‘Diversity’ In German Schools Imperils Education thumbnail

‘Diversity’ In German Schools Imperils Education

By Jihad Watch

Diversity is not a strength in Germany’s troubled school system, but a source of great stress, according to a new report here: “‘The psychological stress is enormous’ – Diversity not a strength in Germany’s troubled school system,” by John Cody, Remix News, February 16, 2023:

One school principal says one of her schools features 23 different nationalities, many who do not speak German. The resulting chaos this produces is now being seen throughout the German school system.

It is not possible to teach students if they lack the most basic knowledge of the language of instruction. Teaching staff must now include those who can provide elementary language instruction. And since 23 different languages are spoken, teachers who speak each of those languages will be needed to provide that instruction, if they are all to benefit. A student from Libya or Syria will need a teacher who is bilingual in Arabic and German; a student from Pakistan, on the other hand, will need a teacher who can communicate with him in Urdu and German, and so on. One can weIll imagine the cost of all that extra personnel, teachers of German who can also interpret 23 different languages. And these migrant students need to learn not just the rudiments of German; they need to be brought as near as possible up to the level of their German schoolmates.

Germany has accepted millions of migrants over the last few years, and in turn, the country’s school system has been transformed into a diversified, multicultural student body. However, instead of diversity being a “strength,” the data, as well as numerous accounts from teachers and school administrators, points to the perils of increasing numbers of foreign students.

In a new interview with one of Germany’s top newspapers, principal Norma Grube, who runs two schools in Chemnitz, describes increasingly chaotic conditions where many children have difficulty speaking German, assaults are commonplace, and parent-teacher meetings routinely require interpreters. In fact, there is little Grube tells Die Welt that backs the claims by pro-migration advocates that increasing diversity will bring a brighter future to Germany.

When students from a dozen countries, speaking 23 languages, all share a single classroom, this is likely to lead to conflict between different ethnic linguistic, and and religious groups. Imagine a Houthi Shi’a from Yemen in the same classroom with Sunnis from the same country, or Syrian Alawites (a branch of Shi’a Islam) sitting beside Syrian Sunnis, or Azeris with Armenians, or Turks with Kurds, or Iraqi Shi’a with Iraqi Sunnis, or Iranians with Azeris, Kurds, or Baluchis. They do not leave their conflicts at the door, but bring them with them into the schools of Germany. Nor are these migrants, almost all of them Muslims allowed in since 2015, the year that former Chancellor Angela Merkel, embracing the “diversity-is-our-strength” mantra, allowed one million migrants into Germany, ready to forget their deep-dyed hostility to non-Muslims. While that figure of one million migrants has decreased somewhat, a few, hundred thousand economic migrants, posing as asylum seekers fleeing persecution, still enter Germany every year from Muslim lands. They come not to avoid an entirely factitious persecution at home, but to live on those many benefits the German government provides.

Twenty-three different nations meet in the schoolyard, some of whom cannot understand each other at all and who sometimes come from hostile regions, such as Russia and Ukraine. We need a lot of parent-teacher talks, which mostly take place with interpreters. And that brings us to one of the reasons why the teaching profession has become less and less attractive: The psychological stress is enormous and it has increased significantly,” said Grube.

The stress on teachers, trying both to teach their subjects, and to keep the peace among students who come mainly from non-Western societies where violence is much more common, is becoming unbearable. Teachers did not sign up to also serving as peacekeepers – a role which may involve physical danger to them, and takes away from the time that can be devoted to what should be the teacher’s only task – instruction.

On top of that, there is a level of “brutalization” and disrespect directed at teachers that is impossible for many of them to deal with, which leads to high teacher turnover rates.

Respect for teachers is not a given in primitive countries, where discipline is mostly maintained through corporal punishment rather than through voluntary adherence to a code of conduct.

The Muslim students know that their German teachers are Infidels, the “most vile of created beings,” while they, the Muslims, are the “best of creatures.” They do not, as a consequence, respect their teachers, and are perfectly ready to ignore their commands. There is a general coarsening of classroom behavior that can affect even non-Muslim students, who observe how the Muslim students treat their teachers with ill-concealed contempt, but say nothing, out of physical fear of the Muslims, or still worse, may even start to emulate them.

Grube’s story is far from unusual as Germany undergoes a massive demographic transformation, with critics of what is happening referring to the Great Replacement, the phenomenon of Europeans being replaced by non-Europeans across the West. In Berlin, 40 percent of students do not speak German as their native language, and in cities like Hamburg, the majority of students have a migrant background. Overall, an astounding 38 percent of all children in elementary schools in Germany have migrant backgrounds.

If roughly 40% of students in elementary schools in Germany are from migrant (and, let me repeat, overwhelmingly Muslim) backgrounds, in 20 years, 40% of 20-year-olds in Germany will be Muslims. At the same time , unless the very high Muslim fertility rate decreases and the very low fertility rate of the indigenous Germans — now well below replacement level – increases, today’s 40% of children with migrant backgrounds will rise above the tipping point of 50% by 2035. It’s simple mathematics. That dismal possibility need not, however, be set in stone. The German government can call a halt to all Muslim migration. If workers are needed to staff German factories, the German government can import those workers from Latin America, the Philippines, Ukraine, even southern Italy – all places where Christianity remains strong. Germany can also tie the receipt of welfare benefits — including housing, medical care and family allowances – to the would-be recipient’s employment history. This will mainly affect Muslim families, because while the women do not work but are breeders, the men prefer to remain unemployed, rather than work at menial jobs, which are the only ones for which they qualify. A pro-natalist advertising campaign, paid for by the government, and targeting audiences of native Germans, should be unembarrassedly undertaken. There is nothing wrong with those who would otherwise be among the first to be replaced in the Great Replacement, doing whatever it takes to avoid that fate.

The German Left, still unchastened by Germany’s experience with mass immigration, wants to continue to admit half a million immigrants each year:

Despite a push from the left, including Germany’s Social Democrats (SPD) and Greens, for up to 500,000 immigrants per year, what is happening within Germany’s school system due to mass immigration raises serious questions about the benefits of diversity. In some cases, schools that were once “diverse” are now becoming homogenous, but that is due to an absence of ethnic Germans and the dominance of, for example, Middle Eastern groups. In some of these schools, antisemitism is commonplace, with Muslim students partaking in small pranks like taping “Jew” to one student’s back all the way to outright assault in other cases, according to Die Welt.

If the Left wants half a million immigrants every year from now on in Germany, the Right should not oppose them, but it must insist that those immigrants be carefully chosen, and must no longer be taken in from Muslim lands. Germany, and the rest of Europe, have now had extensive experience with Muslim economic migrants, who claimed to be asylum seekers fleeing persecution; the results of that migration have been alarming. Such immigrants turn out to be masters of soaking the generous welfare states of Western Europe for all they have — that is, for all the benefits they have on offer, including free or greatly subsidized housing, free medical care, free education, family allowances, and unemployment benefits even without any record of employment. The Muslim immigrants stand out for their very high rates of both unemployment and criminality. Muslims are incarcerated at anywhere from three to ten times the rate of non-Muslims, and are especially overrepresented in the commission of violent crimes, such as rape and murder. Unlike other migrants, Muslim migrants mostly reject integration with their host countries, for they see no reason why they, the “best of peoples,” should want to become part of a society run by Infidels, “the most vile of created beings.” They are in Europe, but not of Europe; their hope is that eventually, by inexorable demographic change, they will become dominant in the countries that so foolishly let them in.

The demographic transformation in Germany may be a “big picture” issue. However, Grube provides a view of what the situation is increasingly like on the ground for school administrators and teaching staff:

“Since the beginning of the month, I have been running two schools that are 35 kilometers apart for one simple reason: My predecessor at the Untere Luisenschule in Chemnitz has retired, and there was simply no colleague around who applied to succeed her. In addition to the shortage of teachers, there is also an increasing shortage of school principals.

My new school is not easy. There is a good social structure in the Ore Mountains, and many teachers have taught their students’ parents. There is good social control and many stable parental homes. In Chemnitz, the student body is significantly more heterogeneous. Around half of the children are not of German origin, which does something to a school.

She says that many new teachers are either reluctant to impose necessary penalties against troublesome students, or in some cases, they are even fearful to do so. In general, there is a tendency to avoid conflict among younger staff, which leads to them losing control of increasingly difficult classroom environments.

Frau Grube knows that Muslim students can be violent, and their parents and other relatives will back them in any confrontation with teachers or principals. The parents will even come to school to threaten teachers for having disciplined their children. Why would a teacher take a chance on being hurt herself, in an attempt to impose order in classrooms full of students who are so refractory that it is impossible to get them to behave? It’s simply not worth it. And the situation is just as bad for the principals, to whom those teachers complain of the situation. No wonder that teaching is no longer an attractive profession in Germany. The schools, the put-upon teachers and principles, and their indigenous German students, are all the immediate victims of this invasion by Muslims. But no officials dare to admit that Muslim behavior in classrooms has become a serious and increasing problem, lest they be accused of being “racists” and “Islamophobes.”

In general, in the eyes of young people, adults have suffered an enormous loss of authority, teachers in particular. I recently issued a disciplinary measure against a student who called a colleague an ‘asshole.’ Such insults are also part of everyday school life. It’s stressful, it’s stressful. My very first duty is to keep the school safe, so I suspended this student for a week,” she said.

While lack of respect for authority among the young may be a universal phenomenon, Muslim students are especially unwilling to be respectful of their Infidel teachers and principals. When all their lives they have been taught to despise Infidels as “the most vile of created beings,” it is only natural that they should bristle at any attempt by Infidel teachers to discipline them.

Parents are not much of a help either and often fight school staff when it comes to making changes at home or imposing discipline. In many cases, students represent a tremendous problem, but there is little that the schools can do, as there is nowhere else to send them. Teachers cannot even remove extremely violent students from the schools, according to the principal:

At the beginning of the school year, one student beat another so badly that he had to be hospitalized for two days. I would have gladly expelled him from the school, following the wishes of the staff, but that was not possible because there was no other school place for him in the area. Now, my students and colleagues have to live with him. Their great fear is always that they will not be able to protect the other children at the decisive moment….

I assume the violent boy in question is a migrant, since the effect of migrants in German schools is what Frau Grube has been discussing, and almost certainly a Muslim, because the vast majority of these new migrants in Germany are Muslim. Despite beating up another student, this Muslim boy could not be expelled from the school because, quite understandably, all the other schools in the area refused to accept him. So he remains at the school in Chemnitz, a constant worry for his fellow students, who at any moment might find themselves the object of his violence, and for the teachers who will be compelled to protect other students from him. And no one has apparently suggested that after such violent behavior, if he cannot be jailed as a juvenile, he could be expelled, along with his family, back to his country of origin. That idea is apparently too outlandish even to discuss.

The government of Germany should right now be combing the globe for potential migrants, ideally Christians who, unlike Muslims, can integrate into the larger society. Ukraine, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba, Southern Italy, Portugal, Greece are some obvious sources of workers who can be invited to move to Germany where, after they have learned sufficient German, can be  provided with vocational training that matches the needs of their future German employers who will have sponsored that training. The will be prepared to work in such expanding fields as electric automobiles, computer technology, and solar energy. While receiving that training, they could receive government benefits, but those benefits would end as soon as they are hired. As for the Muslims still in Germany, great efforts should be made to persuade them to return to their countries of origin. Both carrots — a one-time “resettlement payment” — and sticks, by which is meant that any government benefits that they may still be receiving will be brought to an immediate end, making their continued presence in Germany very difficult indeed.



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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.