Imagine Giving Your Kid A Tech Device

By National Center on Sexual Exploitation Amanda* sat, hunched over her laptop, her eyes red and bleary with exhaustion. She had spent the better part of her week reading tech companies’ parents’ guides and clumsily navigating through obscure safety settings on almost a dozen social media apps. The experience had made her want to chuck her laptop […]

Google Founder and Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence Engineers: ‘We’re Creating God’

By The Geller Report The leftists’ dream – any god but G-d. By Jacob M. Thompson, WP, September 14, 2023: “It’s just the next step in evolution. I’m serious,” Larry Page, the Google co-founder, said. An engineer from Silicon Valley, California, the home to some of the latest and cutting edge technologies in the world, has […]

Google Exec Warns AI Being Used to Engineer ‘Super-Pandemic’

By The Geller Report Mustafa Suleyman is the billionaire co-founder of the computer giant’s DeepMind but warns it’s not robots that pose the most danger to mankind. He said the ability to cook up a deadly pandemic at home is likely to become commonplace before the end of this decade. And Covid gave governments gave […]

Chinese Operatives Impersonated U.S. Voters With AI-generated Propaganda During 2022 Elections: Microsoft

By The Geller Report The Democrat regime and their social media servants didn’t silence them. Just patriotic Americans. China-Based Hackers Impersonated US Voters With AI-generated Propaganda During 2022 Elections: Microsoft By: The Epoch Times, September 7, 2023: China-based hackers impersonated American voters online and used artificial intelligence (AI) to create and promote divisive online content during […]

The GOP Primary is Over

By Dr. Rich Swier “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” — Isaiah 6:8, King James Version (KJV) The first GOP presidential primary will begin on January 15th, 2021 with the Iowa Republican caucuses. However, […]

When the Transgender Movement Kills

By Family Research Council The most common question transgender activists use to bully parents into approving their daughter’s lifelong dependency on experimental hormone injections is: “Would you rather have a living son or a dead daughter?” But the tragic story of Abigail Martinez’s daughter, who took her own life after attempting to transition to life as a […]

U.S. Government Funded NewsGuard Seeks to ‘Purge AI of Any Evenhandedness’

By The Geller Report They will purge AI of any evenhandedness. We must not allow them destroy artificial intelligence like they did with social media platforms and search engines. The left wing funded media-ratings giant NewsGuard is taking on artificial intelligence to strip it of truth and facts. The “government-funded” disinformation organization  was called out […]

Nearly a Third of Gen Z Favors the Government Installing Surveillance Cameras in Homes

By The Geller Report The Democrats poisoned our young – rendered them unable to think. They’ve destroyed public education and poisoned the public discourse. Nearly a third of Gen Zers favor government surveillance in the home. The very idea is abhorrent to the founding principles of our once great nation. The left has succeeded in […]

Ticking Time Bomb: China Infects American Infrastructure With Malware To Disrupt U.S. Military

By The Geller Report Meanwhile the Democrat ruling party is obsessed with ….. transitioning your kids to the opposite sex and instructing them on depraved sexual acts. We’ve lost the war before its begun. ‘A Ticking Time Bomb’: China Infects American Infrastructure With Malware To Disrupt U.S. Military By: Ryan Saavedra • • Jul 30, 2023: […]

The Terrifying Reality of GitHub: How Any of Us Can be Exploited in Seconds

By National Center on Sexual Exploitation Let’s play a game. Raise your hand if there’s a picture of your face online. Now, raise your other hand if there’s one of your daughter, your girlfriend, your sister, or any other loved one. It’s probably safe to assume that most or all of you have both hands […]

Biden’s ‘Dereliction of Duty Warrants Impeachment’: Members of Congress

By Family Research Council Whistleblower testimony and newly uncovered documents prove President Joe Biden has been deeply “compromised” by multiple foreign nations, outlining the contours of a vast influence-peddling scandal that “warrants impeachment,” two members of Congress told “Washington Watch” over the weekend. “As the allegations against the presidents continue to mount, the outcry for […]

AI is an Existential Threat – Just Not the Way You Think

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities The rise of ChatGPT and similar artificial intelligence systems has been accompanied by a sharp increase in anxiety about AI. For the past few months, executives and AI safety researchers have been offering predictions, dubbed “P(doom),” about the probability that AI will bring about a large-scale catastrophe. Worries peaked in […]

The Science of Censorship: AI Censorship Models and Elon Musk’s Counter Move

By The Geller Report Elon Musk has applied temporary reading limits to clamp down on “extreme levels” of data scraping and system manipulation.  In a tweet, he outlined that verified accounts have been limited to reading 6,000 posts a day, while unverified accounts can read 600 a day. Newly unverified Twitter accounts will only be […]

Left-Wing Billionaire’s Nonprofit Funded DHS-Linked ‘Portal’ Used To Censor Social Media Platforms

By The Geller Report It just gets worse and worse. The people have lost all control to these monsters. By: Jason Cohen, Daily Caller,  on June 9, 2023 Left-wing billionaire Pierre Omidyar’s nonprofit provided funding for a “portal” linked to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) aimed at flagging and removing “misinformation” on social media platforms […]

30% of Young Americans Support Government Cameras Installed in American Homes

By The Geller Report The poison fruit of leftist education-inculcation. New Cato poll reveals 29% of Gen Z would allow government surveillance in their homes. The scary thing is their vote counts just as much as everyone else’s. This is truly 1984 stuff. 3 in 10 Young Americans and Mostly Democrats Support Government Cameras Installed […]

As AI Developers Try To Sell Senate Hearing On The Technology’s Safety, Violent Extremists Are Planning To ‘Wreak Havoc’ With It

By Middle East Media Research Institute Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and antigovernment groups – racially/ethnically motivated violent extremists, aka REMVE – are discussing and posting about AI use on the main social media platforms that they favor. Privately and openly, they are talking about and testing and using AI, in addition to developing their own versions […]

Biden’s Digital Strategy: An Army of (TikTok) Influencers

By The Geller Report At a time when Congress is trying to pass legislation to ban China’s TikTok, the Biden Administration uses TikTok influencers to increase President Biden’s popularity with Gen Z voters. Why would President Biden support legislation to protect America against TikTok, when he now uses the platform to improve his chances for […]

V.4.C.R. VIDEO EXPOSÈ: How to Protect Your Children in the Online World

By Veterans 4 Child Rescue Are you aware of how many predators are on the same internet platforms your child uses? Children are growing up in an inescapably cybertronic world. Rather than hoping they’ll avoid the internet, we must take a proactive approach in guiding them through safe, responsible use. Watch this presentation on how […]

Elon Musk, Apple Co-Founder, Tech Experts Issue Warning on ‘Giant AI Experiments’: ‘Dangerous Race’

By The Geller Report There is so much the general public does not understand about AI or its risks to society and civilization. Imagine it in the wrong hands. Elon Musk, Apple co-founder, other tech experts call for pause on ‘giant AI experiments’: ‘Dangerous race Musk, Wozniak, other tech innovators sign open letter urging temporary […]

VIDEO: The Terrifying Technology Inside Drone Cameras

By Dr. Rich Swier New Mind posted the video below on drone cameras stating, UAVs operate in the world of tactical intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance or ISR, generally providing immediate support for military operations often with constantly evolving mission objects. Traditionally, airborne ISR imaging systems were designed around one of two objectives, either looking at […]

ERIC: The Worm That Got Inside Our Elections

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US Grassroots activists continue to raise questions about ERIC, the Electronic Registration Information Center, and authorities are beginning to respond. On the face of things, ERIC is a private organization that helps its 32 member states clean up and maintain their voter rolls.  It compares state voter registration data against motor vehicle […]

Microsoft Advertising Removes Labels on Conservative Outlets Describing Them as Disinformation

By The Geller Report This needs to happen at Google which accounts for the largest majority of online advertising. Needless to say, Geller Report has been banned from these online advertising companies. Disinformation Inc: Microsoft removes conservative sites from blacklist ‘defunding’ outlets This is part of a Washington Examiner investigative series about self-styled ‘disinformation’ tracking groups that […]

The China Threat

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US The Chinese spy balloon is a good reminder we cannot take our national security for granted.  Among the many threats we face is an increasingly assertive China which gives every appearance of preparing for war. While America still leads in nuclear missiles and warheads, it was recently announced China now has […]

April 2022 Paper By China’s People’s Liberation Army: Military Can Use Balloons To Test Enemy Air Defenses

By Middle East Media Research Institute Following U.S. Downing Of Spy Balloon, Chinese Government Media Confirmed This In April 2022, the China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) published a paper that focused on “special aircraft” and concluded that balloons could be used by the military to test enemy air defenses. Following the U.S.’s February 4, 2023 […]

New CFACT YouTube Series ‘Capitol Pink’ Exposes Free Speech Fight on Florida’s International University Campus

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow CFACT is launching a new YouTube video series aimed at exposing the assault on free speech that right of center students face on their college campuses every day. The program is called “Capitol Pink.” It is hosted by Shakira Jackson who is a recent graduate from the University of […]

Superwoke ChatGPT Busted for Bias

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities Hollywood has long speculated about the impact artificial intelligence (AI) will have on the future of human civilisation. Increasingly, scientists and philosophers have been forced to interrogate this topic themselves. Will people be put out of a job? Could AI ever become sentient? Will the human race survive? The […]

‘No Comparison’: Rubio Shuts Down Comparisons Between Trump And Biden Over Chinese Balloon

By The Daily Caller Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that there is “no comparison” between the Trump administration and Biden administration over their respective handling of Chinese surveillance balloons. The U.S. took down the spy balloon Saturday afternoon after the craft was spotted floating over several states over multiple […]

Child Sexual Exploitation is Not New—It Has Just Moved Online

By National Center on Sexual Exploitation A few weeks ago, the now-septuagenarian actors Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting, who appeared in 1968’s Romeo and Juliet as minors, filed a lawsuit against the film’s distributor, Paramount Pictures, for being forced to perform nude on camera at the ages of 15 and 16 years old. The lawsuit was filed in […]

Technology and The Values Gap

By Wallace Bruschweiler While the need for America to arrest its decline down into a new Marxist Dark Age grows painfully more obvious each day, just how do we arrest and, hopefully, reverse such a steep decline? For starters, let’s assume those of us born before 1946 understand the need for a return to our […]

Vimeo Bans Transgender Truth Documentary ‘Dead Name’

By Family Research Council “Dead Name” trailer.  An online streaming platform has removed the documentary “Dead Name,” claiming the movie documenting the harms caused by the gender-transition industry amounts to “hateful content.” The decision comes as one of the major television providers chose to drop conservative network Newsmax from its line-up after intense pressure […]