In 2012 We Asked: How Did Voter Fraud go from a Cottage Industry to Big Business? Here’s the answer!

In 2012 we wrote an article titled How Voter Fraud went from a Cottage Industry to a Big Business. We wrote: Many of my fellow journalists are focused on Governor Rick Scott and his efforts to insure Florida’s voter rolls do not have ineligible voters on them.  The question is how did we get to this point […]

Four Items Suggesting Something Rotten in the Swing States for Biden

1. Judge Hands President Trump A Swing State Victory – Donald Granted A Chance In Court To Overturn Results In Nevada In Nevada, the Trump legal team just scored a significant court win that could actually change the outcome in the blue state. From MSN: In its first court victory, a Nevada judge has agreed to […]

WATCH Election Think Tank: Evidence of Vote Fraud Enough to Flip States

Overwhelming. Significant #evidence of #VoteFraud was revealed through data analysis and investigations by @MattBraynard, executive director of Look Ahead America. We had the pleasure of sitting down with him and discuss his findings. 🔥WATCH HERE👉 — Crossroads with Joshua Philipp (@crossroads_josh) November 27, 2020 “We ran six different analyses, in fact seven in […]

Pennsylvania State Legislature Files Resolution — Disputes Statewide 2020 Election Results

It is indeed happening. It’s Happening: Pennsylvania State Legislature Files Resolution — DISPUTES STATEWIDE 2020 ELECTION RESULTS By:  Gateway Pundit, November 27, 2020: It is clear the Pennsylvania 2020 election was wrought with fraud and criminal conduct. President Trump led by nearly 700,000 votes on election night. Democrats dumped hundreds of thousands of votes to […]

Trump: Biden Must ‘Prove’ His 80,000,000 Votes Weren’t ‘Illegally Obtained’

President Donald Trump appeared to walk back his Thursday commitment to a peaceful transfer of power with a Friday morning tweet. Trump, on his way to a round of golf at Trump National Golf Club, wrote that President-elect Joe Biden “Biden can only enter the White House as President if he can prove that his […]

VIDEO: Diabolical Detroit — Evil never stays isolated.

 TRANSCRIPT Evil is never compartmentalized. It spreads like a grease fire, overflowing into all aspects of a place. A person is not both good and evil at the same time. And for clarity, we aren’t talking about people simply sinning, giving in to temptation and then going to confession. We are talking about the embrace of […]

VIDEO: Matt Braynard — Evidence of Vote Fraud Enough to Flip States

CrossRoads reports: Significant evidence of vote fraud was revealed through data analysis and investigations by Matt Braynard, executive director of Look Ahead America. We had the pleasure of sitting down with Matt Braynard to look over his data and discuss his findings. WATCH:  ©Crossroads. All rights reserved. Crossroads is an Epoch Times show available on Facebook and YouTube. RELATED VIDEO: Lawyer details many […]

COVID: How Democrats are Slowly, but Surely, Forcing Americans to ‘Submit’

“In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.” ― Leon Trotsky QUESTION: Are the policies of Democrats slowly starving Americans to death? This question […]

VIDEOS: Testimony of Key Witnesses and Legal Council on the 2020 Election Fraud

Excerpt of Penn Senate hearing: Colonel in Information Warfare explains what he witnessed on election night.  Expert testimony from Navy fraud expert on the November 3rd election in the US  Worthy interview by expert on election fraud, attorney Lin Wood by Judge Jeanine.  RELATED TWEET: "They got caught." – President Trump fires […]

Why President Trump Will Win

Why Trump Will Win “Absolutely frightening” evidence of entrenched fraud. By: Joseph Hippolito, FPM, Wed Nov 25, 2020 During his campaign rallies, President Donald Trump proclaimed, “We got ’em all” or “We have it all!” In the coming weeks — if not days — Americans will find out specifically what he means. Those specifics promise […]

Sidney Powell sues Michigan and Georgia officials, alleging massive scheme to rig election for Joe Biden

Excerpt from Sidney Powell lawsuit, “As explained and demonstrated in the accompanying redacted declaration of a former electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence, the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulated elections, including the […]

Twitter Blocks Links to Sidney Powell Election Lawsuit

As soon as Sidney Powell filed her election fraud lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan. Twitter banned her WEBSITE fro Twitter rendering her links dead. This is the hallmark of totalitarianism. Twitter won't let you read a legal document. Amazing. — Ian Miles Cheong @ (@stillgray) November 26, 2020 Breitbart: Twitter is blocking users […]

Proof that Biden/Democrats represent the rich and elite and Trump/Republicans represent the working class

I was doing research on how many counties each presidential candidate won in 2016 and 2020. What I found was both shocking and very revealing. The Data I came across the below chart in a Brookings Institute column by Mark Muro, Eli Byerly Duke, Yang You, and Robert Maxim titled Biden-voting counties equal 70% of America’s economy. What […]

All Logs, Evidence of Election Fairness in Pennsylvania GONE! Here's a quick blast of videos from the last hour or so of the special off-site hearing from Republican Senators in Pennsylvania. Data Scientist from Delaware County told that 47 USB cards are missing with 50K votes.2/ — Justin Hart (@justin_hart) November 25, 2020 RELATED VIDEO: We caught them!  RELATED ARTICLES: Pa. […]

VIDEO: Town Clerk in Massachusetts CONFIRMS Mail-In Ballots ‘Glitch’

Project Veritas released a new video today of a town clerk in Millis, Massachusetts, Lisa Jane Hardin, who confirmed that a glitch resulted in hundreds of mail-in ballots being sent to voters that didn’t request them. Here are some of the highlights from today’s video: Lisa Jane Hardin, Millis Town Clerk: “It was something in the […]

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Used Dominion’s Eric Coomer as Witness for the State to Defend LAST MINUTE COMPUTER CHANGES

Director of product strategy and security for Dominion Voting Systems, Eric Coomer, is  an Antifa radical who is a key player in the massive voter fraud in voter tabulating systems. CONFIRMED: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Used Dominion’s Eric Coomer as Witness for the State to Defend LAST MINUTE COMPUTER CHANGES By Jim Hoft, […]

PENNSYLVANIA: Expert Witness — ‘The Biden Injection’ Vote Dump of 600K – 570K Went For Biden, 3200 for Trump [Video]

This is astonishing. By God, imagine what these treasonous destroyers have been doing all along. WATCH LIVE: Senate Majority Policy Committee Public Hearing on 2020 Election Issues and Irregularities Mayor Rudy Giulinai asked Phil Waldron, retired Army spending  first half of his career just  as a cavalry officer, conducting armed reconnaissance counter reconnaissance. […]

Huge COURT WIN lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result

The tide …… can you feel it twirling? By: Red State Observer, November 24, 2020: In its first court victory, a Nevada judge has agreed to let the Trump campaign present its evidence that fraud and illegalities plagued the state’s election, enough to reverse Joe Biden’s win and set an example for other state challenges. According […]

Illegal Votes From Noncitizens Likely Affected the 2020 Election, Study Says

Noncitizens likely voted at a high enough rate to alter the 2020 Electoral College tally, potentially flipping the states of Arizona and Georgia in the presidential election, according to an analysis by Just Facts, a research group. That’s significant, and while it wouldn’t be enough to hand the election to President Donald Trump, it potentially […]

Colorado County Refuses to Enforce Lockdowns as Civil Disobedience Spreads Across America

Weld County’s defiance came days before news broke that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is “furious” because a Brooklyn synagogue held a secret wedding. Colorado officials last week announced that several counties had moved into the “red level”—the second-highest measurement on its COVID-19 dial—and would be forced to implement new regulations on restaurants, gyms, and […]

VIDEO: Dominion vs. Patriotism — Choose.

 TRANSCRIPT Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. Before we begin, just a reminder: If you are able, please join us for our novena to the Holy Spirit for justice in our nation and Church (followed immediately by the Holy Rosary) every workday morning at 8 a.m. ET, right here […]

Pennsylvania Still in Play

Legal arguments and evidence favor Trump, Media has been crowing over Trump’s latest legal setbacks in Pennsylvania, with public personas focusing their scorn on Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani. Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie called him and his legal team a “national embarrassment.” CNN host Chris Cuomo said of Giuliani, “He became a metaphor for the campaign melting […]

Florida Democratic Party Is In Meltdown Mode After Election Rout

No less a non-conservative authority than Politico has labeled the Florida Democratic Party in “post-election meltdown” after a complete beatdown by the Florida GOP in the Nov. 3 election. It’s so bad that Democrats are seriously worried that Florida has become a permanently red state. Politico led their story this way: “It wasn’t just one bad cycle. […]

Two Videos Demanding Defiance Against Lockdowns

This is truly excellent. If you are advocating for lockdowns, you are complicit in tearing families apart. You are complicit in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world. You are complicit in casting the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies into even further grinding poverty. You are complicit in murder. TRANSCRIPT […]

Candidate for U.S. Senate Raphael Warnock (D) in 2017 Video Clip: ‘Racism’ is ‘America’s Preexisting Condition’

In video clips from 2017, Rev. Raphael Warnock preached that “America’s preexisting condition” is “racism” during at least two of the several speeches and sermons he has given that have come under scrutiny for their radical messaging.  “We are in a special moment,” Warnock said in a video from a 2017 New Baptist Covenant event. “We […]

ELECTION FRAUD IN MICHIGAN: Former State Senator Patrick Colbeck discusses Michigan 2020 Elections [Video]

Patrick Colbeck, a former candidate for Governor of Michigan and State Senator in Michigan, who has an Engineering/Computer IT/Technology background tells us how he was engaged as a Michigan Poll Watcher in the Dearborn, Michigan area and saw so many concerns for the voting machines to how they were managing the counting of the votes. […]

Lin Wood Announces Sidney Powell Will File Her Lawsuit in Georgia on November 25th

It ain’t over till the demented segregationist concedes. Lin Wood Announces Sidney Powell Will File Her Lawsuit in Georgia Tomorrow! By: News BBT, November 24, 2020: Lin Wood, simply launched this tweet moments in the past stating: I’ve labored carefully with @SidneyPowell1 & others over latest weeks. The lawsuit Sidney will likely be submitting tomorrow in […]

Why did so many Americans vote for Trump — despite everything?

The Donald’s better-than-expected election performance has people asking what is going on in the U.S. Kevin D. Williamson’s new book — Big White Ghetto: Dead Broke, Stone-Cold Stupid, and High on Rage in the Dank Woolly Wilds of the “Real America” –– came out on November 17. Over the last decade, Williamson has been a roving correspondent […]

WATCH: Tech Millionaire Funds Hacking Team, ‘Says Election 100% Rigged. Not Even close!’

UPDATE 11/26/2020: We caught them!  “We are not on either team.” “I did not vote for Trump” “The odd thing is the DHS was warned of all this in August.”  ” I’ve funded a team of hackers and cybersleuths and other people with odd skills. We’ve been on this since August. One side story […]

America and the Global Communist Conspiracy

The political turmoil in America is not accidental it has been rising and growing for decades, but you may not have noticed it, because you don’t know the enemy behind the turmoil. The corrupt FBI deprived you of knowing the enemy by sabotaging and banning my books and columns. When my first book was published, […]