Doubling down on climate dogma as Kamala Harris chooses Walz as sidekick
By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow
Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, chose her successor, Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota, now serving his second term in the Gopher State.
The climate religion is more rampant than ever in one of the two major political parties in the U.S., and no apostates are allowed. In that sense, any of the names considered by Ms. Harris would have been an on-the-record devotee to the issue.
If you are all in on the climate agenda, you will not be disappointed with Gov. Walz as Vice President. America, beware. We warned in 2020, and we do so again.
CFACT warned that destructive climate polices would take hold if Joe Biden was elected president in 2020. He was, and they did. The results have been harmful and will become worse if allowed to continue.
American consumers have endured the worst price inflation in 40 years from two primary causes: the massive federal spending and debt by the Biden administration and its war on traditional energy sources of oil, natural gas, and coal, specifically to drive their cost higher to make so-called “renewable” energy more economically competitive.
At his own telling, one of President Biden’s greatest “achievements” is the adoption of the Orwellian-named Inflation Reduction Act (a salient example of government lies told on a recurring basis). This law unleashed a trillion dollars of added government debt for corporate welfare and tax breaks to further skew the energy market toward wind turbines, electric vehicles, and solar panels.
This kind of mass spending on corporate climate projects, closing off domestic energy sources, force-feeding electric vehicles on Americans, and much else will be accelerated in a Harris-Walz administration. Higher debt and zero impact on actual climate change matters not at all.
The Sierra Club, one of the most extreme and credulous organizations propagating climate doom, is pleased with Harris’ choice for VP. “Like Vice President Harris, Governor Walz knows that climate change is the existential threat of our time…and will continue to build upon the legacy of the Biden-Harris administration” (emphasis mine).
Indeed, as governor, Walz imposed electric vehicle mandates by copy-catting California’s; forced wind and solar quotas for electricity supply to 80 percent by 2030; and voted as a congressman for “cap-and-trade” carbon credits that would have crippled American industry with higher costs, lower production, and job losses.
When politicians claim something is an existential threat, as Harris and Walz have stated repeatedly (along with Biden), consider their plans a clear and present danger to our nation’s economic life, freedom, and the constitutional system itself. This phony climate change “threat” will be the excuse politicians use to unilaterally declare a climate “emergency,” which is a distinct possibility in a Harris-Walz administration. Many members of Congress, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, are all in for such a declaration.
There are no limits on what a fake emergency would entail, including banning more oil and gas development, outlawing gasoline vehicles, restricting car mileage and airline travel, eliminating energy and agriculture jobs, ruining nature and landscapes with wind turbines and solar panels, banning meat and forcing diets in schools, curtailing plastic products, and much more.
Just this week, the Biden-Harris administration set forth a ban on federal government use of—get this—plastic cutlery by 2035 as another means to address climate change. As the stock market tanks and wars rage, the levels of absurdity and triviality read like they come from the Babylon Bee. But this is the climate fanatic’s belief system, and no area of our life, small or large, is beyond the reach of those wielding the power of government to impose on Americans by any means necessary under the ruse of saving the planet.
Would the American electorate award climate crazies like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz the White House? Do Americans want more climate policies forced on them?
To the second question, the answer is no; climate change does not rank high on the list of issue priorities beyond the most liberal of voters. But to the first question, the answer is yes, Harris and Walz could be elected by running a stealth campaign of pretending to be across-the-board moderates. It worked for Biden.
Already, in the last two weeks, Harris has reversed her long-held position on banning hydro-fracturing for natural gas. To anyone who believes this eleventh-hour conversion, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. And she will continue to couch the fascist “Green New Deal” agenda by falsely promising economic growth by creating “green jobs”.
Moreover, like Joe Biden in 2020, Gov. Walz has an affable personality and countenance. More so, Walz communicates well on television to a supplicant media in the tank for their agenda. He will sell militant action on climate change and deny their noxious effects with a smile on his face.
So, gear up America. Kamala Harris made her first big decision as a candidate for president, a running mate just like her on the extreme of climate change and many other issues. Again, you’ve been warned. Fool me once …fool me twice?
Peter Murphy
Peter Murphy is Senior Fellow at CFACT. He has researched and advocated for a variety of policy issues, including education reform and fiscal policy, both in the non-profit sector and in government in the administration of former New York Governor George Pataki. He previously wrote and edited The Chalkboard weblog for the NY Charter Schools Association, and has been published in numerous media outlets, including The Hill, New York Post, Washington Times and the Wall Street Journal. Twitter: @PeterMurphy26 Website:
EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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