REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY: The Toxic Fruit of ‘Reformed Theology’ — Part 1 thumbnail

REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY: The Toxic Fruit of ‘Reformed Theology’ — Part 1

By Kelleigh Nelson

“Wherever replacement theology has flourished, the Jews have had to run for cover.” — Thomas Ice

“When the Ark of the Covenant was being brought up to Jerusalem, King David could be seen “leaping and dancing before the Lord” with “all his might” (2 Samuel 6:14-16).  This evoked strong displeasure from his wife, Michal, who was left barren for having despised the joy of the Lord in her husband’s heart.  How full the church is today of Michals who despise those who are rejoicing in the nacham (comfort), racham (compassion), and chesed (loyal covenant love) of God toward His people.  How spiritually barren the church is where love for Israel is absent.” — Paul Wilkinson, author, Israel The Inheritance of God

“If God has not spoken in His Word about replacing, fulfilling, retelling, enlarging, redefining, nullifying, reconstituting, universalizing, reinterpreting, incorporating, renewing, or even “Christifying” Israel, then how are the church speak this way!” —  Andrew Robinson, Israel Betrayed Volume I: The History of Replacement Theology.

There is a preciseness in the exegesis of the above-mentioned books, along with Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s approach to teaching the scriptures. It is a preciseness that many decades ago resonated with my soul.

As a youngster, I was raised in a Jewish neighborhood, grew up with Jewish friends, dated Jewish men, and always had an affinity for both Israel and her people. It was no surprise then, that a Jewish man led me to the doctrinal truth of scripture so many decades ago.  Yes, Jewish folks can lead gentiles to truth.  The Lord works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform.

Long before that time, I had studied antisemitism in the Church for a number of years, and was appalled at the “teaching of contempt” which resonated from the false doctrine of “Replacement Theology,” especially in the “reformed” protestant churches.  The study of this lamentable portion of Christian history, and the departure and deviation of its original foundation is anathema to those who know Biblical truth.  As such, we must act against this evil and uphold the original bedrock of faith.  The tragic results of anti-Semitic replacement theology is an indictment against the Church.

This series of articles will hopefully explain the core of the rot found in our churches today.  We must remember that not all who are congregants of these various denominations understand the false doctrine or are even aware.  There can be no blanket condemnation of those who attend these churches, but only a denouncement of the heretical doctrine which has permeated the church and society in a vastly evil and catastrophic way against Israel and the Jewish people.

Replacement Theology

Replacement Theology is a huge subject, one that would take countless historical studies to fully understand. In the first century, the Church was poisoned with rotten fruit that grew into a forest of libel against God’s people, ultimately causing death and destruction throughout history.  It is also known as Supersessionism, from the word supersede, and Fulfillment Theology. In simple terms, it is the belief that the Church has replaced Israel and the Jewish people in the New Testament in terms of God’s calling and His promises.

This means that Israel plays no role in current and future world affairs and where the NT mentions “Israel” it refers to the Church. This belief stems from the idea that due to the Jew’s rejection of Jesus Christ as their Messiah, their place in the Promise has been forfeited to the Church.

Clearly stated, “Replacement Theology” is an unbiblical heretical doctrine and has destroyed the true church proper.  It is a curse laid upon the cornerstone of truth, that the twelve tribes of Israel are no longer of interest to our Creator. The One True God, our Creator, loves His people Israel and will never forsake His promises to them.

The objective is not to trash Christianity, but to reassess and if possible, remove the false tenets which are damaging to Jews, Christians and the rest of humanity.  We have seen that damage throughout history.  In our lifetime, the Shoah, and now the worldwide outpouring of anti-Semitism against Israel and her people while they are at war with terrorists who mercilessly slaughtered men, women, children and babies.

This false doctrine is the decay and effect of ecclesiastical hatred and contempt for the Jews and Jewishness within the early church, by those considered Church Fathers, who were responsible for the evil perpetrated by the church throughout the centuries against God’s people, Israel. Ignorance of this subject is extremely detrimental to all Christian life.

The Lord has an Eternal Plan

In a February, 2024 article by Dr. Tim Sigler, entitled “Israel’s Current Conflict and God’s Eternal Plan,” he tells of being asked to speak to all three services at a church regarding what is happening in Israel.  The pastor told him that he could not preach on these things adequately.  He was right.  There is a lack of clear biblical teaching and preaching about the role of Israel in God’s plan, about how to understand current issues in light of Scripture, and about how to navigate biblically the ethical challenges that receive lots of one-sided coverage in the culture at large.

Dr. Sigler spoke to the congregations about why Israel is special to God and God’s choice of Israel to be the recipient of covenant blessings.  He listed four verses.

  • To be blessed by God and be a blessing to all the families of the earth. (Gen. 12:3)
  • To be the inheritors of the land of promise. (Gen. 28:13)
  • To have God’s special favor from generation to generation. (Deut. 7:7-9)
  • To have a line of kings from which an ultimate righteous ruler would come.

(2 Samuel 7:11-16)

Dr. Sigler went on to explain that even in the Christian New Testament (Romans 11:28-32), God’s promises to the Jewish people, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, are beloved of the Lord because of God’s covenantal promises given to the fathers, meaning the patriarchs of Israel.  And the Lord’s promises never change.

The pastor of this church is right, few gentile preachers teach in any depth about the Lord’s covenants with His people, Israel.

Early Heresy

Elements of Replacement Theology can be traced as far back as Marcion (A.D. 85 – 160), who carried on a theological crusade to purge the Church of what he perceived to be dangerous Jewish errors and influences.  Later, many of these same anti-Judaic sentiments found their way into the thinking (and writings) of the Early Church fathers. Irenaeus (c.180) wrote, “The Jews have rejected the Son of God and cast Him out of the vineyard when they slew Him.”  Anyone who has read the New Testament words of Christ knows this is a lie, as Jesus himself said in John 10:18, “No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.”

There is much that has happened to the church throughout history, but the Real Great Schism was brought about by the work of the second century Patristic Fathers who took the Church away from the Synagogue and cleansed it of Jewishness.  This is how the Church became different from the Apostolic Church and left the truth of scriptures.

Justin Martyr, in the second century, was one of the first Patristic Fathers who as an intellectual with literary skill was able to pull together the defense of Christian beliefs, refute non-Christian teachings and his numerous anti-Jewish diatribes in a manner that resonated with other elitists within the church.  His focus was on Moses’ Law.  He called it burdensome, that neither Abraham nor other patriarchs lived under the Law, that it was abrogated with Christ, that Christians should not and do not live under the Law of Moses, but under the New Law which is Christ, that the Jews never really understood Scripture given by Moses and the Prophets, but now is understood by Christians which makes the Church the true Israel. Justin provided the Christians with an argument well packed with hateful theological rational.

In the process of defending Christianity, Justin articulated a set of Christian tenets which no other Christian apologist could outdo later. Every single tenet of Christian anti-Jewish theology of the Middle Ages is found in the two works of Justin (Apologies and the Dialogue with Trypho).

Those who followed suit after Justin (Irenaeus, Origen, Tertullian, John Chrysostom, Augustine, Ambrose, and others) honed and polished the tenets Justin himself had already created. None of them added any new tenet to Justin’s anti-Jewish philosophy; they only elaborated upon them and adapted them to the current conditions of their own world.

The Patristic Fathers and their destruction of the true church and their movement away from the synagogue has caused massive evil.  Justin Martyr’s writings reveal not only his hatred for the Jews as a people, but for the Torah.

The Hebrew Bible and America’s Founding Fathers

The political discourse of America’s founding, for one example, is replete with appeals to the Hebrew “republic” as a model for their own political experiment. In an influential 1775 Massachusetts election sermon, Samuel Langdon, the president of Harvard College and later a delegate to New Hampshire’s constitution ratifying convention, opined: “The Jewish government, according to the original constitution which was divinely established, … was a perfect Republic … The civil Polity of Israel is doubtless an excellent general model …; at least some principal laws and orders of it may be copied, to great advantage, in more modern establishments.” Most of what the founders knew about the Hebraic republic they learned from the Bible. The republican model found in the Hebrew Scriptures, however, reassured pious Americans that republicanism was a political system favored by God.

Our once robust society and Godly culture are no longer what our founders envisioned. Our second US President, John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free.

The believers’ debt to Hebrew Scripture, Jewish exegesis, and divine revelation were evident to all of God’s people. In fact, Jewish-Christian relations, in spite of second and third century Christian elitist assaults upon all things Jewish, continued with good rhythm and solid relationship until the mid-fourth century with the advent of the First Council of Nicaea. At the Council of Nicaea, under Constantine’s oversight, the Church formally disconnected from the Jewish roots of Christian theology and practice by separating the celebration of Easter from the Celebration of Passover.

With time, this theological approach has gained momentum and has been the instigator of many atrocities carried out against the Jews.

The fruits of Replacement Theology have been the foundation of almost two millennia of Jew-hatred known as anti-Semitism. Its doctrine has enabled fallen man’s evil instincts to enjoy unlimited acts of horror, terror and extreme violence towards the Jewish people.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of episodes rooted in historical Jew-hatred have manifested themselves under the guise of this doctrine – for example, the infamous Spanish inquisition when 200,000 Jews were expelled from Spain by the Catholic Church. Tens of thousands were slaughtered, purposely drowned in the sea, or their bodies ripped open after rumors spread that Jews who were fleeing had swallowed their gold and silver items.

Sails of Hope

Sails of Hope by Simon Wiesenthal asks the question, “Was Columbus Jewish?”  That would be a shock to those who believe he was Italian while many claim he was Portuguese.  However, Wiesenthal spent five years researching this completely factual, radical re-interpretation of the events which led to the discovery of the New World and changed the course of history.

From the back of Simon Wiesenthal’s book comes the following:

“We herewith decree that all the Jews living in Our dominions, without distinction of sex and age, must leave Our royal possessions and seigneuries, together with their sons and daughters and their Jewish servants…and let them not presume to set foot again in the land for the purpose of settlement, or to pass through to some other land, or for any purpose whatsoever.”  Royal Edict of Expulsion

By midnight, August 2, 1492, all Jews must leave Spanish soil.

That same night, the three sailing ships which are to carry Christopher Columbus on his voyage of discovery are anchored quietly in Palos harbor, and although they are not scheduled to embark until the following day, Columbus has ordered his crew to be on board by eleven o’clock that night.  A Hebrew translator, Luis de Torres, will accompany the expedition, but strangely enough, not a single priest is included.

The auspicious coincidence of these two events, compounded with the intense mystery which has always surrounded the identity of Columbus, has led to a complete re-examination of all previously accepted theories about the true nature of his mission.


So many have asked, “Where is the Church?”  As Dr. Sigler well knows, today’s church leaders are bereft of the truth regarding the Lord’s eternal promises to the Jewish people and have long ago left the original doctrinal veracity of the Apostolic age.

In upcoming portions of this series, the more famous Church fathers who expounded on Justin’s Replacement theology, will be discussed, including Tertullian, Chrysostom, Augustin, Origen and Constantine, all of this leading to today’s Christian Palestinianism.

©2024. Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Viktor Orbán Warns: ‘The Hegemony of the West has Ended, A New World Order is Emerging’


This is in New York City.

It’s an open call to murder Jewish babies.

We have seen this before.

Pro-Hamas = Pro-Holocaust

— Rabbi S Litvin (@BluegrassRabbi) March 11, 2024

Seen in NYC. The pro-Hamas mob has put r*pe back on the table.

— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) March 11, 2024

Democratic Rhetoric Takes A Perilous Turn For The Jews thumbnail

Democratic Rhetoric Takes A Perilous Turn For The Jews

By Center For Security Policy

In an appearance this week on MSNBC, veteran Democratic political strategist James Carville made a stunning statement. Speaking of the uncommitted vote in Michigan, Carville said that it will be Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s fault if Biden loses the election in November.

“There is a problem all across the country [with Democratic voters who will punish Biden if he continues to support Israel] and I hope that the President and [Secretary of State Antony] Blinken can get this thing calmed down, because if it don’t [sic.] get calmed down before the Democratic convention in Chicago it’s going to be a very ugly time in Chicago. I promise you that. They’re gonna have to tell Bibi Netanyahu, ‘Hey dude, we’re not gonna lose our election because you’re scared to go to jail.”

Carville’s bit about jail was part of a larger conspiracy theory that he has been peddling since shortly after the Hamas-led Palestinian invasion of southern Israel on Oct. 7. That theory has it that Netanyahu only decided to wage a war to eradicate Hamas to deflect public attention from his criminal trial. Beyond the obscenity of the contention itself, the fact is that since Netanyahu’s trial opened two years ago, the prosecution’s entire case has fallen apart. But the new wrinkle that Carville incorporated is that it will be Israel’s fault if Biden loses.

Carville is far from alone in making this claim. Pro-Hamas Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) is one of its most outspoken champions. Ahead of the Michigan primary last Tuesday, Tlaib led a campaign of pro-Hamas Muslims and progressives to convince like-minded Michiganders to vote “Uncommitted” to show their opposition to what they perceive as Biden’s support for Israel in its war against Hamas.

Others, including academics, have piled onto the bandwagon. For instance, New York University professor Mohamad Bazzi wrote in The Guardian last week that Biden is risking reelection by not reining in Netanyahu. In his words, “While Biden complains about the petulant Israeli leader who won’t listen, his presidency is now at risk. It’s a self-inflicted wound that Biden would have avoided by standing up to Netanyahu months ago.”

The allegation that Netanyahu is going to cost Biden the election because of his unwillingness to end the war with Hamas without victory is absurd for three reasons. First, the Michigan primary showed the emptiness of the threat. For more than a month, the media provided around-the-clock coverage of calls by Tlaib and her Hamas-supporting partners for Muslims and progressives in Michigan to vote “Uncommitted.” But in the end, Biden won 81.1% of the vote and only 13.2% of Michigan voters voted “uncommitted.”

While 13.2% is being presented as a major achievement, it is anything but significant. It isn’t clear what portion of the 13.2% voted “Uncommitted” out of support for Hamas, for one thing. Around the same percentage of primary voters regularly vote “Uncommitted” in Democratic presidential primaries. For instance, when then-President Barack Obama was running unopposed for re-election in 2012, 11% of Michigan primary voters voted “Uncommitted.”

Beyond that, the Harvard-Harris poll of U.S. opinion on Israel’s war with Hamas, which was published the day of the primary, showed that 82% of Americans support Israel compared to 18% who support Hamas. The implications are clear. Both the election results and the Harvard-Harris poll demonstrated that Tlaib and her pro-Hamas supporters do not have the political weight to throw a presidential election.

The claim that support for Israel will cost Biden the election is also fatuous because Tlaib and her supporters are bluffing. Donald Trump was the most pro-Israel president in history, and they know it. They will not enable him to return by refusing to support Biden. Tlaib admitted this herself at a press conference on Thursday.

“It’s really important for folks to understand: I am incredibly, incredibly scared of a second term for Trump. And I think it’s really important to emphasize this,” she said.

Read more.


Caroline Glick

Caroline B. Glick is a Senior Fellow with the Center for Security Policy. She is a senior columnist at Israel Hayom and the author of The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East, (Crown Forum, 2014). From 1994 to 1996, she served as a core member of Israel’s negotiating team with the Palestine Liberation Organization.

RELATED ARTICLE: Viktor Orbán Warns: ‘The Hegemony of the West has Ended, A New World Order is Emerging’

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

What if Iran gives Hezbollah the bomb and they bring it here? thumbnail

What if Iran gives Hezbollah the bomb and they bring it here?

By Center For Security Policy

An Iran watchdog group says the country has enough weapons-grade uranium to build a nuclear weapon in just one week. Multiple sources indicate that Iran already did the engineering work to build a weapon and may have already done a cold test of a weapon.

In effect, Iran already has the bomb. The game is over. We cannot stop them.

“We possess every aspect of nuclear weapons technology.”

Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran’s ex-nuclear chief

“Iran does not need to do a nuclear test to build a nuclear weapon… They designed a program where they could test the components, the subcomponents, and then test the whole assembled device minus the weapons-grade uranium and have a way to know that if that test was successful, which we call a cold test, then the nuclear explosion would actually take place if it was detonated,”

David Albright, physicist and weapons expert

Sources also point out that Hezbollah, an Iranian-sponsored group, has cells inside the United States and may be able to carry out attacks here on no notice.

Why do we treat these two threats as separate and distinct? Why do we worry about Iran delivering a nuclear weapon via a missile or a bomb dropped by a plane? Why don’t we consider the possibility the bomb will explode here inside the United States and Hezbollah will be the delivery vehicle?

A modern atomic bomb is not that big. Assuming the Iranians have already built weapons, we do not know the exact dimensions. We do know, though, that an American nuclear weapon with ten times the power of the weapons we dropped on Japan measures roughly three feet long and eighteen inches in diameter.

There is no southern border. Millions of people are crossing it without interference. Enough fentanyl comes in every year to kill 100,000 Americans. Are we really supposed to sleep well at night believing something the size of a large suitcase cannot be smuggled in?

“Once the Iranian regime gets access to nuclear weapons, it will most likely provide some of them to its proxies, including Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen. The threat of a nuclear-armed Iran must not be underestimated. Iran’s regime has frequently threatened to wipe a whole country — Israel — off the map, and is also increasing military cooperation with Venezuela and Cuba to threaten the US. Europe, too, remains a rich target for nuclear blackmail. Iran would not even have to use its nuclear bombs; the threat would be enough.”

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, President of the International American Council on the Middle East.

Hezbollah is not some rag-tag outfit. It operates a military bigger than that of many nation-states. It also has a highly efficient arm called Unit 910 that is specifically designed to operate abroad and plan complex attacks years in advance. In support of such operations Unit 910 caches weapons and explosives, cases targets, and waits for direction from its headquarters.

We do not suspect they are here in the United States. We know they are, and we know they have been here for years.

Originally published by AND Magazine


Sam Faddis

Charles “Sam” Faddis is a veteran, retired CIA operations officer, Senior Partner with Artemis, LLC and published author. With degrees from The Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland Law School, he is a contributor to, Newsmax, and The Hill among others. He regularly appears on many networks and radio programs as a national security and counter-terrorism expert.  Sam is the author of “Beyond Repair: The Decline And Fall Of The CIA” and “Willful Neglect: The Dangerous Illusion Of Homeland Security.


Are the Taliban about to buy a North Korean nuclear weapon?

Do the Iranians already have nukes?
EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

The ‘Ceasefire’/’Red Hand’ Pin Worn by Actors at the Oscars is the Symbol of Jews Torn Limb From Limb and Cannibalized thumbnail

The ‘Ceasefire’/’Red Hand’ Pin Worn by Actors at the Oscars is the Symbol of Jews Torn Limb From Limb and Cannibalized

By The Geller Report

The Muslim hordes ate his organs.

Why don’t these left-wing Nazis just wear a swastika and be done with it?

Remembering the Ramallah Lynching, 20 years later

Jerusalem Post

On October 12, 2000, IDF reservists Vadim Norzhich and Yosef Avrahami were lynched by a Palestinian mob while detained at the el-Bireh police station in Ramallah after accidentally entering the Palestinian Authority (PA) controlled city.

Marking what would become the onset of the more violent Second Intifada following the collapse in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations at Camp David in July, the events of October 2000 became among the most brutal timeframe in the history of relations between the two peoples. The Ramallah lynching itself also became one of the first mass publicized incidences of political violence in the internet age, having been widely broadcasted in Israel and around the world.

The event began when Norzhich and Avrahami, two IDF reserve duty soldiers, drove in their civilian vehicle to a meeting point at the settlement of Beit El, when according to accounts, the reservists were unfamiliar with the West Bank road system and drove through the military checkpoint outside Beitunia. From there, they entered the Palestinian city of Ramallah.

Arriving to a Palestinian roadblock, the reservists were detained by PA policemen and taken to the local police station in Ramallah’s twin city el-Bireh, close to the headquarters of PLO chief Yasser Arafat. The detention of the two reservists incidentally came at the same time of a funeral service Palestinian youth who had been killed by Israeli forces a few days earlier. Likewise, over 100 Palestinians  has been killed in violent confrontations with Israeli security forces in the weeks prior.

According to accounts, rumors spread that Israeli undercover agents were being detained at the police station, prompting a crowd of over 1,000 to gather calling for their deaths. While Israeli intelligence got word that the reservists were being detained and a crowd was gathering, the IDF allegedly decided against a rescue operation due to the presence of PA security forces in the area. Haaretz and Maariv, The Jerusalem Post’s sister publication, also reported that 13 Palestinian policemen were injured trying to prevent the mob from storming the station and conducting the lynching.

The IDF reservists were murdered by the crowd via beatings and stabbings, with one Italian news outlet later capturing the infamous photo Aziz Salha raising his blood-soaked hands to the cheering crowd.

The “ceasefire” pins worn by celebs at the Oscars are a symbol of Palestinian terrorism straight out of a terror event in which Palestinians got hold of Jews, killed them, ripped out organs, and proudly showed off the Jewish blood on their hands to the cheering crowd.

— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) March 11, 2024

The reservists’ bodies were then thrown out the window, mutilated and set on fire. The bodies were then dragged to Al-Manara Square in the city center. PA security forces, aware of the seriousness, attempted to confiscate film showing the events.

Continue reading.


Pamela Geller


Oscar’s Theme? Jew Hatred, Calls for Israel’s Immediate Surrender to Hamas Terror

Haiti Collapses, Cannibal Gangs Roam Streets, President Flees Country, BIDEN EVACUATES FIFTH EMBASSY


The red hand on the pin these “celebrities” wore at the #Oscars represents the blood from murdered Jews on the hands of a Palestinian mob after they lynched 2 innocent Israelis in 2000. The pin is literally a call to murder Jews. Their wearing of it at the Oscars is a disgrace.

— Izengabe (@Izengabe_) March 11, 2024

Billie Eilish, Ramy Youssef, Ava DuVernay and other celebrities wore red pins at the Oscars in support for a cease-fire in Gaza. The design featured a single hand holding a heart and was organized by the group Artists4Ceasefire.

— The Associated Press (@AP) March 11, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Muslim Migrant Chases Couple on way to Synagogue, Screaming Anti-Semitic Slurs & Threatening to Kill Them thumbnail

FLORIDA: Muslim Migrant Chases Couple on way to Synagogue, Screaming Anti-Semitic Slurs & Threatening to Kill Them

By Jihad Watch

Diversity, ya know, is our strength. Borders and immigration controls are racist.

Jordanian man arrested in Florida for antisemitic threats against Orthodox Jews

Jerusalem Post, March 10, 2024:

A man in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, is under investigation for what authorities are calling antisemitic attacks, as reported by Local 10 News.

Mohamed Al Saccal, 39, has been accused of using a sharp object, described by some victims as a dagger, to threaten Orthodox Jews in the community.

According to Sgt. Brain Schnell, this incident is part of a disturbing trend of harassment targeting members of the Jewish community over the past three days.

Al Saccal allegedly chased a couple on their way to a synagogue along Collins Avenue, yelling antisemitic sentiments and threatening their lives.

According to the report, Al Saccal, a resident of Sunny Isles Beach born in Jordan, is currently in custody, facing charges of aggravated assault.

Authorities are considering upgrading these charges to hate crimes in light of the nature of his actions….

Continue reading.




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Biden, Kamala Send Ramadan Message Empathizing With Hamas Supporters

Austria: Nine Muslim migrant teens sexually abuse two teen girls, film the abuse

Israel Must Make Clear That It Won’t Keep Helping Jordan If Jordan’s Hostile Rhetoric Continues

While Israel Unstintingly Helps Jordan, Jordan Rails About Israel’s Unsurpassed Villainy

The Zone of Interest Was a Bad Movie. No Wonder Jonathan Glazer is a Hamas Apologist.

Montreal: Pro-Hamas protester gives National Socialist salute, screams ‘Death to the Jews’

RELATED VIDEO: Robert Spencer with Stephen Gardner on the true nature of the Israel-Hamas war

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

What Business Do Christians Have Being Journalists? thumbnail

What Business Do Christians Have Being Journalists?

By Family Research Council

Collin Hansen, a Christian journalist, once wrote that “there’s significant overlap between” journalism and Christianity, because both “teach by distilling complicated concepts about how the world works. Both herald news, good and bad.” But he added that one “might not know about the overlap between these callings because journalists and preachers generally don’t like each other.”

Of course, it’s no wonder why. Journalists aren’t famous for their good, trustworthy reputations. Rather, they’re more commonly infamous for their willingness to lie and twist the narrative to accommodate their biases. We scan headlines and notice that left- and right-wing outlets may cover the same news yet tell completely different stories. How do we know who and what to trust?

More importantly, what business does a Christian have in a field notorious for misconduct?

Growing up, I didn’t pay much attention to politics. Partly because I lacked an interest in it, and partly because I saw how it stirred up immense controversy. I didn’t see the point of engaging in what seemed like a constant societal migraine. But here I am, a Christian reporter with my gaze particularly fixed on the political arena. So, what changed? It’s simple.

I used to tell people, “The only political opinions I have are what’s addressed in the Bible.” And while it’s largely still the case, there’s a much different meaning behind that statement now. Back then, if I said that, I was primarily referring to matters of abortion, gender, and marriage — areas I firmly believe Scripture makes abundantly clear. But what changed between then and now is that I see more clearly how the Bible touches on far more than those three significant areas. Indeed, the more I study Scripture (and observe the political landscape), the more I see just how much the Bible applies to nearly everything.

It was during my internship at Family Research Council, shortly after attending Bible college, when this became blatant. Evidently, there are a vast number of political topics to consider when claiming the Bible “nearly” applies to “everything.” But I’ve had the privilege of writing for The Washington Stand about immigration, debanking, socialism, abortion, economics, LGBT activism, education, social media, mental health, and more, and for every single topic, a biblical worldview has applied. Moreover, in each topic, a Christian voice was not only relevant, but needed.

God is not just “some” truth you can choose to adopt in personal and isolated areas of convenience. No, He is the ultimate Truth as it pertains to all things, regardless of how we feel. The truth of God is “the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). It’s completely detached from the roller coaster of human trends and finite perspectives. As such, Christians have an advantage to journalism secular journalists don’t. Christian journalists know objective truth, and it has set us free (John 8:32). And its Christian journalists who then take God and His word into the messy battleground of secular journalism to serve as salt and light to a world in desperate need of it. And really, all Christians who engage in politics are called to do this, too.

I had a conversation with a friend the other day about how hopeless it can feel standing for biblical truth in the public square when it seems to have no impact. And yet, for this very reason, I don’t find it coincidental Galatians 6:9 frequently comes to mind, which says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” And really, this is what Christian journalists are called to take on.

I believe it’s a strong and reasonable temptation to give up when swimming against the current — particularly in an ocean as restless as politics. But what I believe Galatians 6:9 is meant to remind us of is that we don’t give up because, while we may not always be able to see how our efforts make a difference, we serve a God who said, “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24). And Jesus said in John 5:17, “My Father is always working, and so am I.”

Feeling like God isn’t working is no reason to give up. Instead, we never have reason to give up because we trust, in His sovereignty, He is working.

2 Corinthians 4:4 says that “the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” But don’t you see? Journalism is such a wonderful opportunity for Christians to put the light of the gospel back into the public square. We will be criticized and rejected for it, but we will also be glorifying God.

Hansen articulated it well when he shared why Christian journalism matters:

“Journalists that would serve the church will fulfill a catechetical calling. We are teachers who help other Christians understand a world created by God but corrupted by sin. Our investigative work reflects the biblical reality that we live in … [a] time when our ‘adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour’ (1 Peter 5:8). We expose the sin that imperils believers so that they might be prepared to defend themselves in the power of the Holy Spirit.

“Yet, we also live in … [a] time when the Father is working in glorious ways to spread the saving knowledge of His Son, Jesus Christ. This is good news, and journalists have been called to tell it. With a little help from preachers, we just might be able to encourage the church with a new, more edifying approach to media.”

As corrupt and abused as it may be, I don’t believe the realm of media, reporting, and journalism is worth abandoning. Like everything in this fallen world, its frustrating nature is not one we should shy away from. Rather, it should be a wake-up call to what Christians are meant to do in the first place. That is, to proclaim the truth.

Earlier, I said I am a Christian reporter with my gaze fixed on politics. And while that is true as it pertains to what I write about, behind it all is a gaze fixed on Christ. And so, as a Christian journalist, I shall repeat the words of Psalm 146:2, in that “I will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.”


Sarah Holliday

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.


Glenn Youngkin Sabotages His GOP Future with Same-Sex Marriage Support

Ireland Rejects Leftist Constitutional Amendments Targeting Family and Motherhood

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Pro-Palestinian Groups Boast of Plans to Disrupt Oscars thumbnail

Pro-Palestinian Groups Boast of Plans to Disrupt Oscars

By NEWSRAEL Telling the Israeli Story

“We are well aware of the protesters, we have a number of backup scenarios we can activate quickly if needed,” a senior security official said.

Several pro-Palestinian organizations are making concrete plans not only to demonstrate at Sunday evening’s Oscars ceremony but to actually sabotage the event.

Commander Randy Goddard of the Los Angeles Police Department told The New York Times that according to intelligence gathered from social media and other sources, some pro-Palestinian activist groups “would like to stop the Academy Awards.”

This is indicated by slogans chosen by the groups and social media posts.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, several groups are planning on blocking the entrances and exits to the event as well as the streets leading to the venue. They plan to carry signs and chant slogans such as “No awards during a genocide.”

Their justification for restricting access to attendees is to reflect “the blockade of Gaza and the occupation of Palestine.”

Groups posting about their intention to disrupt the Oscars include Writers Against the War on Gaza LA (WAWOG), Film Workers for Palestine, SAG-AFTRA Members for Ceasefire and many others.

The 96th Oscar Awards are scheduled for Sunday evening at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood.

Jewish Voice for Peace LA chapter plans to congregate at LA’s Cinerama Dome with signs that say “While you’re watching bombs are dropping.”

“Let’s mobilize and take to the streets to show that we refuse to look away from this ongoing genocide! Ceasefire NOW!” their statement said.

Film Workers for Palestine and SAG-AFTRA for Ceasefire, said in a statement, “We will not let people turn away from the atrocities in Gaza. We are taking action and making sure Palestine will NOT be ignored for some glitz and glam.”

EDITORS NOTE: This UNITED WITH ISRAEL column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

SON OF HAMAS: Who Are These People? thumbnail

SON OF HAMAS: Who Are These People?

By NEWSRAEL Telling the Israeli Story

Mosab Hassan Yousef, a.k.a. Son of Hamas, lists the characteristics of a certain people — can you guess who they are?

  1. They sacrifice their own children to ignite rage and hatred against their opponents.
  2. They don’t feel guilty for sacrificing their own children because the children are going to heaven as martyrs.
  3. They use the hospitals as terror hubs then they complain about the collapse of the health system.
  4. They use mosques for indoctrination and terror then they complain about religious freedoms.
  5. They initiate the war, and when they lose they say it was a massacre.
  6. They believe Killing, looting, raping, robbing, child molesting, and honor killing, are justified because of “resistance”.
  7. They believe the genocide of peaceful communities is because of “occupation” and “colonialism.”
  8. They are fighting for “their land”, but they have no proof of any ownership.
  9. They could have developed the land they have, but they prefer to conquer a land that has been already developed.
  10. They are certain that the grass on the other side is greener.
  11. They didn’t achieve anything because they were busy trying to steal their neighbor’s life achievement.
  12. If they don’t have their lamb stew dish while at war they have started, they call it famine and a human rights violation.
  13. They agree on evil then they complain about collective punishment. Their false accusations against their neighbors only reveal who they truly are.

Have I forgotten anything?


“Iron Swords” News Summary: March 11 – Morning

Pro-Palestinian Groups Boast of Plans to Disrupt Oscars

Infrastructure Used By Hamas On Oct. 7th Destroyed By IDF

RELATED VIDEO: IAF warplanes PULVARIZED a Hezbollah launcher

EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael News Desk column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Biden Will Send 1,000 Troops to Bring Aid to Gazans, 0 to Retrieve American Hostages thumbnail

Biden Will Send 1,000 Troops to Bring Aid to Gazans, 0 to Retrieve American Hostages

By Jihad Watch

And 0 to secure America’s own border.

There are people on social media who spend their time claiming that American soldiers will fight and die for Israel.

Anyone who knows anything about the Biden administration also recognizes that for the joke that it is.

There are 6 Americans still held hostage in Gaza. After the Oct 7 attack, the administration was asked if it would send in a rescue force to get any of the Americans who were held hostage out then. The answer was no.

But Biden finally is sending in the troops. Not to save the hostages from Hamas, but to build a nice pier to supply aid to Hamas supporters in Gaza.

floating pier and causeway that will be used to deliver critical humanitarian aid by sea to Gaza is expected to take at least one month or possibly as long as two for the US military to build and become fully operational, Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Patrick Ryder said on Friday.

Ryder also said the construction of the pier and causeway will likely require as many as 1,000 US military personnel to complete.

Are any of those personnel going to be in danger?

Official word from the administration is that there will be no ‘boots on the ground’, just in the water. That’s borderline meaningless. And it’s not just Hamas there. The Houthis and Hezbollah have taken to lobbying rockets around and the presence of a sizable contingent of vulnerable U.S. personnel will draw them like flies.

Two months is a whole lot of time in which to plan and execute an attack.

Biden has sent 0 troops to rescue the hostages from Hamas, but he’s sending 1,000 into a war zone to provide aid to Hamas supporters.

He’s also refused to use the military to secure our border by ending the flow of migrant invaders across it.

But once again, Biden has found a way to use the military to aid our enemies. He won’t use the military to protect America, but he’ll use it to send aid to Hamas.




Hamas top dog Haniyeh: Donations to Gaza not ‘humanitarian aid,’ but ‘financial jihad’

Biden Regime Officially Turns on Israel

Few in Israel’s Military Establishment Believe War with Hezbollah Can Be Avoided

Nigeria: Muslims kidnap 287 children ages 5-12 from their school

Gaza War is Only the Harbinger of a Bigger War to Come

Sweden: Four Muslims arrested for plotting jihad massacres

Are Ramadan Jihad Cells Already In U.S.?

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

INTEL REPORT WARNING: Ramadan 2024 — The Islamic Month of Jihad! thumbnail

INTEL REPORT WARNING: Ramadan 2024 — The Islamic Month of Jihad!

By Defend The Border

Clare Lopez, Founder/CEO – Lopez Liberty, LLC warns America, Israel and the world what happens during the 30 days of Ramadan AND what has been threatened to occur!

This is a warning alert to all, but especially Jewish students on campuses across America.

WATCH: Clare Lopez Intel Report – Warning: RAMADAN, ISLAMIC MONTH OF JIHAD!

About Clare M. Lopez

Clare M. Lopez is the Founder/President of Lopez Liberty LLC, with a mission to alert Americans to national security threats, both international & from the Islamic Movement/Muslim Brotherhood & their Marxist/communist collaborators in this country. She serves as a senior advisory board member for the Near East Center for Strategic Engagement (NEC-SE).

During the 2020 election season, she worked with Bishop E.W. Jackson & his STAND organization & acted as advisor/mentor to Special Forces students in a fall 2020 DoD course. From 2014-2020, Lopez served as VP for Research & Analysis at the Center for Security Policy. She has been a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research & member of the Board of Advisors for the Canadian Mackenzie Institute. In 2016, she was named to Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign national security advisory team. Lopez has been an instructor on Iran, Hizballah & the Red-Black-Green Axis for Understanding the Threat & currently is an instructor for UtT’s online National Security Academy. From 2013-2016, Lopez served as a member of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi & continues as a member of the Citizens’ Commission on National Security.

Formerly VP of the Intelligence Summit, she was a career operations officer with the CIA, a professor at the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, Executive Director of the Iran Policy Committee from 2005-2006 and has served as a consultant, instructor, intelligence analyst & researcher for a variety of defense firms. She was named a 2011 Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute. In February 2012, Ms. Lopez was named a member of the Congressional Task Force on National & Homeland Security, which focuses on the Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) threat to the nation & serves as its Director for Counterterrorism. She has served as a member of the Boards of Advisors/Directors for the Center for Democracy & Human Rights in Saudi Arabia, the United West & Voice of the Copts.

She has been a Visiting Researcher & guest lecturer on counterterrorism, national defense & international relations at Georgetown University. Ms. Lopez is a regular contributor to a range of media on subjects related to China, Russia, Iran & the Middle East. She is the co-author of two published books on Iran & numerous articles on China & its military-civilian fusion Biological Weapons program.

She is the author of The Rise of the Iran Lobby and co-author/editor of the Center’s Team B II study, “Shariah: The Threat to America” as well as The Tiger Team’s “The Secure Freedom Strategy: A Plan for Victory Over the Global Jihad Movement.” She co-authored “Gulen & the Gulenist Movement” with CSP’s Vice President for Outreach, Christopher Holton, “See No Shariah: ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ & the Disarming of America’s First Line of Defense” with Frank Gaffney, CSP’s past President & is both editor & co-author of the Center’s “Ally No More: Erdogan’s New Turkish Caliphate & the Rising Jihadist Threat to the West”.

Lopez received a B.A. in Communications & French from Notre Dame College of Ohio & an M.A. in International Relations from the Maxwell School of Syracuse University. She completed Marine Corps Officer Candidate School (OCS) in Quantico, Virginia before declining a military commission to join the CIA.

RELATED VIDEO: Afghan illegal in France attempts decapitation of man on train annoyed by crying baby

EDITORS NOTE: This The United West video report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Central London Becomes ‘No-Go Zone’ for Jews thumbnail

Central London Becomes ‘No-Go Zone’ for Jews

By Vlad Tepes Blog

In a March 8, 2024 Breitbart article Central London UK becomes ‘no-go zone’ for Jewish people Oliver JJ Lane wrote,

The UK’s Commissioner for Countering Extremism warns central London is being allowed to turn “into a no-go zone for Jews every weekend”, but march organisers counter-claim the government is just trying to “whip up” fear.

“Anti-Semitism skyrocketing” and protests are becoming more forceful, leading to central London becoming a “no-go zone” for Jews at the weekend, the UK government’s Commissioner for Countering Extremism has warned. Robin Simcox, a former Henry Jackson Society and Heritage Foundation fellow who was appointed to the UK advisory post for his expertise on extremism in 2022 observed the tone and nature of protests, warning of a “permissive environment in the UK and saying that: “Protests [are] becoming ever more vociferous, with “from the river to the sea” beamed onto the side of Big Ben during a vote on Gaza.”

To be clear, it was extremely well known that Islam is at its core, axiomatically antisemitic. Multiple people warned of the results of bringing in millions of Muslims, let alone the history books that show the results of Islam abutting civilization since Mohammad robbed his first caravan. The government response has been to ban accurate history books and criminalize those who speak truth about Islam as a threat doctrine. Which is actually all it is from a non-muslim PoV. Therefore to say that this is a surprise, or an undesired result is to be certifiably out of touch with reality. An, “i’m holding up 5 fingers” moment.

One hour video interview with James Linsdsay on the intersectionality of Islam and communism. This is good and as usual, Lindsay operates at the level of the strategic understanding of leftism rather than the tactical. This is also where this site applies focus. One cannot develop effective tactics if you cannot understand the enemy strategy.

Isn’t this the second time the same Biden has made the same error? Actually more like third as he has referred to other people as president.

BIDEN: “Pennsylvania, I have a message for you: send me to Congress!” 😬

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 9, 2024

Canada’s Somali Muslim Development minister explains why Canada is restoring funding to UNRWA. Did anyone think they wouldn’t?

International Development Minister Ahmed Hussen is asked why Canada is restoring funding to UNRWA when allies such as New Zealand and Australia have not done the same.

— True North (@TrueNorthCentre) March 8, 2024

Communists and leftists held a massive demonstration against Israel today in Ottawa. Here is a couple of clips from Chris Dacey.

Palestinian demonstrators, led by Palestinian Spiderman, are popping off smoke grenades all over downtown Ottawa.

— Dacey Media (@chrisdacey) March 9, 2024

Thank you all for checking out this site.


UK: Muslims circulate names of people accused of having left Islam

An Intolerable Situation Has Been Created in France

Muslim Death Threats to Teachers in Paris

RELATED VIDEO: Understanding Islam

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column posted by  Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Microsoft AI Image Generator Erases Israel thumbnail

Microsoft AI Image Generator Erases Israel

By The Geller Report

Opponents of AI could not make a stronger case against it then AI itself.

The left has destroyed, yet again, something with unimaginable potential and promise to better humankind – weaponizing it instead.

But this is good. People need to think on their own, read on their own, seek primary sources.

Get the facts. Objective reality.

Microsoft AI Image Generator Erases Israel From Map of ‘Palestine’

Map of Palestine” generated by Microsoft Copilot

By: lana Goodman, Free beacon, March 8, 2024

Microsoft’s artificial intelligence image generator erases Israel from the map when asked to create a geographical image of “Palestine,” according to a review of the program by the Washington Free Beacon.

When the Free Beacon prompted Microsoft’s Copilot to create a “map of Palestine,” all four of the images generated by the program showed the entire state of Israel labeled as “Palestine,” alongside the Palestinian flag.

But when asked to create a “map of Israel,” the program showed the current map of Israel, including its borders with the West Bank.

The results could raise new questions about the politicization of artificial intelligence platforms. On Wednesday, CNBC reported on violent and controversial images generated by the platform, including an image of Elsa, the character from the Disney movie Frozen, holding a “Free Gaza” sign.

The Free Beacon was able to reproduce similar pictures with the program. When asked to create images of “Elsa in Palestine,” the generator depicted her wearing a keffiyeh, a headscarf associated with Palestinian terrorists. A prompt of “Elsa in Israel,” meanwhile, generates an image of Elsa holding a menorah.

A request for a picture of “Children in Palestine” produced politically charged images of Palestinian youth playing soccer while surrounded by razor wire-topped walls and murals of soldiers attacking a Palestinian child.

In contrast, a request for “Children in Israel” only generated images of children on a playground without any references to violence or war.

Similarly, prompts for “Palestinian civilians” and “Palestinian people” turned up images of Palestinian protesters holding signs for “Freedom, Justice, and Equality for Paleestine [sic],” and Palestinian families sitting in rubble from bombed out buildings.

In contrast, “Israeli civilians” and “Israeli people” showed pictures of Israeli families eating dinner and enjoying picnics.

When asked to generate an “Israel octopus,” all three images created by the program were of sea creatures covered in the Israeli flag while wrapping their tentacles around the globe—classic anti-Semitic imagery.

Continue reading


Pamela Geller


Biden Tells Netanyahu They’re Going to Have to Have a ‘Come to Jesus’ Meeting

“Queer in Gaza”: The Reality

The Tax Exemption for Supporting Hamas Terror

Biden’s Border Invasion: Are Ramadan Terror Cells Already In U.S.?

Muslims Kidnap Nearly 300 Children Between the Ages of 5 -12 From Their Elementary School in Nigeria

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PERKINS: State of Faith, Family, and Freedom Address thumbnail

PERKINS: State of Faith, Family, and Freedom Address

By Family Research Council


I am Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., with this year’s State of Faith, Family, and Freedom in America.

The apostle Peter wrote to believers who had been scattered because of the persecution of the early church, instructing them to “always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” [1 Peter 3:15 ESV].

Notice where that hope was to reside. Not in the halls of power, the media headlines of the day, and certainly not on the stages of entertainment. Rather, that hope is to be found within us.

As followers of Christ, we have the very presence of God within us, which is our hope and confidence. And in a moment, I want to share with you the tangible results that have come from that hope, results which the godless Left and their lemmings in the legacy media work day and night to keep from you.

So, from that foundation, we look at the state of faith, family, and freedom in America.

The assault on biblical faith continues to accelerate under the Biden administration’s policies, both at home and abroad.

Religious freedom, the top foreign policy objective of the former Trump administration, has been replaced with prioritizing attacks on the unborn, promoting LGBTQ ideology, and the climate, the unholy trinity of the Left.

The Biden administration has found the ideal partner to advance this unholy trinity with the World Health Organization (WHO), which is working feverishly to advance an unprecedented global power grab through a pandemic treaty — or pandemic accord as it is deceptively called to avoid the need for ratification by the U.S. Senate.

This accord grants the compromised WHO the ability to regulate nearly every aspect of life for citizens of every nation when the WHO believes there is a health emergency. The treaty calls for censoring information that would challenge their declaration, which would include silencing dissenting voices. We saw this type of totalitarianism play out here in the United States during COVID-19; we don’t want to see a global sequel.

The consequences of the Biden administration’s misplaced priorities have rapidly manifested in global chaos and instability, along with historic levels of persecution of Christians and other religious minorities.

A case in point is the country of Nigeria, the most populous African nation. As chairman of the bipartisan U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom during the Trump administration, I led the commission in recommending that Nigeria be designated as a country of particular concern. This designation, which the Trump administration adopted for the government of Nigeria, allowed for economic sanctions upon the country and its leaders for allowing the egregious, ongoing, and systematic persecution of people of faith.

But, without adequate explanation, that designation was immediately removed by the Biden administration when they came into office. The result has been a dramatic rise in the death toll. According to the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law, more than 8,000 Christians were killed in Nigeria last year alone.

This indifference to religious freedom abroad is rivaled only by the hostility toward religious freedom here at home, as a congressional investigation revealed the FBI tracked and worked to infiltrate churches in part because of leftist propaganda from the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The role of faith, the Christian faith, has been routinely undermined by President Biden’s policies. Faith-based entities focused on proclaiming truth through charitable service have been assaulted.

At the end of last year, the Biden Department of Health and Human Services put forth a new rule that would shut down Christian foster care services and exclude Christian foster families unless they surrender biblical teaching on human sexuality and gender identity. And this comes at a time when more, not fewer, stable families are needed for children in need of a family.

These policies, which are hostile to biblical truth, have fomented and tacitly approved outright acts of hostility toward churches in America.

Over the last year, there have been 436 identified acts of hostility on churches in the United States, ranging from vandalism to firebombing to shootings. Family Research Council’s recently released Hostility Against Churches Report shows an astounding 800% increase in acts of vandalism and violence towards churches since 2018.

The family has not evaded the hostility of this administration either, as radical gender policies are pushed from the Department of Education onto local schools, demanding parents be kept in the dark as their children are transitioned. Ask Jennifer and Dan Mead, whose autistic daughter was being secretly transitioned at school without her parents’ knowledge or consent. Behind their backs, teachers agreed to call her by a masculine name and male pronouns. The Meads stumbled on the truth when an education plan that detailed their daughter’s life as a boy at school was accidentally sent home. Furious, they pulled her out of classes, started homeschooling, and sued. Now, her mom says, “She’s safe. She knows her real identity.” But who knows how many other parents are living this same nightmare? Or worse, oblivious to what’s happening right under their noses.

The hostility of the Left begins at the moment of conception.

“Think about [it],” Vice President Kamala Harris told reporters after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are persons. “Individuals, couples, who want to start a family are now being deprived of access to what can help them start a family,” she said, referring to the potential impacts on In Vitro Fertilization. “So, on the one hand, the proponents are saying that an individual doesn’t have a right to end an unwanted pregnancy, and on the other hand, the individual does not have a right to start a family.”

This faux outrage is the height of hypocrisy. The Alabama ruling did nothing to outlaw IVF, but on the contrary, ensured that parents struggling with infertility don’t experience even more heartbreak because of the carelessness of IVF clinics that treat embryos as if they are merely pieces of property. This feign of counterfeit compassion over infertility comes at the same time the Biden administration is working to overturn every state’s pro-life laws by allowing dangerous mail-order abortions without medical oversight — which is a violation of federal law. And once again, they are peddling the lie that protecting unborn children puts women’s lives at risk. Not a single pro-life law prohibits saving a mother’s life. Instead, these laws protect unborn children from being brutally torn apart.

Innocent human life must be protected, as must the mothers, many of whom think they have no alternative. That’s why Republicans are working to stop the Biden administration in its new Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program from excluding pregnancy resource centers from receiving federal funding for the myriad of services they provide.

More and more families are looking to religious nonprofits for assistance in many areas as families struggle under the present tight economy, where prices have climbed 18% since President Biden took office.

Prices aren’t the only thing increasing under this administration; so has violent crime.

While the Democratic Party wants you to believe that crime has declined over the past year, the reality is that homicides, theft, carjackings, and property damage are astronomically higher than they were in 2019. Violent crimes against young people have actually doubled in the last year. Motor vehicle thefts are up 105% since the pandemic — as even members of Congress have fallen prey to carjackings. The murder rate is up as much as 30% in places like the nation’s capital and about 18% overall.

A contributing factor to violent crime is the skyrocketing illegal immigration on our southern border, made tragically evident again when 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley was found murdered on the campus of the University of Georgia. The alleged murderer, Jose Ibarra, illegally entered the country in 2022 from Venezuela, was detained, and then let loose or “paroled” into the United States. This is a man who was arrested three times but never detained. And by the way, Athens, Georgia, where the campus is located, is a sanctuary city. A sanctuary for criminals and murderers, not nursing students and law-abiding citizens.

An estimated 10 million illegal immigrants have crossed into the United States since President Biden took office in January of 2021.

Deadly drugs like fentanyl are also streaming across the border, becoming the number one killer of Americans aged 18-45.

It is not just drugs and criminals that are streaming across the border; so are terrorists. At least 342 individuals who are on the terrorist watchlist have been detained at the border; there is no telling how many terrorists have evaded authorities and are now in the United States establishing terrorist cells.

We don’t have to look back far into history to see the savagery of a terrorist border invasion. We simply look at October 7 in Israel when Hamas terrorists invaded peaceful Israeli communities and brutally tortured, maimed, raped, and killed 1,400 innocent people and took 240 hostages. And now, five months later, as Israel seeks to secure its borders and eliminate future threats from Hamas, the Biden administration is breaking with one of America’s most politically reliable and spiritually significant allies. The Biden administration has repeatedly called for pauses or ceasefires, which allows Hamas to regroup and resupply, even as American hostages have not been freed.

Most recently, the Biden administration reversed the policy of the Trump administration that recognized Israel had a right to build in the biblical areas of Samaria and Judea, misleadingly called the West Bank. President Biden has gone so far as to sanction Israelis living in these areas while giving billions of dollars to organizations like the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), which has been directly linked to Hamas and the October 7 terrorist attack.

Friends, I believe America’s support for and stand with Israel has resulted in God extending grace to America despite our accelerating departure from His truth over the last half-century. America’s future is inextricably intertwined with Israel’s.

When we look at and consider these challenges, we don’t do so as people who have no hope of overcoming — to the contrary. Jesus, in the parable about the unjust judge, which is an appropriate analogy as we consider our relationship to our government, said men should always pray and not lose heart or hope.

Jesus was not laying out a prescription to simply feel good. This call to prayer was a prescription for change.

Let me give you just a few facts about the change God has brought forth in our nation because Christians didn’t give up hope but instead continued to pray, vote, and stand for biblical truth.

On June 24, 2022, after 49 years of prayerful, disciplined, and often ridiculed political engagement, Roe v. Wade was overturned, putting the ability to protect women and children into the hands of their elected representatives rather than unelected judges.

Here is something I am sure you’ve yet to hear from the legacy media. We have more Bible-believing Christians in Congress, in state legislatures, on city councils, and serving on school boards than at any time in modern history. Look at the speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, a Christian, a conservative, a Republican. I know Speaker Johnson; he and I have been friends for over 25 years.

Look at the transformation of state legislatures across the country. In 1990, there were six GOP-controlled legislatures. Twenty-four years later, there are 28. And one result has been state pro-life laws have doubled since the Republican election wave of 2010.

We know that we will overcome. That is why we must continue to pray for our nation, that we will return to God and His truth. We need to vote. We need to both raise up and vote for leaders who have the qualities that Jethro laid out to Moses in Exodus 18, leaders who: 1) are able, they know what to do; 2) fear God; 3) are men of truth; and 4) are not looking to get rich; rather, they are seeking to serve.

Finally, we need to stand for truth, no matter who else is standing or not standing. And do so filled with the joy of the Lord. In John 15, as Jesus was warning His disciples of the challenges they would face for following Him, He said this: “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full” [John 15:11].

And we do all of this in love. Paul instructs us in 1 Corinthians 16, to “watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love” [NKJV].

The state of faith, family, and freedom in America is being tested and tried to a degree that is almost unrivaled in our history. But our confidence and hope in the future has never been more solid because we’ve seen the budding fruit of decades of prayer, of biblically guided participation in our republican form of government.

We must let it be known that we will not be intimidated into silence by a weaponized government, nor will we allow Marxist tactics that seek to marginalize the Christian faith to cause us to shrink back into the shadows of society. Why? Because of the hope that is within us and the victory that is before us, it leaves us more resolved than ever to pray, vote, and stand for biblical truth.


Tony Perkins

Tony Perkins is president of Family Research Council and executive editor of The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Leaked Files Reveal WPATH’s Awareness of ‘Debilitating,’ ‘Potentially Fatal’ Effects of Trans Procedures thumbnail

Leaked Files Reveal WPATH’s Awareness of ‘Debilitating,’ ‘Potentially Fatal’ Effects of Trans Procedures

By Family Research Council

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has a long history. The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh wrote that WPATH “is the organization that major hospitals and gender clinics cite as the all-important authority on so-called ‘trans healthcare.’” Controversial at its core, WPATH has faced immense criticism over the years from those who do not support gender transition procedures, while at the same time receiving strong support from those who see cross-sex hormones, puberty blocking drugs, and surgeries to remove healthy organs as “gender affirming care.”

Despite losing over 60% of its members between January 2023 and January 2024, “WPATH is somehow now taken seriously as the standard-setter in the field, by major hospitals and medical associations,” Walsh wrote. But in reality, he continued, WPATH “is maybe the single greatest scam in modern medicine. … The WPATH of today is the proud product of decades of quackery and sexual experimentation. It is a threat to public health and in particular to children.”

On March 4, the U.S. think tank Environmental Progress released leaked files from WPATH that “revealed that the clinicians who shape how ‘gender medicine’ is regulated and practiced around the world consistently violate medical ethics and informed consent.”

It continued, “In the WPATH Files, members demonstrate a lack of consideration for long-term patient outcomes despite being aware of the debilitating and potentially fatal side effects of cross-sex hormones and other treatments. Messages in the files show that patients with severe mental health issues, such as schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder, and other vulnerabilities such as homelessness, are being allowed to consent to hormonal and surgical interventions. Members dismiss concerns about these patients and characterize efforts to protect them as unnecessary ‘gatekeeping.’”

Most unsettling about the leaked files, experts have pointed out, is that they prove the alleged “medical professionals” are keenly aware “they are offering minors life-changing treatments they cannot fully understand.” On Wednesday, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins highlighted on “Washington Watch” that the “injuries described in the files” that WPATH members are aware of “include sterilization, loss of sexual function, liver tumors, and even death.”

Concerning the leaked files, Dr. Quentin Van Meter, a pediatric endocrinologist and executive committee member of the American College of Pediatricians, observed on “Washington Watch” that “it’s a very large battering ram that’s hit the wall … that has been hiding all of the information that they know, and they willingly discuss among themselves.” He added that the files prove that the procedures they are doing on “these kids are clearly experimental [and] not based on science.”

He explained that doctors have been warning against WPATH and their practices for years in hearings and courts — efforts that have been repeatedly “shot down.” Van Meter emphasized that WPATH considers their work as “saving grace” and that they “save lives.” For years, WPATH has claimed that any contrary belief “is a bald-faced lie, and is politically motivated by right-wing conspiracy theorists,” he said. “That’s been their mantra since we’ve known them on the scene.”

Ultimately, he argued, the “WPATH secrets that have now been leaked show that [they have] no scientific background [and] that they are living and repeating lies over and over again. It’s quite shocking.” But he also described it as a “gift,” since it exposes the truth that “this is not good for children.”

Perkins added, “It exposes the fact that many of these entities that are held out as experts have been compromised by the political agendas of these ideologically driven individuals.” He continued, “This is what happens when this ideology, untethered to truth and ethics, mixes with science. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should do it.”

Especially since “it leads to horrible outcomes for children,” Perkins contended. Children that “can’t drive … can’t get a tattoo, but we’re letting them cut off body parts and … make them think they’re changing their gender.”

Van Meter agreed. “This needs to be shouted from the … hilltops: ‘Stop.’ The whole world must stop this nonsense, this insanity. We have hurt hundreds of thousands of children irreparably since this whole process began in the mid-2000s, and we’ve got to put a stop to it.”

Perkins asked if the leaked information would be enough to make “the medical associations … stop and rethink” what they’re doing. Van Meter responded, “That would be the intellectually correct thing to do.” However, what unsettled the doctor the most was how “casual” and “flippant” the members of WPATH seem to be discussing this. “The ideology is embedded so deeply in their minds that I don’t think they really care,” he remarked.

“It’s sad,” Perkins concluded. “It is absolutely sad. What an indictment against our culture to allow this to occur.”


Sarah Holliday

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: Pandering to LGBT Activists Just Blew Up in This Politician’s Face

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

The Smear of “Christian Nationalism” thumbnail

The Smear of “Christian Nationalism”

By Jerry Newcombe, D. Min.

It seems like everyone is talking these days about Rob Reiner’s hitjob movie against the religious right. It makes “Christian Nationalists” into the bogeyman. Although I travel in the circles of Christian conservatives, I have yet to meet anyone who has actually yet seen Reiner’s movie. But I have seen a trailer for it.

The thesis of the movie is that “Christian Nationalists” are bad and are trying to take over the nation and turn it into something we were never intended to be.

Commentator Heidi Przbyla of Politico even told a panel on MSNBC that anyone who believes our rights are derived from God is a “Christian Nationalist.”

She said, “The thing that unites them as Christian nationalists, not Christians because Christian nationalists are very different, is that they believe that our rights as Americans and as all human beings do not come from any earthly authority. They don’t come from Congress, from the Supreme Court, they come from God.”

Furthermore, in a tweet, Przbyla wrote: “While there are different wings of Christian Nationalism, they are bound by their belief that our rights come from God.”

And what’s wrong with that? Is that not exactly what the founding fathers and the settlers of America have said, as well as American leaders?

The essence of the American experiment is self-rule under God.

One famous American said, “God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?”

Who was this sneaky American trying to impose Christian Nationalism on an unsuspecting populace? It was Thomas Jefferson. Those words are chiseled in stone at the memorial in Washington, D.C. dedicated to his memory.

Another man said that we must remember the beliefs of this nation’s founders: “And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.”

Who said that—D. James Kennedy?

No, actually, that was John F. Kennedy. That’s a quote from his Inaugural Address in 1961.

One American had the temerity to actually assert that America and belief in God go hand-in-hand. He declared, “Without God, there could be no American form of Government, nor an American way of life. Recognition of the Supreme Being is the first—the most basic— expression of Americanism. Thus the Founding Fathers saw it, and thus, with God’s help, it will continue to be.”

Who was that? Jerry Falwell? No, that was President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

One famous American said that what we need so desperately today is a spiritual revival. Here are his own words: “No greater thing could come to our land today than a revival of the spirit of religion—a revival that would sweep through the homes of the Nation and stir the hearts of men and women of all faiths to a reassertion of their belief in God and their dedication to His will for themselves and for their world.”

Was this a recent message from Franklin Graham or his late father, Billy Graham?

No, this was a comment from that icon of the left, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

One famous American observed that without God’s help, a nation will not be blessed.

This is how he worded it: “it is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon, and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.”

The very last part of that quote is from Psalm 33. And the speaker’s hearers knew that because most of them were Biblically literate, as was he.

In this quote, this Christian Nationalist (by the new definition) is saying that a nation is blessed only when it belongs to the God of the Bible.

Who was it? Those are words from President Abraham Lincoln, calling on the nation to fast and pray and ask for God’s mercy.

The only way the elite class can get away with trying to impose state-sanctioned atheism on a land that was secured on the foundation of God-given rights is when we the people forget that God is indeed the source of our rights, not the government. Or when they become so fearful of a made-up label like “Christian nationalism” that they go mute in the face of a little name-calling.

©2024. Jerry Newcombe, D. Min. All rights reserved.

Biden Regime Announcing U.S. Military To Build a Port in Gaza at State of the Union thumbnail

Biden Regime Announcing U.S. Military To Build a Port in Gaza at State of the Union

By The Geller Report

In a dramatic move, President Biden is expected to announce in his State of the Union address that he has authorized the U.S. military to undertake an ’emergency mission’ to establish a temporary port in Gaza, creating a vital maritime route for humanitarian aid from Cyprus, according to U.S. officials.

Biden to order U.S. military to set up emergency floating PORT off Gaza to help get aid in: Thousands of American troops on ships with armed escorts could be sent to the Mediterranean Sea to build temporary pier

By Emily Goodin, Daily Mail, 7 March 2024

President Joe Biden will announce in his State of the Union address that he’s directing the military to build a port on the Gaza coast to bring relief to the population there.

His move comes as Democrats unhappy with his handling of humanitarian crisis caused by the Israeli-Hamas war have been voting ‘uncommitted’ in Democratic primaries.

‘The President will announce that he’s directing the US military to lead an emergency mission to establish a port in the Mediterranean on the Gaza coast that can receive large ships carrying food, water medicine, and temporary shelters,’ a senior administration official said on a briefing call with reporters on Thursday.

Continue reading.


Pamela Geller

RELATED ARTICLE: WATCH: Pro-Terror Jew-Haters Block Biden’s Presidential Motorcade Enroute to US Capitol for State of the Union



Biden regime creating a rich target 🎯 for jihad savages.

Geniuses at work.

— 🇺🇸 Pamela Geller 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 (@PamelaGeller) March 7, 2024

During the SOTU tonight, Biden will be announcing that he’s directing our US military to build a port in Gaza for humanitarian aid, w our tax-dollars!

Meanwhile – this is what happens to it. Hamas intercepts it.

— 🇺🇸ProudArmyBrat (@leslibless) March 7, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Muslim Brotherhood Leader: Oct. 7 Paves Way for Conquest of Rome thumbnail

Muslim Brotherhood Leader: Oct. 7 Paves Way for Conquest of Rome

By Jihad Watch

“Rome will one day be in our hands, and every house and every tent will have a Muslim in it.” — Tareq Al-Suwaidan, Kuwaiti Islamic scholar and Muslim Brotherhood leader.

The first rule of Islamic fight club is that non-Muslims aren’t allowed to talk about it. And if it must be talked about, it has to be treated as a local phenomenon. That means insisting that Hamas is attacking Israel for political reasons, the Houthis are shooting at ships for political reasons, the Fulani are massacring Christians in Nigeria for political reasons, the Pakistanis, the Taliban, the Iranians, the Syrians, the Iraqis, ISIS and Mohammed who decided to stab someone on a train are all doing it for completely unrelated reasons.

On the other side, devout Islamic leaders focus on the linkage. Every battle is a step toward global conquest and the Fourth Reich of the Ummah.

They’ll say it out loud, too. (MEMRI)

Kuwaiti Islamic scholar and Muslim Brotherhood leader Tareq Al-Suwaidan bragged that he had met with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh a week earlier.

“I was just last week with my brother Ismail Haniyeh, so I got the details of what is going on. Istanbul, Allah be praised, is now in our hands. Rome will one day be in our hands, and every house and every tent will have a Muslim in it. Palestine will be free – there is no question about it. It started by the way – October 7 was a very clear start.”

It’s not about oppression. It’s not about “open air concentration camps” or any of the other lies. It’s about the Islamic manifest destiny of conquering the world and subjugating all non-Muslims.

Istanbul is viewed as a model for the conquest of Europe. Islamic leaders dream of turning Rome and every non-Muslim city into another Istanbul.

That is what Oct, 7 was really about.




The scapegoating of Israel

West Point Professor John Spencer on Hamas Tunnels, IDF Warnings

The Incredible Hunger in Gaza

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Canadian government to resume funding to Hamas-linked UNRWA

Canada: Palestinians sue Foreign Minister Melanie Joly over arms exports to Israel

Those ‘Genocidal’ Israelis

France: Muslim schoolteacher sings Islamic religious songs glorifying the Islamic State

RELATED VIDEO: This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer (Candace Owens Edition)

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

How to Build a Healthy Culture thumbnail

How to Build a Healthy Culture

By The Catholic Thing

Stephen P. White: In culture, as in the Church, growth and renewal come mostly through the way people live – the things we cherish and the loves we cultivate. This takes time. Usually, it takes generations.

Culture wars, like most wars of attrition, are wearisome, enervating affairs. Competing and irreconcilable accounts of what it means to be human – and, thus, of what the proper ends of human life and action ought to be – are a source of unrelenting friction, not only in our politics but also within the Church. Those screeching friction points are familiar to most of us; they are all around us.

As George Weigel once put it, “You may not be interested in the culture war, but the culture war is interested in you – and everyone else.” The current of our culture is not headed in a healthy or humane (or sane) direction, and if one is not conscious of the running tide or is unwilling to swim against it, one is liable to end up adrift at sea.

In our own American instance, the problem is made worse by the fact that too few of us really seem to understand the terms of the engagement. I don’t mean that Americans are ignorant of the particular issues that constitute “the culture wars.” Nor is there a lack of pathos. Plenty of people, on both sides, see the various conflicts as fundamental, even existential crises.

But few people, on either side, seem to have a clear conception of what a healthy culture would even look like if their side were to “win.” We got a taste of what I mean in 2022 when, after fighting to overturn Roe v. Wade for fifty years, the Dobbs decision exposed the pro-life movement (insofar as that is a coherent thing) as woefully unprepared for victory.

Fighting the culture war may be necessary, even noble. But one should never confuse winning a cultural fight for building a culture worthy of the name. The latter is far more difficult.

Culture is one of those things that tends to get fuzzier the more closely one examines it. We all know what culture means, more or less. We speak of it and hear of it constantly. In the Church, we speak about a culture of life, a culture of death, a throwaway culture. Yet for all this, culture – both in general and in particular – is stubbornly difficult to define.

What, for example, does one mean when one speaks of “American culture”? Those of us who swim like fish in that particular sea have one sense of it. Yet a Texan and a New Yorker (or, say, a Catholic and a Baptist) are likely to describe it very differently. The distinctions required to describe just what one means by culture can be dizzying.

There is broad agreement that culture consists, in varying degrees, of a people’s religion, history, language, food, art, and so on. We often speak about politics and culture as distinct (e.g., when people say “politics is downstream from culture”). Yet American culture is difficult to conceive of apart from the American experiences (good and bad) of politics and self-government. We speak of subcultures (or, at times, the subculture) and of mass culture and pop culture.

There have been distinctively Catholic cultures throughout history. Roman North Africa had one, which is long gone. Europe has one. Or rather, had one. In many parts of Europe, her Catholic culture is like a cut flower: still beautiful but cut off from its living roots.

American culture, such as it is, has never really been Catholic. We have had many Catholic subcultures, some of them thriving. A large part of the history of 20th-century American Catholicism is the story of our emergence from (largely urban, ethnic, immigrant) Catholic subcultures into the sunny uplands of the American mainstream. We came, we strove, we assimilated.

Joe Biden could be described as the last, lingering relic of the 20th Century Catholic ascent to assimilation: the apotheosis of Boomer Catholicism. That style of American Catholicism was typical of an era that has long since passed. Yet it also represents an historical moment in which, at least to external appearances, American Catholicism was both recognizably Catholic and most at ease in American culture.

For Catholics concerned about culture, that is worth pondering. What would “victory” in the culture wars look like?  A return to the status quo ante? Even were that possible, which it clearly is not, I’m not sure anyone wishes to return to a time when the American Catholic Church was at the height of its cultural influence if that means losing its distinctiveness like so much flavorless salt.

If not a return, what then? What sort of culture do we think we are trying to build? What is the goal? I don’t pretend to have a clear answer to these questions, but they are important, nonetheless.

Pope St. John Paul II thought and taught about culture as much as any pope. For him, culture was as much a cause of human activity as it was a product. His views were clearly shaped by the Polish national experience: a distinctively Catholic culture that succored, shaped, and guided the Polish nation even in the absence of a Polish state.

In this sense, culture is something that develops organically, over a long period of time. Culture is not something one designs and rarely directs; it is a precious inheritance. And it bears within it an inertia of memory capable of uniting a people even through almost unbelievable hardships.

In culture, as in the Church, growth and renewal come mostly through the way people live – the things we cherish and the loves we cultivate. This takes time. Usually, it takes generations. And maybe that is the beginning of an answer: to build a culture worthy of the name, we have to cherish those people and goods that are beyond ourselves, to pay out our lives for the sake of those who will outlast and succeed us – and in gratitude to Him who alone sustains us.

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Stephen P. White

Stephen P. White is executive director of The Catholic Project at The Catholic University of America and a fellow in Catholic Studies at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

EDITORS NOTE: This Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2024 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

German Neo-Nazis Support Hamas & The Palestinians Following Hamas’s October 7 Attack thumbnail

German Neo-Nazis Support Hamas & The Palestinians Following Hamas’s October 7 Attack

By Middle East Media Research Institute

Though German neo-Nazis have long supported the Palestinians, whom they view as sharing their antisemitism, nationalism, and glorification of martyrdom and martyrs, this support has become more pronounced following the October 7 attack and Israel’s subsequent military response. While the relationship between national socialism and Islamism has a long history, this report will review some of the most recent neo-Nazi expressions of support for the Palestinians.

This report will review the connection between the two ideologies and recent neo-Nazi expressions of support for the Palestinians.

Neo-Nazi Support For Hamas After October 7: “The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend”

Many German neo-Nazis have voiced support for Hamas and the Palestinians following its October 7 attack. On its webpage, a German neo-Nazi party posted on October 11 a statement titled “War In The Middle East: Are Zionist Pogroms Imminent?” reflecting on the “large-scale counterattack by the Palestinian fighters against the Zionist state Israel,” which was prompted by “the continuously deteriorating situation of the Palestinians [meanwhile] responses give rise to fears of the worst.” While recalling the circumstances referred to “Israelis allegedly killed and kidnapped at random,” briefly mentioning the attack by Hamas and its affiliates.

The party refers to Gaza as an “open-air prison,” where “inhabitants are completely isolated, have no opportunities to build up their own economy, no opportunities for trade and no statehood of their own… [and suffer] continuous and arbitrary attacks by the Zionists on the Palestinian territories. In the past, every imperialist aggression by the Zionists was always dismissed with a feeble admonition” while the expanding of Israeli settlements forces “the indigenous Arab population to shrink” due to a lack of living space. The “Palestinian attack” is, hence, reasoned by the “Arabs’ desperate lack of prospects.” Under the heading “Israel Exacts Biblical Revenge,” the group argues that by declaring war on Hamas in response to the attack, any Israeli action may be considered justified, which could lead to a genocide in Gaza and further attacks on Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran, eventually prompting a world war. The party, which is consistently anti-imperialist, declares “no solidarity with Israel,” and says that the ruling coalition is driven by their “pathological guilt complexes” to support Israel. Accordingly, this grants a “license for Zionist acts of revenge.”

It further says that, due to the current situation in Europe, including the Ukraine War and mass immigration into Germany, uncompromising solidarity with the Palestinians can only be granted when Arabs are no longer “occupying” Europe and foreign conflicts are no longer waged on German soil. The party says that the “Muscovite” invasion of Europe demands decisive support for Ukraine, “not assistance for the Zionist occupation regime in the Middle East.”

On its propaganda and merchandise store the party offers anti-Israel material inscribed with the messages: “No Solidarity With Israel” and “Terrorist State Israel.”

On Telegram the youth organization of a neo-Nazi party posted on October 8 a graphic that reads: “Israel Kills And The World Watches.” The channel wrote: “When are sanctions against Israel coming? Western hypocrites speak of sovereignty – but only for select peoples. Hamas’ new wave of attacks is preceded by oppression, occupation, and Israeli mass murder in violation of international law.”

On Telegram, the neo-Nazi party posted on October 10 a party graphic with the inscription: “Stay out of foreign conflicts! Germany’s security, not Israel’s, is our raison d’être!

On Telegram, the neo-Nazi party posted on October 13 a party graphic inscribed with the message: “Israel wants to flood tunnel in Gaza and accepts dead civilians: where is the protest against Israel?” The accompanying caption notes: “Israel wants to flood tunnels in Gaza. Where is the German government’s protest? No hypocrisy in international law!”


[1] Archivportal “Stellbogen, Wilhelm” –

[2] Matthias Küntzel “Von Zeesen bis Beirut – Nationalsozialismus und Antisemitismus in der arabischen Welt”

[3] Brynjar, Lia, “The Society of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt 1928-1942: The Rise of The Islamic Mass Movement ”

[4] “The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism” – Andrew G.


[5] Hamas Charter 1988 “The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement”

EDITORS NOTE: This MEMRI column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Is the White House Feeding Hamas for Votes? thumbnail

Is the White House Feeding Hamas for Votes?

By NEWSRAEL Telling the Israeli Story

by Roger L. Simon

You will hear a lot of “humanitarian” blather about why the White House has decided that the U.S. Air Force, in concert with the Jordanian Air Force, should be airdropping aid on Gaza.

The first round went out on March 2 with three U.S. Air Force cargo planes dropping 38,000 ready-to-eat meals.

All this, despite the well-known proclivity for Hamas to immediately abscond through force with all such aid.

To a great extent, the United States under the direction of the Biden administration is feeding Hamas, the enemy and a terrorist organization of the most extreme nature rivaling ISIS, in a time of war.

The administration is not even denying this.

“The reality that the likely recipient would not be the intended recipient could not be ignored by White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby as he was confronted on the matter during Friday’s White House press briefing.

“After being asked, ‘how the U.S. ensures that the airdropped aid gets to the people who need it and doesn’t end up in the hands of Hamas?’ Kirby responded in part, ‘This is—this is a tough military mission to do because so many parameters have to be exactly right … And, again, the planning will be robust on this. That said, I think—I don’t ‘think’—I know that we will learn from the first airdrops and this will be a part of a sustained effort. This isn’t going to be one and done. There will be additional airdrops planned and executed. And with each one, I think we’ll learn more, and we’ll get—we’ll get better at them.’”

Given what we have seen from the events of Oct. 7 and Hamas’s genocidal rhetoric and behavior in general, plus its ability to violently lord it over the citizens of Gaza, many of whom agree with it anyway, this optimism, tentative and befuddled as it is, is hard to swallow.

This seems more like a clear situation of the boss—Hamas—eats first.

The United States is holding its nose and hoping for the best.

So why are we doing this? Why are we playing into the hands of tyrants and aiding in the salvation of their murderous regime that we have said we oppose?

I would suggest the answer is exactly the same as answering why President Joe Biden opened our Southern border to mass, unsupervised illegal migration immediately after his inauguration.


In this case, the votes are in the key swing state of Michigan where the Muslim community is upset with President Biden for what they regard as support for Israel.

That Hamas started the war is irrelevant to them. That President Biden’s support for Israel veers to the schizophrenic is also irrelevant.

At the moment, the Michigan polls are tilting to Donald Trump.

That is relevant.

Also relevant are the votes of the protesters blocking the streets of our cities as they shout “from the river to the sea,” often ignorant of which river and which sea they are talking about or that the cry itself is genocidal.

The result of this moral confusion is that the United States is currently attempting to deny Israel what it assumed for itself during World War II—the right to defeat its enemy fully. America and its allies did so then, and now Germany and Japan have been our allies for a long time and likely for the foreseeable future.

Could the same happen in the Middle East if the United States let Israel pursue total victory instead of holding the Jewish state back, as it has multiple times, not just in the Biden administration?

I would recommend one of my favorite books on the area—Lee Smith’s “The Strong Horse: Power, Politics and the Clash of Arab Civilizations”—published in 2011. Mr. Smith tells us that Middle East conflicts do not really have to do with Israel, but with ancient conflicts endemic to the region. He explains that “The Arab world naturally aligns with strength, power and violence. He argues that America must be the strong horse in order to reclaim its role there, and that only by understanding the nature of the region’s ancient conflicts can we succeed.”

We are currently acting like a weak horse, flip-flopping this way and that in the winds of public opinion and, as mentioned, electoral choice.

I would imagine many in Israel are waiting with the proverbial bated breath for the possible election of Donald Trump in November. Mr. Trump is undoubtedly a strong horse, as Mr. Smith recommends, and his support for our ally, unlike President Biden’s, has been unwavering.

First published in the Epoch Times.


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Trump: Oct. 7th wouldn’t have happened under my watch

Biden administration shifts tone, calls Israeli ministers ‘obstacle’ to Gaza aid


Trump Campaign Advisor @JasonMillerinDC: “Across the board, voters are sick and tired of Joe Biden. They want President Trump back.”

— Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 (@alexbruesewitz) March 6, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.