wealthy eco-preachers, the Elmer Gantry of renewable energy uses his immense wealth to indulge in lavish living. When asked by Rep. Marsha Blackburn during his 2009 testimony before Congress whether he personally profits from his advocacy of global warming, Pastor Al professed a vow of poverty, and if you’ve never seen video of the tense encounter, you don’t want to miss it: “Every penny I have made I have put into a non-profit deal, the Alliance for Climate Protection, to spread awareness of why we have to take on this challenge. And Congresswoman, if you believe the reason I have been working on this issue for 30 years is out of greed, you do not know me.”

Turned out Rep. Blackburn knows him quite will. As greedy owner of a gargantuan green energy fortune, Pastor Al looked her squarely in the eye and denied making even a penny of profit. If every penny he makes goes into a non-profit deal, how did he end up with $300 million? The same way his alter ego pilfered money from the Lord: by concealing his true stripes.

©John Edison. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Another Expensive Solar Scheme Bites the Dust

Wind Turbines Don’t Even Last 20 Years

Editors Note:  As some at the Arizona Corporation Commission want to take us down the “green” rat hole of subsidies and expensive electricity, we need to learn what has happened in other states, in this case, Minnesota. 

According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), wind turbines are supposed to have a useful lifetime of 20 years, but real-life evidence shows that wind turbines don’t even last this long before they are torn down and repowered so wind companies can soak up more of your tax dollars. This is why Xcel Energy is spending $750 million on repowering wind projects built between 2008 and 2015.

It’s All About the Subsidies, Baby!

Thanks to a subsidy that has been “temporary” since 1992, wind turbines receive a federal tax credit of $24 for every megawatt-hour (MWh) generated. The most recent extension of these “temporary” tax credits locks in wind developments at 60 percent of the original subsidy, or $18 per MWh, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Wind turbines don’t receive this tax subsidy for their entire lives, however. The subsidy expires after the first ten years of a project’s life. Unsurprisingly, a report from Lawrence Berkeley National Labs shows the average age of repowered turbines was 11 years, meaning electric companies are spending millions of dollars to help themselves to more of your tax dollars and increase electricity prices at the same time.

The shorter lifetime of wind turbines may help pad Xcel Energy’s government-guaranteed profits,  but this is bad news for ratepayers because it means electricity generated from wind turbines is much more expensive than advertised.

How Shorter Lifespans Affect the Levelized Cost of Energy

The cost of generating electricity is often expressed using a metric called the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), which attempts to figure out the cost of each energy source per unit of electricity generated. In simpler terms, it is like comparing the cost of driving different cars for each mile driven, taking things into account like up-front cost, gas mileage, and the cost of fuel. The more miles you drive, the lower the cost per mile.

If wind turbines are only operating for half of their original, useful lifetimes, it means they are generating fewer units of electricity, which makes the LCOE of wind much higher than advertised. We can see this in action in the example below.  For this example, I use Region 3 MISW assumptions for capital costs and fixed operational and maintenance costs from Table 3 of the 2021 Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook.

If a wind facility operates for 11 years instead of 20 years, the cost of electricity from the facility increases by $14.01, from $37.57 per MWh to $51.58 per MWh. This represents a 37 percent increase in the cost of wind energy, and it means that new wind is far more expensive than continuing to operate Minnesota’s existing coal, nuclear, and natural gas facilities.


The wind industry is kept afloat by infusions of your money. These infusions come in the form of higher taxes to pay for federal subsidies and the higher electricity prices you pay each month. The fact that Xcel Energy is repowering wind facilities that are less than 10 years old is all the evidence you need to conclude that wind turbines are not the future of energy. Instead of squandering more money on the wind, we should be looking to keep our existing power plants open as long as possible while looking toward a future powered by nuclear, hydro, and carbon capture resources.


This article first appeared on February 10, 2021 at The Center of the American Experiment.

AFL-CIO’s Trumka: Biden Mistake to Kill XL Pipeline

What an absolute fool this man is!  

I had no sooner posted my previous post about the incredible Time magazine story that fingers one of Trumka’s right hand men as the leader of the “conspiracy” to bring down Donald Trump, and we are expected to believe Trumka’s crocodile tears over the loss of thousands of union jobs on the pipeline.

You union idiots who listened to Trumka and voted for Biden deserve what you get!

And, one more thing on the Time publication by reporter Molly Ball.

You were fools to publish it. You ‘smart people’ wanted the world to know how clever you were.

Most Trump-loving Americans would have gone to their graves scratching their heads wondering how you traitorous creeps did it, including the role Trumpka and the unions played, but now we know.

It was a conspiracy to steal the presidency!  

Reap what you sow!

From Breitbart:

AFL-CIO’s Trumka: Killing Keystone Pipeline a Mistake — ‘Will Cost Jobs’

AFL-CIO head Richard Trumka on Sunday voiced his criticism of President Joe Biden’s decision to revoke the permit of the Keystone XL Pipeline, a move that directly eliminates 11,000 jobs and could affect 60,000 more.

Trumka told “Axios on HBO” he thinks it was a mistake to halt the construction because it cost jobs and will cost more down the road. He added he thinks Biden acknowledges he made a mistake.

“I wish [Biden] hadn’t done that on the first day,” Trumka said of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Trumka is left hoping and praying that Chairman Joe will find more jobs! What! Building solar panels!

VIDEO: What is Biden Hiding? Judicial Watch Sues for Solyndra Records of Biden’s Chief of Staff

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Office of Management and Budget and the U.S. Department of Energy to obtain records of communications between Ron Klain, who is now President Biden’s chief of staff, and the agencies about Solyndra (Judicial Watch v. Office of Management and Budget et al.(No. 1:21-cv-00303)).

Solyndra is one of the worst scandals of the Obama era – and Ron Klain, President Biden’s chief of staff, is right in the middle of it. The issue is fresh again given the new administration’s plans to fund more Solyndra-type companies with countless tax dollars.

Solyndra is the solar power company that accepted a loan of half a billion of your taxpayer dollars that were most lost. An Energy Department investigation found that “the actions of certain Solyndra officials were, at best, reckless and irresponsible or, at worst, an orchestrated effort to knowingly and intentionally deceive and mislead the Department.”

In December 2011, we filed separate FOIA lawsuits against the Obama Department of Energy and the Office of Management and Budget to obtain records regarding the taxpayer funded government loan provided to Solyndra.

We have now filed a FOIA suit against the Office of Management and Budget and the U.S. Department of Energy to obtain records of communications between Klain, who is now President Biden’s chief of staff, and the agencies about Solyndra (Judicial Watch v. Office of Management and Budget et al. (No. 1:21-cv-00303)).

We sued after the agencies failed to respond to December 2020 FOIA requests seeking “communications between Klain and any official of the Office of Management and Budget/Department of Energy regarding the solar company Solyndra.” We requested records from January 20, 2009, to January 1, 2011, when Klain was chief of staff to then-Vice President Biden.

In 2011, internal emails reportedly uncovered by investigators for the House Energy and Commerce Committee show the Obama administration was monitoring the progress of the $535 million taxpayer loan, “even as analysts were voicing serious concerns about the risk involved.”

“This deal is NOT ready for prime time,” one White House budget analyst wrote in a March 10, 2009 email, nine days before the administration formally announced the loan.

“If you guys think this is a bad idea, I need to unwind the W[est] W[ing] QUICKLY,” wrote Ronald A. Klain, who was chief of staff to Vice President Joe Biden, in another email sent March 7, 2009. The “West Wing” is the portion of the White House complex that holds the offices of the president and his top staffers.

White House energy adviser Heather Zichal reportedly e-mailed a warning to Klain, Obama aide Valerie Jarrett and Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer: “Here’s the deal: Solyndra is going to announce they are laying off 200 of their 1,200 workers. No es bueno.”

Klain was instrumental in getting President Obama to visit Solyndra. He reportedly wrote to Jarrett:

Sounds like there are some risk factors here, but that’s true of any innovative company POTUS would visit. It looks OK to me. … The reality is that if POTUS visited 10 such places over the next 10 months, probably a few will be belly-up by election day 2012—but that to me is the reality of saying we want to help promote cutting-edge, new-economy industries.

Solyndra later went bankrupt.

Obama and his misdeed continue to haunt the Oval Office.

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

America Was Energy Independent For First Time In 70 Years, Until Biden/Democrats Stole Election

The party of treason are dismantling America brick by bloody brick. And the media asses braying for Biden — we have been destroyed from within.

America Was Energy Independent For First Time In 70 Years, Until Biden Came – Now He Won’t Talk

By BlabberBuzz | Monday, 01 February 2021 23:00

Senate Republicans claim they have been denied their requests to meet with Joe Biden over climate policies they say threaten “thousands of good-paying jobs.”

Senators, led by Dan Sullivan of Alaska and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, had sought the meeting after Biden canceled a permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and ordered a pause in the sale of new oil and gas leases on federal land. He additionally ordered agencies to review dozens of Trump administration regulations and promised “ambitious” new limits on greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles.

On Friday, Sens. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma and Steve Daines of Montana wrote on Twitter the White House had refused the request.

“Considering the effects their radical war on fossil fuels will have on nearly half the country, it is clear Oklahoma jobs are not the priority they should be,” Inhofe tweeted.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed Friday no meeting was planned, though she didn’t explicitly rule one out. Biden is committed to “working and engaging with Democrats and Republicans to address the crises we’re facing, including climate,” Psaki said.

A spokesman for Sullivan, who led the meeting request, said the senator had not received a direct response from the White House.

The senators, many from oil-rich states, proclaim Biden’s early climate and energy decisions run counter to his Inauguration Day promise of unity and his “stated goal of creating good-paying jobs,” particularly for workers in the energy industry.

“You’ve threatened middle-class jobs in the midst of an economy challenged by the pandemic, with no hope in the near future for these workers and their families,” the senators said in a letter to Biden.

Biden’s climate policies have also drawn a skeptical eye from elected Democrats, including the likes of governors of New Mexico and Louisiana, where oil drilling is a prime source of revenue.

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham said she would be “working with the federal administration to make sure New Mexico is protected and secure,” amid Biden’s executive actions.

And Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards noted the state was “concerned” about any moratorium affecting the Gulf of Mexico.

Biden has cast the fight against climate change as an economic opportunity, with the promise to unleash jobs installing solar panels, building wind turbines and weatherizing homes, though the moves will have inevitable effects on oil workers and coal miners.

Republican senators balked at such claims in their meeting request, saying it’s little comfort to workers building pipelines and drilling wells today. “Industries which will create new ‘green jobs’ that can replace the ones lost are still years away from maturing, and provide no immediate hope for our workers,” they said.

“We hope you will convey our sincere disdain for these orders and do everything within your power to protect the energy industry of New Mexico and the thousands of workers who are being negatively impacted,” Dale Janway, the mayor of Carlsbad, New Mexico, said in a letter Thursday to members of the state’s congressional delegation.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

Biden’s climate order HALTING drilling on federal lands KILLS 58K jobs

The Biden Administration’s assault on the energy industry is moving at lightning speed. What a disaster. President Trump warned everyone that this would happen if Joe Biden was elected POTUS.
Beijing Biden administration is a wrecking ball to America. Period. Whoever voted for these destroyers is guilty of “insurrection.”

Biden’s climate order halting drilling on federal lands will kill 58K jobs, oil group warns

By Fox News, January 28, 2021
Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Western Energy Alliance, argued on Thursday that President Biden’s order to halt drilling on federal lands will kill 58,700 jobs in eight states in the West, “where over 97% of the federal production is found.”
Sgamma made the argument on “Fox & Friends” the morning after Biden announced his executive order which the president said, “directs the secretary of the interior to stop issuing new oil and gas leases on public lands and offshore waters.”
“We are going to start properly manage lands and waterways in ways that allow us to protect, preserve the full value that they provide for us for future generations,” President Biden added.
On Wednesday Western Energy Alliance, which represents 200 oil and natural gas companies, filed a lawsuit challenging Biden’s executive order banning oil and natural gas leasing on federal public lands, according to a news release.
The release cited the complaint which, “challenges Biden’s order as exceeding presidential authority and constituting a violation of the Mineral Leasing Act, National Environmental Policy Act, and the Federal Lands Policy and Management Act.”
Sgamma pointed to a study from the American Petroleum Industry, which she noted revealed “about 10.3 million people directly or indirectly derive their wages and income from the oil and natural gas industry.”
She noted that the impact of President Biden’s executive order to halt drilling on federal lands would be “felt the most” in the West, “where there is about 700 million acres of federal land,” stressing that she was referring to “working landscapes in the west that are owned and managed by the federal government.”
She noted that Yosemite National Park and Yellowstone National Park were excluded because they are “protected areas.”
Biden signed a total of 17 executive orders within minutes of entering the Oval Office for the first time on Wednesday. The orders reversed a number of Trump administration policies and covered areas Biden identified as his priorities on the campaign trail, including climate change.
In addition to temporarily suspending oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters, Biden halted the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in the series of orders aimed at tamping down the U.S. fossil fuel industry and combating climate change.
In remarks made by Biden on Wednesday before signing executive actions on tackling climate change, the president pointed to “a key plank” of his Build Back Better Recovery Plan, which he noted “is building a modern, resilient climate infrastructure and clean energy future that will create millions of good-paying union jobs.”
“This notion that killing oil and natural gas is suddenly going to create jobs elsewhere is just a false one,” Sgamma said.
“The energy we use in the United States, over 70% of it comes from oil and natural gas so people still need to drive their cars, they need to heat their homes, they need to turn on the switch and have reliable electricity 24/7,” she continued.


1 Million People Could Lose Their Jobs Thanks to This Move by Biden
BOMBSHELL: Robinhood employee says the White ☭ House pressured HALT of GameStop Trading
Democrats introduce bill to strip President Trump of his government pension
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

Biden Chooses Elites Over Workers

Within hours of saying “So help me God,” the newly minted President Joe Biden, with the stroke of his pen, added thousands of American blue-collar, middle-class workers to the unemployment line while the coronavirus continues to rage.

Among a blizzard of executive orders signed on Inauguration Day afternoon, the president canceled the Keystone XL pipeline under construction to transport Canadian oil to the continental U.S. and halted the building of the wall on the U.S. border with Mexico.

Mr. Biden also re-committed the United States to the spurious Paris Climate Accord that mandates the U.S. and other western industrialized nations—but not China and India, our global economic competitors—to reduce carbon emissions. Also in the works is a moratorium on new energy development leases on federal lands and waters.

Shutting the Keystone pipeline, re-entering the Paris Treaty, and imposing energy moratoriums will make thousands of Americans jobless, increase the price of energy for American households and companies, and make the U.S. more dependent on energy from overseas. This is only the beginning salvo of the Biden administration’s declaration of war on American energy that fuels its job market and economy.

Stopping the completion of the southern border wall is one of many steps President Biden will take to increase illegal immigration, which will harm American jobs and wage growth. It is no coincidence that by the end of 2019, before the pandemic hit, lower immigration contributed to historically low unemployment rates across the board, especially among minority and blue collar workers. Concomitantly, hourly wages for Americans had the largest growth in decades.

The great labor union leaders of yesteryear such as John L. Lewis, Lane Kirkland, Leon Bates, and so many others must be turning in their graves. At least some of their successors are rightly critical.

Terry O’Sullivan, for instance, the General President of the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA), called Biden’s Keystone cancellation “insulting and disappointing to the thousands of hard-working LIUNA members who will lose good-paying, middle-class family-supporting jobs. By blocking this 100 percent union project and pandering to environmental extremists, a thousand union jobs will immediately vanish and 10,000 additional jobs will be forgone.”

Mr. Sullivan further pointed out that the pipeline would eventually have been operated by the T.C. Energy company using renewable energy, and that there are no renewable energy jobs that come even close to replacing the wages and benefits being lost by his union members. He hopes that the Biden administration “will not continue to allow environmental extremists to control our country’s energy agenda at the expense of union construction workers being forced to the unemployment lines.”

Such hope is a vain exercise. Environmental extremists indeed control President Joe Biden, as his early, cold-blooded actions reveal.

For example, Bill McKibben is thrilled, precisely because he’s one of those “environmental extremists” President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are so eager to please over the interests of working people. Mr. McKibben, you may remember, heads the Green group “350.org” and was portrayed as an elitist hypocrite in the Michael Moore filmPlanet of the Humans, which exposed the fallacy of “renewable energy.”

In celebrating the Keystone cancellation, McKibben pointed out that it is the latest victory in “these infrastructure battles,” in which the Greens also have “added delay and cost to these projects.”

Then there is the nation’s largest business lobby, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which revealed its schizophrenia over Biden’s day-one assault on the American economy. The Chamber supports re-entry to the Paris agreement, but at least acknowledged that shutting the Keystone project “is a politically motivated decision that is not grounded in science [and] will harm consumers and put thousands of Americans in the building trades out of work.”

There also are serious foreign policy implications with the Keystone cancellation and other climate actions. Candidate Biden promised to take “immediate steps to renew [our] alliances [and] protect our economic future.” Yet he immediately poked the eye of Canada, one of our closest allies, while oil-producing nations like Russia and Iran stand to gain economically.

Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, who was never a friend of the Trump administration, criticized Biden’s action on Keystone. Count on our northern neighbor to respond by putting more of its fossil fuel abundance on westbound trains for overseas shipment to China and other eastern nations. A further irony is that transporting oil by rail and cargo ships is far less environmentally friendly than by pipeline.

President Biden is off to an ominous beginning with his executive orders on climate and energy. CFACT warned early and often this was coming. His actions reveal he cares more for the concerns of politically powerful environmental elites than for the livelihoods of American workers and consumers who will pay with their lost jobs and higher energy costs.

Fasten your seatbelts, America. There is plenty more to come, and it won’t be pretty.


This article originally appeared in CFACT on January 26, 2021, and is reproduced with permission. CFACT is the Committee for A Constructive Tomorrow.

John Kerry Says Of Fired Energy Workers ‘Let Them Make Solar Panels’

We should not be surprised by these egregious statements from John Kerry. Kerry is one of the most detestable politicians we have ever seen. He was an awful secretary of state. And he will cause significant economic damage to America as President Biden’s climate czar.
America has no greater enemy than the Democrat party of treason and destruction.

THIS IS REAL: John Kerry Says Fired Energy Workers Can Simply ‘Go Make Solar Panels’

By Sean Hannity, January 27, 2021
White House Climate Czar John Kerry spoke with reporters during a daily press briefing Wednesday; telling recently fired energy workers they can simply “go build solar panels” under the Biden administration.
“There are people who will hear this message that they will see an end to their livelihoods. What do you say to them?” asked on reporter. “What is your message to them right now?”
“What President Biden wants to do is make sure that those folks have better choices… That they can be the people to go to work to make the solar panels,” said Kerry.
“The same people can do those jobs!” he added.

RELATED VIDEO: Biden willing to sacrifice American jobs in attempt to fulfill climate fantasies

RELATED ARTICLE: MORE FRAUD: More Than Half Of Joe Biden’s Twitter Followers Are FAKE, Just Created in January
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BIDEN’S FOLLY: Trying to Control the Weather [a.k.a. Climate]

“Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get.” – Mark Twain
“Climate change is sometimes misunderstood as being about changes in the weather. In reality it is about changes in our very way of life.” – Paul Polman
“’Climate change’ gives the Left a ‘moral’ code, a kind of pseudo religion, without the reasoning that animates true religion.” – Hadley Arkes

Climate change is about control of every aspect of our lives, liberties and pursuit of happiness.
I have learned three things about the weather (a.k.a. climate):

  1. The weather/climate changes.
  2. These changes in the weather/climate are cyclical natural cycles (eg. summer, fall, winter, spring).
  3. There is absolutely nothing mankind can do to change these natural cycles.

Biden’s Climate Change Folly

It appears that Biden has taken a bite of the climate change apple. He wants to immediately stop everything we do in our lives in order to “save the planet” from ourselves.
Among the evil things that we Americans do is:

  1. Drive cars powered by gasoline or diesel engines.
  2. Heat our homes with oil, natural gas and electricity from power plants fueled by natural gas, oil, coal and nuclear reactors.
  3. Buy plastic products, which are made from oil.
  4. Use power sources other than wind and solar.
  5. Believe that no-one can change the weather/climate by government edict.

In a National Review column Biden’s Climate-Change Folly wrote:

The “C” in Climate Stands for Control

If you want to take control of any culture you must have a crisis. For Democrats and Biden that crisis is climate change. In a column titled Scapegoating “White Christians” for Climate Change Jerry Newcomb wrote:

California, Oregon, and Washington State are burning—and it’s all the fault of “white Christians.” So says a professor at Oregon State University because “white Christians” are “science-deniers” who don’t believe in catastrophic man-made global warming.

White Christians? How is blaming white Christians science?


The truth is that climate change is neither catastrophic nor man-made.
Rather is is mankind that has created ways to stop flooding, cull forests to reduce the possibility of massive fires, invented ways to provide cheap and reliable power that has taken many individuals and nations out of poverty.
Energy is key to any healthy society. Take away cheap and reliable energy and you have what we are seeing in California’s brown outs.
Killing the energy industry is killing American jobs and making American dependent on either unreliable power sources (wind and solar) or making us energy dependent on other nations like those in the Middle East.
Cheap reliable American power is a national security imperative.
Take away our energy and you drain the life blood of our economy and people.
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Illegitimate ‘President’ Biden to STOP oil and gas sales on public lands

EVERY action of the fraudulent administration is hostile to Americans.

Biden issues 60 day moratorium on federal land drilling – despite saying he would NEVER ban fracking – after killing thousands of jobs by canceling the $9BN Keystone XL pipeline

  • The Biden administration is expected to announce a temporary suspension of new oil and gas leasing on U.S. federal lands and waters on Wednesday
  • President Joe Biden will make the announcement as part of a second batch of executive orders aimed at combating climate change
  • The policy is an abrupt about-face from his predecessor Donald Trump who sought to maximize the country’s oil, gas and coal output
  • Biden had vowed to ban new federal oil and gas drilling during his campaign for the White House
  • The orders will impact large swathes of acreage onshore in mostly Western states, as well as offshore drilling acreage located mainly in the Gulf of Mexico
  • It could lead to the loss of 2.8 million jobs directly linked to the industries

By Associated Press and James Gordon For Dailymail.com, 26 January 2021
President Joe Biden is set to announce a wide-ranging moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on U.S. lands and waters, as his administration moves quickly to reverse Trump administration policies on energy and the environment and address climate change – but it will also lead to the loss of tens of thousands of jobs.
Two people with knowledge of Biden´s plans outlined the proposed moratorium, which will be announced Wednesday. They asked not to be identified because the plan has not been made been public; some details remain in flux.
The move follows a 60-day suspension of new drilling permits for U.S. lands and waters announced last week and follows Biden´s campaign pledge to halt new drilling on federally controlled land and water as part of his plan to address climate change.
The Biden administration is expected to announce a temporary suspension of new oil and gas leasing on U.S. federal lands and waters on Wednesday
The moratorium is intended to allow time for officials to review the impact of oil and gas drilling on the environment and climate.
Environmental groups hailed the expected moratorium as the kind of urgent action needed to slow climate change.

‘The fossil fuel industry has inflicted tremendous damage on the planet. The administration´s review, if done correctly, will show that filthy fracking and drilling must end for good, everywhere,’ said Kierán Suckling, executive director at the Center for Biological Diversity, an environmental group that has pushed for the drilling pause.
Oil industry groups, however, slammed the move, saying Biden had already eliminated thousands of oil and gas jobs by killing the Keystone XL oil pipeline on his first day in office.
President Joe Biden will make the announcement as part of a second batch of executive orders aimed at combating climate change
‘This is just the start. It will get worse,’ said Brook Simmons, president of the Petroleum Alliance of Oklahoma. ‘Meanwhile, the laws of physics, chemistry and supply and demand remain in effect. Oil and natural gas prices are going up, and so will home heating bills, consumer prices and fuel costs.’
‘In the first couple of days of the new administration, they are taking actions that will harm the economy and cost Americans their jobs,’ said Frank Macchiarola, a senior vice president of policy for the American Petroleum Institute. ‘We’re concerned, and everyone in the country should be concerned.’
A 2017 report produced by the American Petroleum Institute (API), a trade and lobbying association, suggests nearly 2.8 million jobs are directly linked to fossil fuels with a further 5.3 million in sectors sustained by the spending of oil and gas companies.


RELATED ARTICLE: Republicans press Beijing Biden’s disastrous cabinet pick for energy secretary Janet Granholm at confirmation hearing
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

Expert: Biden Actions Against American Oil, Gas Energy Production Could Kill as Many as 1 Million Jobs

Watch the video from Ezra Levant below. Americans who work in the energy industry are in for the fight of their lives over the next four years. President Trump warned us that Joe Biden would relentlessly attack the energy industry if elected POTUS, because of the voting power that the far-Left environmentalists have in the Democrat Party. Joe Biden even admitted in the second presidential debate, that he would transition America from oil (here) if elected POTUS. Sadly, not enough Americans listened to Joe Biden’s statements. How can any rational American who works in the energy sector vote for this?

Expert: Biden Actions Against American Oil, Gas Energy Production Could Kill as Many as 1 Million Jobs

By Breitbart, January 24, 2021

Frank Macchiarola, senior vice president of Policy, Economics and Regulatory Affairs at the American Petroleum Institute (API), said in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday with host Matt Boyle that if President Joe Biden puts a permanent ban on oil and gas development on federal waters and land, it could cost 1 million American jobs.

Boyle asked Macchiarola about the significance of Biden revoking the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline and putting a 60-day pause on federal land leasing in his first days in office.
“I think the first four days of the Biden Administration have given a clear picture of what the next four years could look like,” he said. “President Biden comes into office with a real economic headwind and a difficult labor market but at the same time he inherited an energy [landscape] that’s stronger because of America’s shale revolution.”
“We’ve produced lower household energy costs as a result of U.S. energy and less reliance on foreign energy sources,” Macchiarola added.

“The president has a choice to make: He can maintain U.S. leadership and maintain and support our economic recovery with American energy or he can pursue policies that destroy jobs and at the same time increase energy imports,” he further asserted.

“The first few days should concern all Americans because the administration is clearly taking actions that are going to harm the economy and cost Americans jobs,” Macchiarola said.
As Breitbart News reported, shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline will cost 11,000 jobs directly and as many as 60,000 indirect jobs.
The federal ban presents an even more staggering number, Macchiarola asserted.
“The full scale ban of development on federal lands you can bet the impact could be up to a million jobs in the United States,” he said.
The Keystone decision also affects our relationship with Canada and the U.S. economy.
“Two of the major components of the inauguration address and of the priorities of the new administration, No. 1 is rebuilding alliances and No. 2 strengthening our economy,” Macchiarola said. “With this decision that heads in the opposite direction on both of those priorities.”
It could also cost the U.S. $2 billion in wages, he said.

‘On the Table’ – Pete Buttigieg Says Gasoline Tax Hike Possible
Biden Rescinds Trump Order Banning Chinese Communist Involvement In US Power Grid
Bejing Biden’s ENERGY BAN Devastates New Mexico’s Economy
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

Backers of the (Arizona) Corp Comm Green New Deal Think That Legislators Are Too Stupid to Handle Energy Policy

Supporters of the Arizona Corporation Commission’s plan to impose the Green New Deal and ban all fossil fuels are up in arms this week. The reason? The legislature has decided to exert their constitutional authority and make it clear that they are in charge of setting energy policy for the state.

This week the Arizona House and Senate are hearing HB 2248 and SB 1175, legislation that would prohibit the Corp Comm from adopting any policy or rule regulating distributed energy without legislative authorization. Several interest groups and Green New Deal activists have signed in against the bill, and they have coalesced around one argument: legislators aren’t smart enough to handle energy policy. This is a topic that should be left up to the “experts” over at the ACC.

Just a cursory look through the comments submitted to Request to Speak, the legislative system used to register support or opposition to a bill, catalog dozens of statements ranging from condescending to insulting.

Here is just a small sample of the vitriol sent their way:

Lawmakers Are Too Dumb to Understand Energy Policy

“The ACC is independently elected to make energy decisions because they are more knowledgeable than legislators!”

“ACC, not state reps, have focus & expertise to determine energy issues.”

Apparently legislators are competent enough to decide tax policy, create the state’s budget, criminal code, and legislate on other complex issues, but when it comes to energy policy our elected legislative body is not qualified enough.

Will of the Voters! Except for the Steyer Initiative, That Doesn’t Count

“This bill proposes to disrespect the will of the voters who strongly supported Clean Energy”

“The ACC Rules being considered have been properly vetted and have strong public support. This bill is legislative overreach.”

It was only two years ago when Arizonans overwhelmingly rejected Proposition 127, a ballot measure that would have imposed Green New Deal energy mandates very similar to what is being proposed by the ACC. Voters have spoken on the issue, and it wasn’t to have the Corp Comm install a sweeping energy plan that will raise utility prices and cause rolling blackouts in the state.

Arizona Should Adopt California-Style Energy Mandates

“Clean energy is good for Arizona. It keeps electricity costs lower, consistent, predictable and reliable over the long term. Being a solar leader gives us more energy independence and control. This is not the Legislature’s job.”

California tried the same plan, and what was the result? After weeks of rolling blackouts Governor Gavin Newsom was forced to beg residents to limit the use of their appliances and turn up their air conditioning thermostats. It got so bad that Newsom suspended the closure of several natural gas power plants that were scheduled for closure.

The Legislature Needs to Butt Out and Let the ACC Run Wild


While the constitution does say that the Corp Comm “may prescribe… and make and enforce reasonable rules, regulations, and orders for the convenience, comfort, and safety, and the preservation of the health, of the employees and patrons,” it also makes it clear that the Legislature has the final say. In the recent Johnson Utilities court decision, Arizona Supreme Court unanimously held that the legislature’s authority over the public health and wellbeing of Arizonans “is paramount” to that of the Commission’s on matters of policy.

As HB 2248 and SB 1175 move forward, it will be interesting to see how lawmakers respond to being told that they are stupid and should stand in the corner while the Corp Comm attempts to set energy policy for the state. Hopefully it will stiffen their resolve to do the right thing: stopping the Green New Deal in Arizona.

This article from the Arizona Free Enterprise Club was originally published on January 20, 2021 and is republished with permission.

3 Harmful Consequences of Biden Killing the Keystone XL Pipeline

From CO2 emissions to jobs to investment, the president’s move will have the opposite of its intended effect.

President Joe Biden wasted no time after Wednesday’s inaugural ceremonies before getting to work. He signed 17 executive orders and memorandums—by far the most in history on a president’s first day—one of which halted construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, which would have carried crude oil from Canada through the US.

“Construction on the long disputed Keystone XL oil pipeline halted Wednesday as incoming U.S. President Joe Biden revoked its permit on his first day in office,” the Associated Press reports. “The 1,700-mile (2,735-kilometer) pipeline was planned to carry roughly 800,000 barrels of oil a day from Alberta to the Texas Gulf Coast, passing through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma.”

This is just the latest—but likely final—development in a long fight over this project. The Keystone pipeline was first commissioned in 2010, but this part of it, the XL pipeline, was blocked by the Obama administration in 2015. Then, President Trump reversed course in 2017 and, after lengthy legal challenges, finally paved the way for it to proceed. But sadly, Biden’s latest decision is likely the end of this years-long fight.

“We will begin a safe and orderly shut-down of construction,” Keystone XL President Richard Prior said.

Biden’s rationale for shutting down the project is clear. He believes that carbon emissions and climate change pose a grave threat to the environment and the economy. Thus, the president hopes to block more use of fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions by thwarting this project.

“The Keystone XL pipeline disserves the U.S. national interest,” Biden wrote in his executive order. “The United States and the world face a climate crisis. That crisis must be met with action on a scale and at a speed commensurate with the need to avoid setting the world on a dangerous, potentially catastrophic, climate trajectory.”

“Leaving the Keystone XL pipeline permit in place would not be consistent with my Administration’s economic and climate imperatives,” the president concluded.

Biden’s “solution” here is to use the power of the federal government to spike a massive economic project years in the making. His benign intentions will not ameliorate the lasting fallout from the many unintended consequences this intervention will surely bring.

Here are three key ways Biden’s move to block the Keystone pipeline will backfire.

Blocking the Keystone XL Pipeline May Actually Increase CO2 Emissions

Even those who share Biden’s goal of reducing CO2 emissions shouldn’t support his move to block the pipeline. Blocking its construction will, most likely, lead to higher emissions, not a reduction.


Well, Keystone had already promised to use green technology and eliminate all CO2 emissions from its operations by 2030. And it’s not as if blocking this pipeline will actually mean the oil doesn’t get transported. It will just have to be transported by more costly, less efficient measures like rail shipping.

“The Obama State Department found five separate times that the pipeline would have no material impact on greenhouse gas emissions since crude would still be extracted,” the Wall Street Journal editorial board explains. “Shipping bitumen by rail or tanker would result in 28% to 42% higher CO2 emissions and more leaks.”

Ironically, this unintended consequence will likely mean that more carbon gets emitted—the exact opposite of Biden’s goal.

Any time the government steps in and squashes economic investment, job losses are sure to follow. Biden’s blocking of the Keystone XL pipeline is no exception.

If allowed to go through, the pipeline project would have created 11,000 jobs and $1.6 billion in wages, according to Fox Business. These gains will all now be lost. Biden regularly says he wants his environmental policies to create good-paying, union jobs— but what the president just did will accomplish the opposite. This is why even left-wing elected officials like Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau oppose Biden’s decision.

Regulatory Uncertainty Will Discourage Future Business Investment

If there’s one thing that’s bad for investment, it’s uncertainty. And that’s exactly what Keystone has faced thanks to the federal government’s knee-jerk reversals and regulatory whiplash.

Yes, you can build it. Wait, no you can’t. Yes, actually you can. Wait, never mind, now it’s blocked again.

“It is impossible for American businesses to make big, long-term investments in a political environment in which every project is up for renegotiation — or summary economic execution — every time the White House changes hands,” the National Review editorial board wisely warns. “Surely, in a continental nation as vast as ours, with an economy as complex as ours, it shouldn’t be possible for one man serving a short term in a temporary elected office to undo years of work and billions of dollars in investment. This is pure foolishness, and it will cost us.”

Biden says he wants to promote economic growth and investment. But if this kind of whipsawing regulatory reversal pervades the new president’s tenure, businesses will—quite understandably—end up reducing their investments to account for such uncertainty.

The Big Picture: Big Unintended Consequences Will Always Plague Big Government

Even the smartest and most brilliant bureaucrats and elected officials will never be able to issue sweeping economic diktats from offices in Washington, D.C. without incurring massive unintended consequences. It’s simply impossible for any centralized authority to have enough knowledge of vast industries and complex situations across the continent to effectively account for all variable and potential outcomes.

“Every human action has both intended and unintended consequences,” economist Antony Davies and political scientist James Harrigan explain. “Human beings react to every rule, regulation, and order governments impose, and their reactions result in outcomes that can be quite different than the outcomes lawmakers intended.”

The Biden administration’s decision to block the Keystone XL pipeline will, no doubt, provide a poignant example of when big government goes wrong. But it would be a mistake to think these shortcomings are specific to President Biden, environmental policy, or oil pipelines.

Central planners will always end up missing the nail when they swing the hammer—because they’re working while blindfolded.


This article was first published on January 21 2021 by the Foundation for Economic Education, FEE and is hereby reproduced with permission.

China Loves Coal Far More Than Wind

We have all heard about China building a lot of coal plants, but the central role coal plays in their booming economy is amazing. It is a big reason they are the world’s leading manufacturer. China generates almost twice as much electricity as the U.S. China generates more from cheap coal than we do from all sources. This makes them very competitive industrially.

China has some wind power but they are smart enough not to let it get in their way (unlike us). Renewables are driving our power costs through the roof, while China wisely wallows in cheap juice.

By way of scale, not too long ago the U.S. burned about a billion tons of coal a year to make electricity. We generated about 2,000-gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity from coal, roughly half of our total 4,000 GWh. The foolish war on coal has reduced that to around 600 million tons, with further reductions scheduled.

By a strange coincidence, just the time when coal use switched from growing to shrinking, about 12 years ago, America’s use of electric power also stopped growing. It has remained at about 4,000 GWh ever since. Perhaps new energy-intensive industrial developments were all switched from America to China in anticipation of the US juice price increases that followed.

China on the other hand now generates a whopping 7,500 GWh of electricity, or just under twice what America does. That’s right, they produce almost twice as much power as we do.

Even worse, less than 25% of our electricity goes for industrial uses, while a reported 70% of China’s juice use is industrial. That is roughly 1,000 GWh in America versus 5,000 in China, or five times as much industrial use of electricity. Small wonder that China makes most of the products we use (and pay them for).

Moreover, most of China’s vast power generation is from coal. Of their 7,500 GWh just about 5,000 GWh, or fully two-thirds, is powered by cheap coal. By coincidence, they equal their entire industrial use. Or maybe it is not a coincidence; it may be how they remain so competitive in the global economy.

In any case, China is generating more electricity with coal than America is from all sources combined. That is a lot of coal juice. China’s booming economy basically runs on coal.

When it comes to wind power the story is very different. China does have some, in fact, they produce about 400 GWH from wind or around 5% of the total. This may be just a token amount, although it is growing, as are all forms of power generation.

What is most interesting is the reported “capacity factor” for wind power. The capacity factor (CF) is the ratio of how much power is produced in a year to how much could be produced if the generators ran full power all the time. The latter is called nameplate capacity, so CF equals power produced divided by nameplate, expressed as a percentage.

Because wind is intermittent its CF is pretty low, typically 30 to 35% in the U.S. But China reports a wind CF of less than 20%! The reason is an important part of China’s economic success. Unlike us, they wisely do not curtail coal fired power production just to make room for wind power when the wind happens to be blowing.

So China uses wind power if they need it, but not otherwise. We on the other hand actually throttle back our coal and gas-fired power plants, when wind power is there, which is really stupid.

China is generating almost twice as much electricity as America and two-thirds of that juice is coming from coal. The wind is a token generator at 5% and is not allowed to interfere with coal power. Anyone who thinks China is going to phase out coal for wind is simply green dreaming. Coal is central to China’s power.

This article was first published by CFACT.ORG on January 11, 2021 and is reproduced with permission.

LET THEM EAT CAKE: Buttigieg Says Tens of Thousands Of Keystone Workers Need to Get ‘Different’ Union Jobs

Every Democrat action is an attack on Americans. Every action is anti-American.

Buttigieg acknowledges Keystone workers may need to get ‘different’ union jobs

By Fox News, January 21, 2021
Transportation Secretary nominee Pete Buttigieg claimed Thursday that President Biden‘s decision to block the Keystone XL Pipeline is part of a broader plan that will end up being a net positive for employment, despite union outrage based on the loss of more than a thousand jobs.
Biden revoked a necessary cross-border permit for the pipeline in an executive order on Wednesday, one of more than a dozen actions he took during his first hours in office. Construction on the project had stopped earlier in the day in anticipation of the move.
“Environmental ideologues have now prevailed, and over a thousand union men and women have been terminated from employment on the project,” North America’s Building Trades Unions said in a statement following Biden’s action.
Asked about this at his confirmation hearing by Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, Buttigieg was optimistic that these losses will be offset by new positions created as the new administration shifts towards climate-conscious goals.
“I believe that the president’s climate vision will create more jobs on that,” the former mayor of South Bend, Ind. said. “And I think it’s going to be very important to work with him and work with Congress to make sure that we can deliver on that promise too. That on that, more good-paying union jobs will be created in the context of the climate and infrastructure work that we have before us than has been impacted by other decisions.”
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, pressed Buttigieg on what this actually means.
“So for those workers, the answer is somebody else will get a job?” Cruz asked.
“The answer is we are very eager to see those workers continue to be employed in good-paying union jobs, even if they might be different ones,” Buttigieg said.
The Keystone XL Pipeline project was initially proposed in 2008 and has volleyed back and forth as the fossil fuel and industry and climate activists battle over energy policies. President Barack Obama rejected the project in 2015, but President Donald Trump gave it the green light shortly into his tenure in the Oval Office.


RELATED ARTICLE: Report: Biden Killed 52K American Jobs On Day 1 In Office

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