Biden calling Putin a ‘war criminal’ is like the pot calling the kettle black thumbnail

Biden calling Putin a ‘war criminal’ is like the pot calling the kettle black

By Dr. Rich Swier

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. said of Putin’s mass slaughter of civilians by Russian-controlled troops in the town of Bucha, northwest of Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv, “He is a war criminal…This guy is brutal…I think it is a war crime…He should be held accountable.”

On Feb. 18, 2022 the New York Times reported, “President Biden said Russia would target Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, in the coming week. The Russian president said earlier Friday [February 18th] that he [Putin] was still open to diplomacy.”

In a February 17th, 2022 video (below) Biden states that there is a “high risk” of an invasion but that he “has no plans to call Putin. I won’t call Putin.”


If Putin is a war criminal then so to is Biden.

Both Biden and Putin must be held accountable. Biden for his inaction and Putin for his actions.

Appeasement starts wars. Weakness starts wars. Inaction starts wars. 

Biden was weak and Putin knew it. Biden is the Neville Chamberlain of our time.

At least Chamberlain met with Adolf Hitler over the Nazi’s intent to seize the Sudetenland. At a meeting in Munich, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain negotiated what he famously called “peace for our time.” In the end Chamberlain allowed Hitler to dismember Czechoslovakia, which eventually led to the invasion of Poland from September 1st, 1939 – October 6th, 1939 and the beginning of WWII.

Biden is the third “progressive” president who will start yet another world war.

Biden is worse than Chamberlain in that he is not openly confronting Putin. Biden won’t go mano-a-mano with Putin, even by phone. Why? Because Biden is weak.

Today, due to Biden and his administrations weakness, war crimes have been committed. Both Biden and Putin have blood on their hands.

What did Biden expect a peaceful turn over of Ukraine to Russia like Chamberlain turned over the Sudetenland to Hitler?

Remember after Hitler saw weakness from Great Britain, America, and France he decided to invade Poland.

Today it’s Poland and the Polish people who are doing more to help Ukraine and the Ukranian people than Biden, the European nations and NATO.

We predict that our other enemies China and Iran will take advantage of a feckless Biden and his incompetent administration.

Iran already has the advantage with Biden’s Iran Nuclear Deal which includes taking the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) off of the U.S. terrorist organizations’ list.

The Bottom Line

In an April 4th, 2022 CaucusRoom post Connie Weiss wrote:

Border Patrol is expecting so many illegal crossings after Biden lifts Title 42, the administration is considering deploying a “pre-screening” app as an “easy way for folks to get in.” Under this plan, illegal immigrants would enter with “minimal biometric data and vetting” and without even confirming the right name or date of birth before being released.

Once Title 42 is lifted the Russian Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (KGB), China’s Ministry of State Security and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) militants can use Biden’s new “prescreening app” to expedite their collective invasion of America.

The GOP Times reported,

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned that if peace talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin fail, it will mark the start of ‘a third World War’.”

Fecklessness on the part of America always leads to a world war.

History tells us so as two progressive presidents stood on the sidelines. The first was Progressive Party President Woodrow Wilson when Germany started WWI and Democrat Party President Franklin D. Roosevelt when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, nearly two years after the invasion of Poland.

WWI started because of militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism. Russia, China and Iran are displaying to the world their militarism, Russia/Iran/China have formed a long time alliance, Iran and China, along with Russia, have imperialist objectives and are all radical national socialists. In the case of China and Russia they are radical Communist nationalists. In the case of Iran they are radical Islamic nationalists.

These same ideologies are happening today and Biden is not addressing any of them with his foreign policy positions. Thus history may repeat itself.

Gird your loins. The 2022 Russian invasion of the Ukraine looks eerily like the 1939 Nazi invasion of Poland.

WWIII may start soon, followed by WWIV in the Middle East between Iran and a Arab/Israeli alliance, and WWV between Taiwan and China in the Pacific theatre.

Biden is letting all of this happen while he fiddles and watches the world burn This is why we believe that Biden is a war criminal.

Gird your loins. Hell is coming our way and there’s no one in Washington, D.C. doing a damn thing to stop it.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED TWEET: Why is Biden kneeling? Is he surrendering?

Unclear why Joe Biden keeps taking a knee in formal photos — but doing it in a photo with Navy sailors is bizarre

— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) April 4, 2022


The Shrinking U.S. Navy – The Biden budget would build nine ships next year but retire 24.

The Marines Are Reforming to Prepare for War With China

RELATED PODCAST: When will Biden’s invasion turn violent?

Marxists Are Killing Each Other to Control America’s Cocaine Market thumbnail

Marxists Are Killing Each Other to Control America’s Cocaine Market

By Jihad Watch

The deadliest Marxist guerrilla force is fighting the biggest socialist regime.

“Socialism, this is the path to save the planet, I don’t have the least doubt. Capitalism is the road to hell,” Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez told the 2009 Copenhagen climate conference.

Rhetoric like that won the socialist dictator the admiration of socialists from Barack Obama to Noam Chomsky. But the dirty little secret of the socialist revolution in Venezuela was that it was a front for a massive drug smuggling operation. Chavez and his successor, Nicolas Maduro, gutted Venezuela’s rich oil resources and turned the country into a socialist drug cartel.

“Venezuela and its revolution will endure under the proven leadership of vice president Maduro,” Sean Penn promised. The population has fled or is starving, but the revolution endures.

In 2020, Maduro and top officials of his regime were indicted in the United States as leaders of the Cartel de los Soles for conspiring with FARC to smuggle tons of cocaine to the United States. Venezuela’s biggest asset was its border with Colombia. Cuba, which had backed FARC and other narcoterrorists in Colombia, scored a big win with the socialist takeover in Venezuela.

FARC, a Marxist-Leninist narcoterrorist group, coordinated with Venezuela’s government to smuggle drugs to Cuba and from there to the United States. Every day planes take off from Venezuela delivering hundreds of tons of Colombian cocaine each year meant for America.

Hugo Chavez once claimed that capitalism destroyed Mars. There’s no word on that, but his brand of socialism certainly destroyed Venezuela taking it from prosperity to starvation.

And it’s destroying the rest of the region.

Marxists smuggling cocaine aren’t exactly showcasing an ideal alternative socialist economic system to free enterprise. The Colombian-Venezuelan drug route is being threatened, not by Colombia which was pressured by Obama into giving in to FARC, but by two groups of Marxist-Leninist coke fiends who are fighting it out over the drug trade like filthy capitalists.

The National Liberation Army (ELN), a Marxist-Leninist terror group set up by the Cubans, has been fighting a FARC splinter group known as the 10th Front or the Eastern Bloc. Both leftist terror groups are Marxist-Leninist in orientation, although ELN has a lot more liberation theology in the mix, and both make their money from drugs and the occasional kidnapping.

ELN and the 10th Front aren’t fighting over ideological differences, but over drugs and money.

A fawning article in Jacobin magazine describes ELN as a “group of students” who were “inspired by the Cuban Revolution, Che Guevara, and Liberation Theology”. The four page article never mentions cocaine even though that’s what ELN actually does. Last year, Colombia seized $300 million in cocaine from the Marxist-Leninist narcoterrorist organization.

Che would be proud.

After FARC’s implosion as a viable force, Venezuela’s government formed a drug smuggling alliance with ELN. That drew it into a conflict with the 10th Front which is now conducting a guerrilla war against Venezuela. After a long alliance, FARC and Venezuela are fighting each other with the most fearsome Marxist guerrilla force in the region fighting the leading Socialist regime. The same forces that had terrorized Colombia for so long have turned on each other.

Venezuelan soldiers are dying in border clashes, and invading Colombia to terrorize local villagers in the hopes of shutting down the ELN’s Marxist drug rivals. They’re getting blown up, ambushed, and shot up when they’re not being hit with human rights violations complaints.

It’s socialism at its finest.

The 10th Front is allied with Brazil’s Red Command which was born as a prison pact between Communists and criminals under the slogan, “Peace, Justice and Freedom”. Red Command is involved in Brazil’s drug trafficking at every level from slum dealing to club parties for the children of the elite. The Red Command helps the 10th Front remain in the field even though Cuba is on the side of Venezuela and the ELN narcoterrorists that it had originally set up.

Neither side is even bothering to pretend that this is about any kind of ideological differences.

What’s at stake here is a simple matter of market economics. Americans spend about $25 billion on coke every year. Moving drugs through Central America to the Caribbean provides a piece of not only the American, but the European cocaine market. The rival Marxist drug smugglers are competing to be the exclusive suppliers of Colombian cocaine to that huge market.

Think of it as the cola wars, but with actual cocaine. The glorious Marxist revolution is down to two groups of Marxist-Leninists killing each other to make a killing on cocaine in California.

It’s like Coke vs. Pepsi if both companies were run by Marxist druglord terrorists.

When Obama pushed Colombia to cut a peace deal with FARC and then cut off the flow of Cuban refugees, he also helped restart the flow of cocaine to America from Cuba. The subsequent collapse of Venezuela’s economy and its oil industry has left it few options. Smuggling cocaine takes a lot less skill than refining crude or running a country. And Venezuela’s military makes it the best armed drug cartel in the hemisphere, if not the planet.

Which other drug cartel in the region has its own attack helicopters to deploy in the field?

But Venezuelan soldiers are paid with food and worthless scrip. FARC and ELN recruits are often local peasants who are kidnapped and drafted into the fight. The real money goes to the elites on both sides of a drug war that is now a cocaine civil war between narcosocialists.

Karl Marx claimed that capitalism was destined to destroy itself. Instead, Marxist regimes and movements hold the world record for self-destruction. South of the border the Marxists who once won the hearts of the American Left have become drug dealers shooting it out in the jungle over who gets a cut of the cocaine that ends up in the noses of their Yankee comrades.

Marx had metaphorically called religion the opiate of the masses. Marxism has become the actual cocaine of the masses. Just ask the Marxist-Leninists kidnapping, torturing and killing each other to socialize the cocaine market.



Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

New Iran Nuclear Deal Will Permit Iranian Terrorists into U.S. thumbnail

New Iran Nuclear Deal Will Permit Iranian Terrorists into U.S.

By The Geller Report

The Democrats present the gravest threat to this great nation.

New Iran nuclear deal could allow Iranian terrorists into US

Removal of sanctions on IRGC will permit terror-tied Iranians to enter the country.

By Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon

The Biden administration’s new nuclear accord with Iran is likely to include a loophole that will “allow Iranian nationals linked to terrorism to enter and stay in the United States,” according to a new Republican-authored policy analysis circulating on Capitol Hill and reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

With negotiations over a revamped nuclear deal inching closer to completion, the Biden administration is considering a concession that will remove Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) from the U.S.-designated terrorist list…

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Islamic Nationalist Revolt’ in Israel has Begun

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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VIDEO: Tommy Robinson Deported from Mexico then Assaulted by Manchester Police thumbnail

VIDEO: Tommy Robinson Deported from Mexico then Assaulted by Manchester Police

By Dr. Rich Swier

Tommy was deported from Mexico at the behest of the British Government because he was deemed a “national security threat”. When he arrived back in the UK Police officer Smith decided to assault Tommy, probably in the hope that Tommy would retaliate and could then be arrested for assaulting a police officer.

Tommy DEPORTED Then ASSAULTED By Manchester Police

Tommy Robinson had a holiday booked to Mexico (Cancun) with his three children. He flew out of the UK on Friday with a friend who also took his children, when Tommy arrived at Cancun airport immigration staff took him aside, separated him from his children, and told him he was not allowed to enter Mexico as it was “a national security issue”.

Hold that thought for a moment….

A national security issue?

Is Tommy Robinson a coyote, smuggling unaccompanied children across the US border into Mexico for child sex trafficking?

Is he a member of one of the many drug running cartels in Mexico – smuggling fentanyl, cocaine, marijuana, crack, heroin or arms across the US border?

Is Tommy Robinson a terrorist, giving reason for the UK government to alert Mexico City of his impending arrival so that he would be detained and subsequently deported?

The obvious answer to all of these questions is a resounding no. Tommy Robinson is none of these things, yet somehow, he suddenly becomes a national security issue for Mexican authorities?

One has to wonder how and why?

Read more.

Support Tommy Robinson’s work by clicking here –

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Robert Spencer OAN interview on Afghan refugees given ‘amnesty lite’ thumbnail

VIDEO: Robert Spencer OAN interview on Afghan refugees given ‘amnesty lite’

By Jihad Watch

Watch Robert Spencer on One American News’ Tipping Point discussing the ongoing Biden and Mayorkas DHS policy of giving Afghan refugees ‘amnesty lite’:

RELATED VIDEO: Afghan refugees: Do we know what we’re getting into? | Robert Spencer LIVE


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch OAN video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DHS a No-Show on Afghan Visa Fraud thumbnail

DHS a No-Show on Afghan Visa Fraud

By Michael Cutler

My commentary today is predicated upon a Department of Justice (DOJ) press release titled, “U.S. Navy Reserves Officer Appeared on Charges of Alleged Bribery and Visa Fraud.”

The statement raises many more questions than it answers — both about the specific case and more broadly about how the Biden DOJ pursues, or refuses to pursue, investigations involving elements of the immigration system.

The effective and accurate screening of aliens who seek to enter the United States is a key responsibility and primary purpose of our immigration system. Indeed, 8 U.S. Code § 1182 enumerates the classes of aliens who are inadmissible because they would pose a threat to public health, public safety, national security, and/or the jobs and wages of American workers.

The issuance of visas is a critical element of the immigration system that is supposed to properly vet aliens and also make certain these aliens are entitled to the categories of visas for which they apply.

The preface of the “9/11 and Terrorist Travel – Staff Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States” report begins with the following paragraph:

It is perhaps obvious to state that terrorists cannot plan and carry out attacks in the United States if they are unable to enter the country. Yet prior to September 11, while there were efforts to enhance border security, no agency of the U.S. government thought of border security as a tool in the counterterrorism arsenal. Indeed, even after 19 hijackers demonstrated the relative ease of obtaining a U.S. visa and gaining admission into the United States, border security still is not considered a cornerstone of national security policy. We believe, for reasons we discuss in the following pages, that it must be made one.

Page 61 of that report contained this passage:

Exploring the Link between Human Smugglers and Terrorists In July 2001, the CIA warned of a possible link between human smugglers and terrorist groups, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Indeed, there is evidence to suggest that since 1999 human smugglers have facilitated the travel of terrorists associated with more than a dozen extremist groups. With their global reach and connections to fraudulent document vendors and corrupt government officials, human smugglers clearly have the “credentials” necessary to aid terrorist travel.

Furthermore, on May 18, 2004, I testified at a hearing conducted by the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security ad Claims on the topic, “Pushing the Border Out on Alien Smuggling: New Tools And Intelligence Initiatives.”

The title of that hearing was a reference to how an effectively administered visa program can push U.S. borders out to the consulates and embassies where visas are issued, thereby enhancing national security.

Nevertheless, for unfathomable reasons, the Biden administration has inexplicably worked to undermine border security and immigration law enforcement from within the interior of the U.S. during an especially perilous era.

America faces multiple threats posed by adversarial nations that seek the demise of our nation. America is also threatened by many transnational gangs, narcotics trafficking organizations, and terrorist organizations.

Now we come to the DOJ press release that begins with this excerpt:

A Florida man who serves as a Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserves appeared today on criminal charges related to an alleged bribery scheme involving special visas for Afghan nationals.

According to court documents, Jeromy Pittmann, 53, of Pensacola, Florida, currently residing in Naples, Italy, was paid to draft, submit, or falsely verify false letters of recommendation for citizens of Afghanistan who applied to the U.S. Department of State for Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs).

There is a limited supply of SIVs each year for Afghan nationals employed as translators for U.S. military personnel. Pittmann is alleged to have signed over 20 false letters in which he represented, among other things, that he had supervised the applicants while they worked as translators in support of the U.S. Army and NATO; that the applicants’ lives were in jeopardy because the Taliban considered them to be traitors; and that he did not think the applicants posed a threat to the national security of the United States. In exchange, Pittmann is alleged to have received thousands of dollars in bribes

Pittmann made his initial appearance today. He is charged with accepting bribes and conspiring to commit visa fraud. If convicted of both counts, he faces up to 20 years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite Jr. of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division; U.S. Attorney John J. Farley for the District of New Hampshire; Inspector General John F. Sopko of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR); Special Agent in Charge Eric Maddox of the Economic Crimes Field Office of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS); and Special Agent in Charge Stanley A. Newell of the Transnational Operations Field Office of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) made the announcement.

SIGAR, NCIS, and DCIS are investigating the case.

Let’s begin by noting that the defendant in this case is charged with providing false statements in conjunction with at least 20 applications for visas for aliens who are seeking entry into the U.S. from Afghanistan, a country that has an established nexus with international terrorists groups.

Consider that Biden’s catastrophic policies have created a national security nightmare for America and Americans.

As a rule, such investigations of visa fraud are conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and may also involve agents of the U.S. Department of State.

In this case, however, there is no mention of any ICE agents or State Department agents being involved in the investigation or prosecution. This is significant because in pursuing such investigations, it is of great importance to have agents on board who have expertise in the subject matter to facilitate the investigation or prosecution of violations of the laws involved.

The apparent lack of ICE agents in this case may explain why other criminal charges are not being sought in this case that may well have serious national security implications.

While it is true that the defendant is being charged with accepting a bribe and visa fraud, under the provisions of 18 U.S. Code § 1546 the defendant may face up to 25 years in prison for each of the approximately 20 applications that were filed if the fraud was committed to facilitate terrorism.

This brings us to fact that the press release made no mention as to whether or not any of the aliens actually entered the U.S. or if any were charged with committing fraud or conspiring to commit fraud.

The defendant is alleged to have accepted bribes in exchange for his false statements. However, there is no mention of who provided the money to him. Was an alien smuggling ring involved in this scheme? If so, what is being done to identify all of the participants in such a ring? This sort of investigation is routine for ICE agents but not for those who are involved in this specific case.

I hate to speculate, but given comments made by the DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas indicating he would not pursue most fraud investigations, we cannot ignore the very real possibility that DHS, of which ICE is a component agency, simply refuses to provide assistance in this case or other cases like it.

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Terror-Pres: Biden Gives Amnesty to 75K Afghans in U.S. Despite Vetting Failures

TEXAS: Ranchers’ Lives Disrupted by Migrant Trespassers, Break-Ins, Gun Threats, Assaults, Destruction of Property thumbnail

TEXAS: Ranchers’ Lives Disrupted by Migrant Trespassers, Break-Ins, Gun Threats, Assaults, Destruction of Property

By Jihad Watch

In a troubling exclusive that mainstream media continues to avoid, Breitbart reports about the crisis at the Southern border.

The role of government is to improve the lives of its citizens and prioritize national security, but that’s not Joe Biden’s concern.

In a relatively short space of time, Biden’s leadership has been catastrophic for America. His mishandling of Afghanistan, his reckless open-door immigration policy, his disastrous pursuit of a new Iran nuclear deal, his incompetence in dealing with Russia, and more — there is just no end in sight to the damage that Biden continues to do to American interests.

Few among media have adequately covered the crime and national security risks posed by the wide-open Southern border. On top of everything else, there is a jihad threat. In 2019, the Mexico “terror path” was proven, as jihadis infiltrated the refugee stream and entered the U.S. Judicial Watch stated:

More evidence has emerged that Middle East jihadists are entering the United States through the Mexican border. The organization long has presented evidence that terrorists have entered through Texas and reports of ISIS training camps not far from the U.S. border.

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Border Crisis Disrupts Texas Ranchers’ Lives ‘Worse than Ever,’ Says Governor

by Bob Price, Breitbart, March 14, 2022:

EAGLE PASS, Texas — Thousands of migrants marching through Texas ranches as far as 80 miles from the U.S. border continues to disrupt the lives of those who live and work in these regions. Governor Greg Abbott told Breitbart Texas the chaos and crime in these areas are “worse than it has ever been.”

“Their lives have been disrupted like never before,” Governor Abbott said in an exclusive interview late last week. “There are people coming in across the border and going onto the land, cutting fences that hold in cattle, sometimes cattle are lost as a result of it.”

He said these trespassers are “breaking into homes, destroying property, sometimes, pointing a gun at people’s heads. It is worse than it’s ever been.”

The governor said the volume of migrant crossings adds to the created chaos on ranches in south Texas. He added that this is not simply unaccompanied minors or family units that are making the trek through the ranches.

“These are people who are trying to not get caught,” Abbott explained. “People who are coming here, some of whom have criminal records. We know that because of some of the people we have arrested.”

Breitbart Texas spoke with officials with the Texas Military Department about the arrests taking place by brush team soldiers on ranches.

“Over the past 90 days, the brush team has supported more than 1,000 apprehensions along the Texas-Mexico border,” TMD Director of Communications Rita Holton told Breitbart. “Approximately 30 percent of these individuals apprehended had a prior criminal record for activities such as sexual assault, drug smuggling, and human smuggling.”

A TMD military officer who commands the brush team operations told Breitbart they are the “last line defense” against the migrants who intend to get into the U.S. interior without being screened or apprehended.

“We use a variety of sensors and techniques to identify where these folks are coming from and where they are going,” the officer stated. “We are on our feet eight to 15 miles per night using ‘old school tracking’ and the technology available for our mission.”

He explained groups range in size from five migrants to more than 50 at a time. “Some of these have criminal histories that include narcotics smuggling or sexual assault.”…




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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All  rights reserved.

Trump’s ‘Save America’ Rally in Florence, South Carolina thumbnail

Trump’s ‘Save America’ Rally in Florence, South Carolina

By The Geller Report

There is nothing that is more therapeutic in these horrific times than a Trump rally. President Trump is going to run in 2024. And he is going to win. Every rational American must get behind the re-election of President Trump with everything they have. The country and the free world are on the line.

Thousands already in Florence for Former President Donald Trump’s ‘Save America’ rally

By WPDE, March 11, 2022

FLORENCE, S.C. (WPDE) — People from across the country have camped out near the Florence Regional Airport ahead of former President Donald Trump’s ‘Save America’ rally that takes place Saturday.

Sharon Anderson said she drove nearly six hours from Tennessee to attend the event.

Anderson has been to 23 rallies so far.

“Donald Trump, he’s fighting so hard for us. 24 hours a day. I want him to look out in that audience and see thousands just like me. That’s his cheerleaders,” said Anderson.

Rick Frazier traveled 10 hours from Ohio.

He’s a part of the group Front Row Joe’s that attend Trump’s rallies.

Frazier said he’s been to 55 rallies so far.

“We like to come to the rallies. And support the President, number 45. Primarily, because I believe in what he’s done for the country. It’s big family. I’m from Ohio. So, we give Ohio state tailgating. And when the folks come to these rallies. It’s like a big tailgate and most of these folks are like-minded. Everybody here comes for President Trump,” said Frazier.

Crews have been setting up most of the week.

They’ve brought in big lights, porta johns, tents for security, food trucks and other equipment.

ABC15 asked organizers as to how many people will attend the rally.

They said they don’t give numbers, but are preparing for thousands.

Florence Police Dept. said they’ll have 24 officers on hand to provide mutual aid to the Florence County Sheriff’s Office.

The Sheriff’s Office hasn’t said if they’ve been given an estimate of how many people will attend the event.

South Carolina Highway Patrol is providing officers to help with traffic.

Frazier said from the looks of how crews are preparing, he expects this rally to be huge.

“This is a big one. I think we’ve got more room here. This is probably one of the larger ones we done since we started in Burlington Ohio. And that was about 8 months, ago, I think they’ll be standing room only,” said Frazier.

Doors will open at 2 p.m. and the event is set to start at 7 p.m.

Also, Trump will be joined by endorsed candidates, members of the South Carolina Congressional Delegation, and other special guests.

Details about the event, including the newly listed speakers, have been highlighted and sectioned below.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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GOP/Dem Bill Spends Millions for Border Security — in Eight Other Countries But Not America thumbnail

GOP/Dem Bill Spends Millions for Border Security — in Eight Other Countries But Not America

By The Geller Report

This is the act of a hostile actor. They serve their adversarial paymasters not the America. people. We are under siege.

GOP/Dem Spending Bill Funds Border Security for Eight Foreign Countries

By: John Binder, Breitbart News, March 11, 2022:

A Democrat spending bill, negotiated with Republicans, uses American taxpayer money to fund “border security” measures in eight foreign countries while including no new funds to construct a border wall along the United States-Mexico border.

The government funding package spends about $370 million in taxpayer money to fund “enhanced border security” in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman. At least $150 million of that funding is allocated for Jordan’s borders.

Likewise, the package includes taxpayer money to fund border security in Libya, “border security activities” in Nepal, and “border security programs” in Pakistan.

Though Republicans were able to preserve nearly $2 billion in previously-allocated border wall construction funds, the package does not include any new border wall funding.

“The upcoming omnibus spending bill is likely Congress’ last chance this year to do anything meaningful re: Biden’s catastrophic erasure of our border — an erasure that reshapes the whole future of our nation,” Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to former President Trump, wrote in a statement. “Presently, this isn’t even a topic of conversation, let alone action.”

While funding border security overseas, President Joe Biden has halted all border wall construction along the U.S.-Mexico border, gutted interior immigration enforcement, and attempted to end the anti-asylum fraud Remain in Mexico program.

As a result, more than two million border crossers and illegal aliens arrived at the nation’s southern border in all of last year. This year, experts predict more than 2.1 million to arrive — a record.

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens are being released into the U.S. interior every few months. From January 2021 to August 2021, for example, more than half a million were released into the U.S. interior.

In January of this year, more than 62,500 border crossers and illegal aliens were released into the U.S. interior — a foreign population more than twice the size of Princeton, New Jersey; nearly twice the size of Lexington, Massachusetts; and more than six times the size of Jackson, Wyoming.


MADNESS: Pfizer is seeking emergency approval for a 4th COVID shot even though Covid is NOT A THREAT

Shutting Russia Off From Global Banking Will Hurt The United States

A Bill Banning Zuckbucks In Virginia Elections Is Headed To Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s Desk

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Illegal Immigrant Murders 4 in Jurisdiction of Sheriff Sued for Reporting Alien Criminals to ICE thumbnail

Illegal Immigrant Murders 4 in Jurisdiction of Sheriff Sued for Reporting Alien Criminals to ICE

By Judicial Watch

Months after a California sheriff got sued for reporting undocumented criminals to federal authorities, an illegal immigrant with a criminal history murdered four people in the veteran law enforcement official’s jurisdiction just days after being released from jail. The brutal crimes occurred in Sacramento, California where Sheriff Scott Jones was recently sued by a leftist civil rights group for transferring illegal alien offenders to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for removal rather than release them back into the community under state sanctuary laws known as the TRUTH Act and the California Values Act. The first one, which went into effect in 2017, requires that local police give criminals in the U.S. illegally a written notice of their transfer to ICE. The second, which was enacted a year later, forbids all California law enforcement agencies from using funds or employees to “investigate, interrogate, detain or arrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes.” The measure is also known as SB 54.

The Golden State’s outrageous sanctuary laws protected 39-year-old Mexican national David Mora-Rojas from deportation after at least two encounters with the law. In April 2021, the mother of his three children obtained a restraining order against him after a domestic violence incident, according to the Sacremento County Sheriff’s Office, which confirms that the order specifically states Mora-Rojas cannot own or possess firearms or ammunition. On February 23, 2022, Mora-Rojas was arrested Merced County about 115 miles south of Sacramento for driving under the influence, assaulting a police officer, and assaulting medical staff. ICE served a detainer on the jail, but state sanctuary laws prohibited Merced officials from holding Mora-Rojas or communicating with ICE about his release, so the illegal immigrant walked out of jail on a $15,000 bond.

Five days later Mora-Rojas shot his three daughters and a court-ordered chaperone at a Sacramento church before shooting himself. The girls were nine, 10 and 13 years old. Mora-Rojas used an Armalite Rifle (AR) style gun with no serial number or manufacturer makings, according to the Sacramento Sheriff’s Office, which describes it as a Privately Made Firearm (PMF). The rifle had an extended 30-round magazine inserted and 17 casings were found at the scene. The horrific crimes occurred on February 28 at around 5 p.m. at the Church in Sacramento which is located in a residential neighborhood. The church issued a statement expressing shock and sadness, “resulting in the deaths of five of our members,” which seems to include the shooter. One Sacramento news report says court documents paint a disturbing picture of verbal and physical abuse inflicted by Mora-Rojas on the mother of his three kids, yet he was allowed to remain in the country illegally.

In the tragedy’s aftermath, Sheriff Jones is publicly expressing outrage. The 33-year law enforcement veteran is currently serving his third term as the top cop in the central California county of around 1.6 million that includes the state’s capitol. In a social media post Jones writes that “there is only ONE thing that allowed this horrific tragedy to occur with certainty: the deplorable state of our national immigration policies, and California’s Sanctuary State Laws.” Jones warns that liberals and activists will try to spin the narrative, dredge up sympathy for the monster that killed the victims and focus on the horrors of ghost guns. “When I was invited to the White House by President Trump in 2018 to discuss immigration failures in our country, I described California’s Sanctuary State law as creating ‘spectacular failures’ all over this state,” Jones writes. “I was criticized in The [Sacramento] Bee and elsewhere for that statement, but I defy them now to color this tragic event any other way.”

In November Jones was sued by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for transferring illegal immigrants convicted of state crimes to federal authorities. The group claims that collaborating with the feds—rather than releasing illegal alien offenders back into the community—compounds racial disparities in the policing, immigration, and criminal justice systems, in which black and Latinx communities are disproportionately targeted for arrest, detention, and deportation. In the federal complaint the ACLU accuses Jones and his agency of violating California sanctuary laws by reporting illegal immigrants jailed for committing local crimes to ICE upon completing their sentence. The offenders are eligible to return to their home and communities in the U.S. but instead are enduring a “cruel double punishment,” according to the ACLU attorney who filed the lawsuit on behalf of the illegal aliens. The Sacramento County Sheriff’s “anti-immigrant agenda” harms communities, the ACLU lawyer asserts. The group has failed to issue a statement or comment on the Mora-Rojas murders, which could have been prevented if he were deported after his first encounter with local law enforcement.

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s Handlers Release Suspected Terrorist into U.S. after He Illegally Crosses the Border thumbnail

Biden’s Handlers Release Suspected Terrorist into U.S. after He Illegally Crosses the Border

By Jihad Watch

A viciously anti-American administration that cares nothing for the safety and well-being of its own people.

The Biden Admin Released A Suspected Terrorist Into The United States After He Illegally Crossed The Border

by Todd Bensman, The Federalist, March 4, 2022 (thanks to Henry):

AUSTIN, Texas –On Feb. 16, Republican Congress members asked House Democrats for permission to hold a hearing about a decision to release a suspected Islamist terrorist who in November swam the Rio Grande into Texas….

The case of Lebanon-born Venezuelan Issam Bazzi’s release into the American interior is just the latest such incident that raises serious questions. Chief among them is whether the historic mass-migration crisis at the U.S. southern border has seriously degraded national security.

How This Terrorist Suspect Was Set Free

Bazzi was among a swell of Venezuelans who began crossing the Rio Grande in escalating numbers last November on word that the United States was handing out free passes into the interior. Some 25,000 turned themselves in at the border in December and another 22,000 did in January. According to leaked Department of Homeland Security documents in my possession, Bazzi flew with his wife and daughter to Monterrey, Mexico, in early November, then swam the river into Brownsville, Texas.

His name and fingerprints flagged him as on the FBI’s terrorism watch list, so a mistaken identity is unlikely. In the lexicon of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Bazzi is described in the documents as a “Category 5 group member,” which can mean not considered armed and dangerous. But one of the government documents noted Bazzi’s file “contains substantive high side derogatory information.”

As I explain in my book, “America’s Covert Border War,” danger level is irrelevant for what is supposed to happen with any border-crossing terrorist group member on the FBI’s watch list. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website notes that “generally, any individual who is a member of a ‘terrorist organization’ … is ‘inadmissible and is ineligible for most immigration benefits.”

FBI agents operating in line with established post-9/11 protocols interrogate watch-listed migrants and others from countries of national security interest who cross the southern border and end up in Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention centers. That happened when Bazzi was flagged as a suspected terrorist in Brownsville, Texas, after his crossing. But then the process went off the rails.

After interviewing Bazzi, the FBI cited “highly derogatory information” in deciding he was a flight risk and recommended ICE keep the 50-year-old Venezuelan in custody. Typically, migrants suspected of terrorism are deported to their home countries, even if they have no “highly derogatory” intelligence information on their records and don’t pose a flight risk, as the FBI said of Bazzi.


Politico calls Islam ‘odious’

Leftists demand Big Tech destroy Trump’s Truth Social before it even gets started

UK: Muslim makes up 188 fake kids to rake in $2,337,840.99 in benefits scam

France: After jihadi mosque is closed, 200 Muslims storm hospital, pray in its corridors

France: Muslim staff in hospitals refuse to treat homosexuals, women and Jews

Dubai: Social media star’s death called “a lesson to all Muslim women who ‘showed off on Instagram’”

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

New York Times Disturbed That ‘Europe Opens Doors That Were Closed To Others’ thumbnail

New York Times Disturbed That ‘Europe Opens Doors That Were Closed To Others’

By Jihad Watch

The New York Times is offended that the states in Ukraine’s neighborhood – Poland, Hungary, the Baltic nations, Romania — are willing to admit Ukrainian refugees, while having rejected Muslim migrants who have tried in the recent past to enter those same countries. Apparently the NYTimes considers this to be “racism.” The Times report is here: “For Ukraine’s Refugees, Europe Opens Doors That Were Shut to Others,” by Lara Jakes, New York Times, February 26, 2022:

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has pushed tens of thousands of people out of their homes and fleeing across borders to escape violence. But unlike the refugees who have flooded Europe in crises over the past decade, they are being welcomed.

Countries that have for years resisted taking in refugees from wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are now opening their doors to Ukrainians as Russian forces carry out a nationwide military assault. Perhaps 100,000 Ukrainians already have left their homes, according to United Nations estimates, and at least half of them have crowded onto trains, jammed highways or walked to get across their country’s borders in what officials warn could become the world’s next refugee crisis.

As of this writing, here are now not 100,000, but half a million Ukrainians who have left Ukraine for Poland, to the west. These are genuine refugees, fleeing war, not economic migrants, like the Muslims who have for more then two decades been arriving from the Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan, intending to settle in the generous welfare states of Europe, in order to take advantage of every benefit they offer, including free or heavily subsidized housing, free medical care, free education, unemployment benefits, family allowances, and more. Indeed, these Muslim economic migrants try to end up in the countries with the most benefits, which means Germany, the U.K.,and the Scandinavian countries.

In Poland, government officials assisted by American soldiers and diplomats have set up processing centers for Ukrainians. “Anyone fleeing from bombs, from Russian rifles, can count on the support of the Polish state,” the Polish interior minister, Mariusz Kaminski, told reporters on Thursday. His government is spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a border wall, a project it began after refugees and migrants from the Middle East tried to reach the country last year but ended up marooned in neighboring Belarus.

The military in Hungary is allowing in Ukrainians through sections of the border that had been closed. Hungary’s hard-line prime minister, Viktor Orban, has previously called refugees a threat to his country, and his government has been accused of caging and starving them.

Viktor Orban never said that “refugees” are a threat to Hungary. He claimed that Muslim migrants were a threat: “We shouldn’t forget that the people who are coming here grew up in a different religion and represent a completely different culture. Most are not Christian, but Muslim…. That is an important question, because Europe and European culture have Christian roots,” he wrote.

Muslim migrants into non-Muslim European countries of course have only meant trouble. Muslims are taught in the Qur’an not to take “Jews and Christians as friends, for they are friends only with each other (Qur’an 5:51). They are further taught that Muslims are “the best of peoples” (3:110) while non-Muslims are “the most vile of created beings” (98:6). Why would Europeans want to continue to let into their countries, now that they have had such unhappy experiences with Muslims, millions of people who regard them as “the most vile of created beings,” and have no desire to be integrated into a society of Infidels? Muslims know that by rights it is they who should be ruling over non-Muslims, not the reverse. They are determined to pocket every conceivable benefit that non-Muslim states and peoples provide, regarding these benefits as theirs by right, a kind of proleptic jizyah that they have every right to exact from the Infidels. And Muslims are instructed too, in the Qur’an, to “fight” and to “kill” and to “smite at the necks of” and to “strike terror in the hearts” of the Infidels. The leaders of Poland and Hungary, who grew up under Soviet rule, learned from their countries’ experiences the effects of an aggressive and rigid religion, as both Communism and Islam happen to be.

Farther West, Chancellor Karl Nehammer of Austria said that “of course we will take in refugees if necessary” in light of the crisis in Ukraine. As recently as last fall, when he was serving as interior minister, Mr. Nehammer sought to block some Afghans seeking refuge after the Taliban overthrew the government in Kabul.

The Times wishes us to be scandalized by Chancellor Nehammer’s welcome to Ukrainians when “as recently as last fall” he was blocking Afghans “seeing refuge.” Why should we be? Chancellor Nehammer has nothing to be ashamed of; he sees clearly the difference between the Muslim Afghans, who in the West have already shown how difficult it will be to civilize and integrate them into the larger society. There is no such problem with Ukrainian refugees.

“It’s different in Ukraine than in countries like Afghanistan,” he was quoted as saying during an interview on a national TV program. “We’re talking about neighborhood help.”

“Neighborhood help”is exactly what is being offered the Ukrainians. These refugees are part of the same Western civilization, and share the same religion, Christianity, with those in Europe with whom they seek temporary refuge. The Ukrainian refugees plan to return to their country as soon as the war is over. The Poles, who already have experience with the Ukrainian Gastarbeiter living and working in their country, know how well they integrate, as fellow Slavs, and at the same time, know that they intend ultimately to return to Ukraine. Their behavior is quite unlike that of Muslim economic migrants who seek entry to European countries in order to better their lot, not by hard work, but by taking every advantage of welfare states that lavish billions of dollars worth of benefits on them. Countries like Poland and Hungary are seen as way-stations by Muslims hoping to make it to the most generous welfare states, such as Germany, the U.K., and the Scandinavian countries. Unlike the current refugees from Ukraine, the Muslim economic migrants have no intention of returning home, as long as they can take advantage of that cornucopia of benefits.

Diplomats and experts said European states that are willing to take in Ukrainians might be trying, in part, to highlight Russian aggressions against civilians by offering a humanitarian response. “If you think of causing the refugee crisis as one of Putin’s tools to destabilize the West, then a calm, efficient, orderly response is a really good rebuke to that,” said Serena Parekh, a professor at Northeastern University in Boston and the director of its politics, philosophy and economics program.

On the other hand,” said Ms. Parekh, who has written extensively about refugees, “it’s hard not to see that Ukrainians are white, mostly Christian and Europeans. And so in a sense, the xenophobia that’s really arisen in the last 10 years, particularly after 2015, is not at play in this crisis in the way that it has been for refugees coming from the Middle East and from Africa.”

Serena Parekh should be more careful with her language. What she calls European “xenophobia” is neither European nor xenophobic. The Europeans are not against all foreigners, which is what the word “xenophobia” means. Nor are they against all non-white immigrants. Based on sad experience, many are unwilling to admit more Muslims into their midst, for Muslims, they now realize, carry with them in their mental baggage, undeclared, the conviction of Muslim supremacism. Why should any country in Western Europe be apologetic for admitting Ukrainian refugees who are “white, mostly Christian, and Europeans” while keeping out those who are in thrall to Islam, a fanatical faith which uncompromisingly divides the world between dar al-Islam and dar al-harb, the Domain of Islam, where Muslims rule, and the Domain of War, where Infidels rule? We have seen the effects of millions of Muslims now living  in Western Europe, where the large-scale presence of Muslims has led to a situation for the indigenous non-Muslims that is far more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous than would be the case without that large-scale presence.

When the NYT upbraids the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, especially Poland an Hungary, for allowing in Ukrainian refugees while keeping out Muslim migrants, it ignores the following:

1. The Ukrainians are fleeing an active war zone. They have a reasonable fear of being killed if they remain.. Most Muslims are economic migrants, arriving in Europe not to flee hostilities, but to better their financial condition by taking full advantage of benefits offered by the welfare states of Western Europe.

2. The Ukrainians share a civilization and a religion with those who are now willing to give them temporary refuge. Muslims knocking at the gates of Europe do not.

3. Muslim would-be immigrants are adherents of a faith that teaches them to shun non-Muslims as friends (5:51). Muslims are taught to “fight” and to “kill” and to “smite at the necks of” and to “strike terror in the hearts of” the Infidels. How likely is it that people taught such things can ever integrate into a society of Infidels? See Qur’an 2:191-193, 3:110, 3:151, 5:51, 8:12, 8:60, 9:5, 9:29, 47:4, 98:6.

4. Muslims who manage to be admitted to European countries are masters at obtaining every possible benefit – housing, medical care, education, family allowances, and more – soaking up much of the social welfare spending that had been intended to be spread among the indigenous poor in those countries.

5. Muslims in Europe try to impose the Shari’a, or law of Islam, on their own community, ignoring as best they can the manmade laws of the Infidels.

6. Muslims in Europe have shown a desire to keep non-Muslims physically out of their neighborhoods. There will not be any Ukrainian “no-go zones.”

7. Muslims in Europe exhibit much higher levels of criminality than the non-Muslims in whose countries they live. In France, for example, Muslims make up 7.5% of the population, but ar 70% of the prison population. In the U.K., Muslims make up 6.6% of the population, but nearly 20% of the prison population. And Muslim crime tends to be violent, with a much higher percentage of rapes and murders than in the non-Muslim criminal population.

8. None of these facts mentioned above appear in the New York Times story “Europe Opens Doors That Were Closed To Others.” We are left to conclude from the Times report that baseless prejudice, racism, islamophobia are what explain the failure of some European states to admit Muslims with open arms as they do the Ukrainians who are now being admitted.

9. I beg to differ with the Grey Lady. Don’t you?




San Diego: Girl Scout troop learns about how ‘women are looked at equal to men’ in Islam

Afghanistan: Taliban clamp down on people trying to leave their Sharia paradise

France: A Muslim spits at a priest as the priest is blessing a town square

Turkey violates Greek airspace with F-16 aircraft as world focuses on Ukraine

Greece: Over 2,000 incidents of desecration of churches around the same time as illegal Muslim migrant influx

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

After Wrecking Border and Dismantling Immigration Enforcement, Biden Issues Plea for Amnesty and More Cheap Labor thumbnail

After Wrecking Border and Dismantling Immigration Enforcement, Biden Issues Plea for Amnesty and More Cheap Labor

By Federation for American Immigration Reform

The following statement was issued by Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), in response to President Biden’s plea for amnesty as part of his State of the Union address:

“Tonight, President Biden spoke of the ‘need to secure the border,’ something we have long championed. Oddly, policies that were actually keeping the border secure were in place when he took office a little over 13 months ago.

“Perhaps President Biden forgot that it was he who ended construction of a border wall that the American public had already paid for. Maybe it slipped his mind that he suspended agreements with Northern Triangle nations that sought to prevent massive flows of migrants from heading north. Perhaps he overlooked his administration’s attempt to end the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) program which deterred asylum fraud by requiring applicants to wait in Mexico for a hearing. We could go on and on.

“The American public has not forgotten. They are witnessing unprecedented flows of illegal immigration. They see control of our border ceded to criminal gangs that smuggle and traffic human beings, and flood our country with lethal narcotics. The American people know who is responsible for the chaos at the border: It is President Biden and his Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

“While offering little in the way of reassurance to an alarmed American public, the president once again called for amnesty for illegal aliens and more cheap labor for business interests. Rewarding illegal immigration and flooding the labor market with low-wage foreign workers is not immigration reform, and the American public will not be fooled.

“President Biden also spoke extensively about the importance and sanctity of national borders. But he was talking about Ukraine’s, not ours. All Americans share his outrage about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. But whether it is a power hungry madman or criminal cartels reaping billions in profits by brazenly smuggling people and lethal narcotics, both inflict lasting damage on the country whose borders are being breached. As the leader of the free world, President Biden has an obligation to ensure that Vladimir Putin’s aggression does not stand. As the president of the United States, he has a sworn duty to end the wholesale breach of our nation’s borders.”

EDITORS NOTE: This FAIR column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden to Divert Agents from U.S. Southern Border, Send Them to ‘Assist’ with Russia-Ukraine Conflict thumbnail

Biden to Divert Agents from U.S. Southern Border, Send Them to ‘Assist’ with Russia-Ukraine Conflict

By The Geller Report

As if things couldn’t get worse. The country cannot survive three more years of this treason.

Report: Biden to Divert Agents from U.S. Southern Border, Send Them to ‘Assist’ with Russia-Ukraine Conflict

By: John Binder, Breitbart News, 24 Feb 2022

President Joe Biden’s administration is looking to divert United States Border Patrol agents from their mission at the U.S.-Mexico border to send them overseas “to assist” those fleeing from Ukraine amidst Russia’s invasion, a new report states.

Even as illegal immigration continues pouring through the nation’s southern border at record levels, Biden hopes to entice Border Patrol agents to sign up voluntarily to aid American citizens, green card-holders, and their immediate relatives fleeing Ukraine into Eastern Europe.

John Solomon at Just The News, who exclusively obtained the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) memo, detailed the effort dubbed “Operation Support Ukraine:”

“The Office of Field Operations is seeking volunteers to assist with the possible evacuation of U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and their immediate family members from Ukraine.,” the memo sent to field operations executives said. [Emphasis added]

“Eligible employees who volunteer for this situation may be selected to serve a temporary duty assignment in Poland to facilitate travelers for entry into the U.S., to include providing guidance and problems resolution to other government agencies.” [Emphasis added]

[ … ]

The memo said volunteers need to be ready to deploy “within 2-3 days” of selection and should plan for about a month’s work overseas. It also offered a plan for COVID-19 mitigation that said workers need to either have the vaccine or natural immunity from a recent infection. [Emphasis added]

Last month, Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 154,000 border crossers. Roughly 2.1 million border crossers and illegal aliens are expected to arrive at the southern border this year.

Since October, according to Fox News’s Adam Shaw, about 220,000 border crossers successfully crossed into the U.S. via the southern border, undetected by Border Patrol.

In January, alone, the Biden administration released more than 62,500 border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior. Border Patrol agents have blasted Biden’s policies, which they say have made illegal immigration close to unmanageable.


DeSantis Rejects Biden Admin Request for National Guard at State of the Union

Special Counsel Finds Mark Zuckerberg’s Election Money Violated Wisconsin Bribery Laws

Democrat Who Took Donations From ‘Putin Pipeline’ Lobbyist Alleges GOP “Rooting for Russia”

GOP Rep. Gallagher: Biden’s Relying on Russia with Iran, Deal Will Be Justified by Claiming Need for Iranian Oil

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

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Critical Thinking Must Replace Critical Race Theory thumbnail

Critical Thinking Must Replace Critical Race Theory

By Michael Cutler

It is becoming all-too apparent that proponents of Critical Race Theory seek the demise of our great Republic. They are using the age-old divide and conquer” strategy to turn Americans against one another, seeking to instigate conflict and violence to undermine our peaceful society.

There are no winners with this strategy in place — only victims. (I addressed this threat in an earlier article, Radical Democrats Have Become ‘Adversaries of Freedom.’)

Racism is defined as:

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized — the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.

Racism is racism, and no matter who bears the brunt of it, is wrong-headed and dangerous. It is inherently and supremely unfair and leads all people, of all races, down a dangerous path of resentment and hostility that likely will ultimately result in violence. Critical Race Theory, or CRT, actually promotes racism.

The Preamble of the Constitution of the United States begins with this eloquent paragraph:

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

The point is that since its founding the United States has labored mightily to achieve progress in many areas to erase barriers to success and happiness for all Americans. Hard-fought Civil Rights Laws were enacted in the quest of forming that “more perfect union.”

American children should be taught history that honestly addresses all aspects of the history of our nation — including the struggles to overcome injustice, that should serve to encourage students to celebrate how far we have come and how positive change is always possible. Those lessons would be inspirational and provide an optimistic viewpoint.

Children should also be taught productive ways to achieve conflict resolution instead of the conflict instigation that is the clear goal of CRT.

Anti-American Critical Race Theory seeks to erase these achievements and turn Americans against one another. Its proponents, for example, push for “social justice” through the “Defund the Police” movement and, in the name of “criminal justice reform,” promote “cashless bail” that has resulted in the release of violent criminals who simply attack, injure and kill more victims.

As an INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) Special Agent I frequently testified at bail hearings in state court as well as in federal court. In some instances the federal prosecutors called on me to make the bail presentation because of my familiarity with the defendant who was being charged in criminal proceedings. The issue of bail should rest on only two issues: whether or not the defendant is likely to show up in court in the future or abscond and become a fugitive; and if the defendant poses a threat to public safety.

Illegal aliens who have no community ties, and who have used multiple false identities should be considered “flight risk.” You could add to this the fact that the alien in question would be facing deportation (removal from the United States) after completion of the imposed prison sentence, if found guilty of his or her criminal charges.

The issue of danger to public safety does not require a crystal ball. Any individual who has prior arrests for violent crimes and/or crimes involving weapons demonstrates the risk they pose to the safety of the community.

We measure the civility of a society by how it looks out for the most vulnerable members of that society. Turning sociopathic criminals loose, resulting in violent attacks on innocent victims, including children, flies in the face of that notion of protecting the most vulnerable.

When I was growing up my parents always told me to seek to find common ground with others, particularly if I had an argument with a classmate or friend. They suggested that I turn the situation around and ask myself how I would feel if whatever it was I said or did that upset the other person was done to me.

That ability to metaphorically stand in my friends’ shoes has served me well throughout my life. Although my parents died when I was in college, I like to say that I am still standing on their shoulders, each and every day.

Let us for a moment ask how turning criminals loose on society constitutes any sort of justice. Let us also pose a question I have never heard asked — what sort of social justice is it that does not address a fundamental question: what is our society doing to prevent children from growing up to become societal scavengers and career criminals?

When teenagers are asked about their dreams for their future many will talk about jobs or professions that they hope to have when they perhaps graduate from college. They may talk about owning a home or having kids of their own.

But children who get sucked into gangs or depend on criminal activities don’t have long-term goals — their concerns about the future likely do not extend beyond the next day or two.

Many of these children are functionally illiterate. Many come from broken homes and may have become addicted to illegal drugs and by the time they are in their teens they are well on their way to becoming career criminals. Not exactly a “career” anyone should aspire to.

They are likely to blame others for the situation in which they find themselves, fueled by the victimization narrative pedaled as Critical Race Theory. This does not empower anyone to strive for success.

Further exacerbating this nightmare are our open borders that, thanks to President Biden, are flooding huge numbers of transnational gang members into our country who have been dispersed across our country, posing a threat to ethnic immigrant communities and the children, in particular, who live in those communities.

Our open borders have also enabled record quantities of deadly narcotics to flood into our communities causing unprecedented overdose fatalities and increasing crimes associated with the drug trade.

Meanwhile the proceeds from the drug trade fill the coffers of transnational gangs. Even terrorist organizations have come to work with drug- and alien smugglers to fund terrorism and move sleeper agents into the United States (consider my article, “Iran Threatens U.S. And Its Allies With “Drugs, Refugees, Bombs And Assassination”).

The point is that those who profess to seek “Social Justice” by releasing violent criminals never seem to want to talk about creating an environment that is less likely to result in youngsters becoming criminals, but that instead produces children who can dream of success and then have a real likelihood of attaining that success.

Social Justice in general, and Critical Race Theory in particular, are not about justice or even about helping any racial group, but about the destruction of our society through record levels of violence and carnage.

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

Islamic State urges Muslims in the U.S. to join ‘ISIS North America’ thumbnail

Islamic State urges Muslims in the U.S. to join ‘ISIS North America’

By Jihad Watch

Emboldened by the weakness and wrongheadedness of Biden’s handlers, jihads are becoming more aggressive and confident everywhere.

ISIS Supporters in the United States Urged to Join ‘ISIS North America

by Bridget Johnson, Homeland Security Today, February 21, 2022:

A video posted online urges followers of the Islamic State to help form a province of the terror group in the United States called ISIS North America.

The video is dated “new 2022” in the first frame and was posted on a file-sharing site this month. It consists of simple white English-language writing on a black background, instead of being dressed up with images of ISIS battles or adherents as in many videos with higher production value associated with the terror group….

“To those who want to try,” it begins with an ISIS flag as a nasheed plays. “To my brothers following in the path of the Khilafa in America I urge you to come join our group.”

“This new group will operate in the United States to surprise the murtad in their own lands,” the video continues. The wording suggests that the group intends to target Muslims seen as turning their back on ISIS’ interpretation of Islam — how the terror group defines apostasy — instead of the general population, referred to as kuffar or disbelievers.

“The name of this group will be named ISIS-NA (Islamic State of Iraq & Sham – North America),” the video states. It then shows imaginings of the Nevada and California flags as “Flag of Tawheed” — the concept of oneness in Islam and why ISIS followers make the hand gesture of raising a single index finger….

“Do not send this video anywhere else as this will alert the kuffar. Do not join if you aren’t commited [sic] to our organization and do not join to make jokes, we will trace every keylog you make if you do this,” it continues.

“My dear brother or sister, may Allah grant you good health and happiness for watching this video. Spread the word about this organization to those who are trustful but be careful with doing so,” the video cautions. “May Allah grant this organization with success and may Allah grant us Jannah [paradise].”…


Nigeria: Muslim mob tries to lynch man for tearing Qur’an and stepping on it

UN Geneva Defends Islamic Propagandist Rana Ayyub, Demands Indian Government Protect Her Against ‘Harassment’

Pakistan: Religious Affairs top dog asks prime minister to rename Women’s Day ‘International Hijab Day’

Italy: Muslim migrant imam calls for destruction of the Vatican

France: Muslim brandishing Qur’an tells town official: ‘Do you have a problem with Islam? I know where you live’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Radical Democrats’ Reign of Terror Began With Immigration and Metastasized Throughout the Criminal Justice System thumbnail

The Radical Democrats’ Reign of Terror Began With Immigration and Metastasized Throughout the Criminal Justice System

By Michael Cutler

On July 27, 2006, I testified at a hearing conducted by the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims on the topic, “Whether the Attempted Implementation of the Reid-Kennedy Immigration Bill Will Result In an Administrative and National Security Nightmare.”

The Reid-Kennedy Bill upon which that hearing was predicated would have created a massive amnesty for unknown millions of aliens who were illegally present in the United States, not unlike the sort of massive amnesty for which the Biden administration has been advocating since before he took office — except the number of illegal aliens who would eligible to participate in this dangerous and ill-conceived program has grown exponentially.

I began my prepared testimony for the hearing by saying, in part:

“The principle by which most responsible and sensible people live their lives could be summed up by the phrase, ‘Safety first.’ Yet this fundamental and common sense approach is clearly lacking among all too many of the senators of our nation. They voted for a bill that utterly ignores the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission at a time when our nation is threatened by acts of terrorism.”

It has been said that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Safety should be the number one priority for our leaders.

However, radical Democrats have prioritized the concerns of law violators, including violent criminals, over those of everyone else — and not just where immigration is concerned, but across the broad spectrum of issues that are encompassed within the criminal justice system — by advocating for the defunding of police, bail reform and criminal justice reform under the guise of seeking “social justice.”

In point of fact, immigration law enforcement has always been “defunded” by both political parties who have bowed to the demands of the globalists and special interest groups that fund their political campaigns.

This was the focus of my recent article, “Profiteers of Biden Administration’s Open Borders Policy Malfeasance Has Its Rewards.”

Advocates for effective and fair enforcement of our immigration laws are frequently vilified as being “anti-immigrant” while those who seek immigration anarchy are lauded as “pro-immigrant.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

America’s immigration laws were enacted to protect public health, public safety, national security, and the jobs and wages of Americans.

A review of section 8 U.S. Code § 1182 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which establishes the categories of aliens who are deemed inadmissible, would dispel the lies and propaganda deployed to denigrate the importance and reasonableness of our immigration laws and reinforce the absolute need for our nation to enforce those laws.

Failures to enforce our immigration laws undermine the safety and wellbeing of Americans and lead to the exploitation of desperate and vulnerable illegal aliens.

Effective immigration law enforcement requires emphasis on enforcement within the interior of the United States. Meaningful interior enforcement has never been a part of any proposed legislation or strategy for any administration. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) only has a few thousand employees and since the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, ICE agents enforce a broad spectrum of laws that have nothing to do with immigration.

Not long after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, I was invited to meet with several members of Congress and their staffs. During our meeting I asked them if they knew how many times an aspiring illegal alien could attempt to enter the U.S. without inspection. One of the congressmen appeared perplexed and asked if there was a specific number. I told him that the numbers might vary but there is a formula that works — aliens simply had to attempt illegal entry one more time than the number of times they get caught.

The point is that any alien who is determined to gain entry into the U.S. will ultimately succeed. Consequently, interior enforcement is the key to success.

Consider this excerpt from an article published by The Epoch Times entitled, “Illegal Aliens Ran Sex-Trafficking Ring in New York City, Using Minors From Mexico.”

The border-crossing records of two of the convicted sex traffickers reveal a common pattern of continually crossing the border illegally until they make it past law enforceemnt.

Abel Romero-Melendez, who received a 20-year sentence, was apprehended by Border Patrol and returned to Mexico eight times after crossing illegally. The crossing dates included March 22, 2002, near Casa Grande, Arizona; July 14, 2006, near Nogales, Arizona; July 21, 2006, near Sasabe, Arizona; July 25, 2006, near Nogales, Arizona; July 30, 2006, in the Tucson sector of Arizona; June 4, 2012, in the Tucson sector; June 15, 2012, near Willcox, Arizona; and Oct. 29, 2012, in Falfurrias, Texas.

Fabian Reyes-Rojas, who is awaiting sentencing, was apprehended by Border Patrol and returned to Mexico seven times after crossing illegally, and jailed once for illegal re-entry.

Border records show Border Patrol apprehended Reyes-Rojas on March 11, 16, and 18 in 2003; Sept. 7 and 13 in 2007; and Sept. 8, 2011.

After being caught near Douglas, Arizona, on May 16, 2012, Reyes-Rojas was charged with illegal re-entry and spent 30 days in jail before being returned to Mexico.

No further entry records exist, but Reyes-Rojas resided in New York City from at least 2014, according to the complaint.

The illegal alien thugs noted above coerced young Mexican girls they smuggled into the United States into working as prostitutes by raping them, beating them, and threatening to kill their parents.

Today, there are thousands of similar criminals from countries around the world plying their “trades” in our country, turning the U.S. into a “Land of Opportunity” for lawbreakers, members of transnational gangs, drug traffickers, and terrorists — and the Biden administration is determined to do nothing to prevent their entry into our country or seek their removal.

There is no justice of any sort to be found in the policies and actions of this morally bankrupt administration. As I recently noted, for the Biden administration, national security is ‘mission irrelevant.’

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

VIRGINIA: Biden’s Handlers Dumping 16,000 Afghan ‘Translators’ in Loudoun County, Most Don’t Speak English thumbnail

VIRGINIA: Biden’s Handlers Dumping 16,000 Afghan ‘Translators’ in Loudoun County, Most Don’t Speak English

By Jihad Watch

Sheriff Michael Chapman of Loudoun County, Va. got an unpleasant surprise recently from Old Joe Biden’s handlers. On Thursday, the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) published a press release that reveals the truly astonishing extent of the administration’s high-handedness, dishonesty, carelessness, and recklessness in its resettlement of Afghan refugees in cities and towns all over the United States. Without any prior warning, Loudoun County officials were told that 2,000 Afghan refugees would be arriving in the county in just over two weeks and that 2,000 more would be arriving every month after that through September. In what will come as no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention for the last thirteen months, Chapman and other Loudoun County officials found the Biden team to be disingenuous, uncooperative, poorly prepared, and worse.

“On February 4, 2022,” says the Sheriff’s Office press release, “the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) received an unannounced visit by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Federal Protective Service (FPS) in which it learned that approximately 2000 Afghan refugees, per month, were slated to arrive at the Washington Dulles International Airport during a window beginning as early as February 19, 2022, and extending to September 2022.” This gave them just two weeks to prepare for the influx. “DHS/FPS regional personnel advised the refugees would be transported by bus to the National Conference Center (NCC) where they would stay until their ultimate relocation elsewhere in the United States. DHS/FPS estimated that no more than 1000 refugees per month would remain at the NCC at any given time until September 2022. The refugees, for the most part, would enter the US from Qatar.”

Let’s remember that in Oct. 2021, a Congressional delegation in Qatar led by Rep. Darell Issa (R-Calif.) was told that fully 12,000 of the Afghans who had come to Camp As Sayliyah and then went on to the U.S. had no identification at all. Issa stated: “They came with nothing. No Afghan I.D., no I.D. of any sorts. Those people were all forwarded on to the U.S., and that’s quite an admission. So many people had no I.D. whatsoever and yet find themselves in the United States today based on what they said.”

Are any of these people we know absolutely nothing about going to Loudoun County? There’s no way to tell, but once they get there, they’ll have it made: “DHS/FPS advised that the refugees will be provided cash and cell phones from non-government organizations and be required to remain on the NCC grounds.” Whether voting for Democrats was a requirement for keeping the dough rolling in was not mentioned; maybe it’s just understood.

There is more. Read the rest here.


State Department’s Virtual Iran Embassy Features Kamala Harris Slamming the U.S.

Sweden: Muslim migrants turn house in Skåne into local Islamic State headquarters

Muslims claim Swedish state is taking their children away to make them infidels, jihad threat rises accordingly

Sweden: Ethics board wants professor prosecuted for investigating migrant rape activity

Bangladesh: Muslims protesting India’s ‘hijab ban’ scream ‘Allahu akbar’ and threaten Hindu women

Taliban judge says women can’t be judges because they ‘have lesser brains’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Border Crisis: We Need to Discuss Your Vote for Biden thumbnail

Border Crisis: We Need to Discuss Your Vote for Biden

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

I want you Biden voters to know exactly what you voted for – immigration policies only left-wing ideologue open borders crazies could love.

You voted for our government not putting out immigration numbers because they’re getting worse and our government doesn’t want us to know it.

You voted for stronger, more powerful drug cartels and Chinese fentanyl flowing into the country.

You voted for 50 Afghans with potentially significant security concerns being released into the country.

You voted for illegal aliens getting federal stimulus checks.

You voted for turning the border patrol into baby-sitters and paper-pushers who are no longer allowed to do their real jobs.

You voted for losing track of 45,000 unaccompanied illegal alien minors.  If they’re being trafficked for forced labor or worse, this administration doesn’t know and doesn’t care.  You voted for that.

You voted for an administration that will stop requiring GPS monitoring for illegal aliens released into the country.

You voted for illegal alien criminals, who previously have been deported, to easily find their way back into the country where they commit murder and other crimes.

You voted for an administration that is doing its best not to comply with a court order to reinstate Trump’s effective Remain in Mexico policy.

You voted for policies that cut the deportation of illegal aliens by 90 percent.  These are people who scoff at our laws and don’t belong here.  You voted for that.

In short, you voted for more drugs, more security threats, more lawlessness, more crime, and more exploitation of minors.  You voted to embolden our adversaries like the drug cartels and China.

And you voted to keep it all hidden from the American people.  Why hide it?  If you’re proud of these policies, why wouldn’t you want to tell the whole world the results?

Bottom line:  You voted for a crisis at the southern border with no end in sight.  Happy now?  If you are, that makes you a left-wing ideologue open borders crazy.  You’ll get yours.  Retribution is coming.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

EXCLUSIVE: What Joe Biden Can Learn From Poland Building A Wall On Its Border With Belarus thumbnail

EXCLUSIVE: What Joe Biden Can Learn From Poland Building A Wall On Its Border With Belarus

By The Daily Caller

The Biden administration has failed to ensure the security of the U.S. and should look at Poland’s example if it wants to successfully secure the southern border, a Polish government minister, Marcin Romanowski, told the Daily Caller.

Poland is building a wall on its border with Belarus after thousands of illegal migrants threatened to cross its border in August. The EU accused Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenka of facilitating the wave of migrants and trying to destabilize Poland.

“Tens of thousands of migrants from the Middle East arrived by air to [Belarussian capital] Minsk, and then were transported to the border,” Under Secretary of State for the Ministry of Justice Romanowski said Friday in an exclusive interview, arguing that Russia was responsible for aiding Belarus getting the migrants to Poland.

“Only thanks to the rapid, energetic and responsible reaction of the Polish Government and the dedication of thousands of border guards, soldiers and policemen, it was possible to secure the border in time,” Romanowski said. “To combat further threats, we want to build a wall along the entire border.”

President Joe Biden has refused to continue the construction of the wall at the southern border, despite a record number of illegal migrants flooding into the country. U.S. Border Patrol encountered over 1.7 million illegal migrants at the southern border for fiscal year 2021, and a record-breaking 200,000 migrants were apprehended in July alone. Migrants from at least 40 different countries have come through Yuma, Arizona, through a hole in the wall known as “The Gap.”

Romanowski called Biden’s refusal to build a wall purely “ideological.”

“A permanent border barrier saves both money and security – not only for officers, but also for the people and the national budget. The wall would go a long way to curbing human trafficking and drug smuggling that’s thriving at the moment,” Romanowski said. “President Biden [should] stick to the plan introduced by President Trump and put ideology aside. The lives and safety of U.S. citizens should be primary concern for the federal government.”

U.S. Customs Border Patrol confiscated 11,201 pounds of fentanyl in fiscal year 2021 — a 134% increase from the year before.

Left-leaning media and politicians have criticized Poland’s wall, citing human rights and environmental issues. Environmentalists have raised concerns about harm to animal migration paths if the wall is constructed through the primeval Bialowieza forest, which is on the Polish-Belarussian border.

Romanowski called these arguments “false,” and noted the “dangerous conditions in which Polish border and military officers operate.”

“Belarusian services provoke incidents every day, they cut through barbed wire and even fire shots at Poles. The only way of stopping Lukashenka and illegal migrants is to build the wall,” he said, blasting celebrities and left-leaning politicians who are “calling for unconditional entry of anyone at the border.”

Poland wants to accept legal migrants “who want to legally live and work here honestly, and become part of our nation,” Romanowski continued, mentioning the thousands of Ukrainian migrant workers that come across the border. “Poland has a rich tradition of multiculturalism and tolerance. Like the United States, we are open to people who want to legally live and work here honestly, and become part of our nation.”

Illegal migrants that successfully enter Poland are placed in transit centers, where they wait, sometimes upwards to a year, to receive international protection from the EU, Romanowski claimed.

“Migrants usually do not want to wait and flee at the first possible opportunity… This is a serious problem because we usually know nothing about these people: their past, their connections, their political or ideological commitment,” he said.

Romanowski also praised U.S. support of Poland’s security in sending additional troops to the “eastern flank of NATO” amid the Russian threat to invade Ukraine, while criticizing Biden for letting Russia get this far in the first place.

“Until now, President Trump’s team has been drawing hard red lines to Moscow, keeping it at an appropriate distance,” he said. “Russia had never before dared to organize such large military maneuvers in the immediate vicinity of [Kyiv], nor had it directly threatened war.”

“We trust that the United States will not make the same mistake as under President Obama, when withdrawal from European affairs and resetting relations with Russia cost Ukraine the loss of Crimea,” he concluded.



Associate editor.


Thousands Of Migrants Stuck In Between Belarus And Poland As Tensions Flare

Psaki Refuses To Answer Why Harris Has Been Absent From Key Role As Border Czar

Psaki Says The Last Time Biden Was At The Border Was Driving By It In 2008

Nobody’s Happy With The Biden Administration’s Nearly Five Months-Delayed Border Patrol ‘Whipping’ Report

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller Column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.