Explaining the Importance of Critical Thinking in K-12 Education
By John Droz, Jr.
We can’t succeed here if we can’t convincingly explain WHY this is important.
I’ve talked a LOT about Critical Thinking here. I tend to think this matter (and its importance) is self-evident — but how do we explain all that to someone else?
Let’s say you are talking to a state legislator who is on your state’s K-12 education committee. You are trying to convey to them why properly teaching Critical Thinking in K-12 should be a top priority not only of the legislative education committee, but of all state legislators.
Below I’ve drafted up a logical outline of how to educate this individual.
Note 1: this can be used with anyone who does not understand the importance of Critical Thinking to our children and our society.
Note 2: this explanation assumes that the person you are communicating with has a certain amount of competence plus an interest in the topic.
Let me know if I’ve missed anything, or if something needs further clarification…
Let’s start with understanding our opponents.
The Number One fear of anti-Americans on the Left is to have Critically Thinking citizens. As a result, they have gone to GREAT lengths to minimize that from happening.
An essential part of defeating an adversary is to thoroughly understand their goals. In this case, it is to minimize the number of critically thinking citizens. Their sophisticated (and proven) plan is to make that happen in K-12 education.
FYI, regarding K-12 education, the Left’s perspective is quite different from the Right’s, in two major ways:
a) They are playing the Long Game. They have no problem implementing and adhering to a Plan that might take 20+ years to come to fruition. (Those on the Right are primarily involved in actions that produce much quicker results.)
b) They ascribe to Aristotle’s view: “Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man.” (Those on the Right are paying almost zero attention to the corrupted K-12 curricula.)
Now that we have those understandings, here is an outline of our explanation…
We start with the definition of what Critical Thinking is. (Note: there are other definitions out there, but this seems to get at the nub of the issue! (If you are aware of a better one, please forward it ASAP.)
We then need to fully appreciate the exceptional benefits of being a Critical Thinker. (Note: to my knowledge, no one else has put together such a list! If you are aware of one, please forward it ASAP.)
Another key understanding is the “properly” taught part of teaching CT. I tried to provide a more detailed explanation of what that entails, here [A: (3)-(9)]. (Again, to my knowledge, no one else has addressed this essential part. As before, if you are aware of one, please forward it ASAP.)
Next, it is imperative to understand that the US K-12 system is not in a vacuum regarding Critical Thinking where it is just not being taught. The reality is that the direct OPPOSITE of Critical Thinking is currently being taught in 49 states via the NGSS. (See full explanation here.)
In other words, children are specifically being taught to be conformists — i.e., to defer to authority, to adhere to what is politically correct, to accept consensus views, to not question computer projections, etc., etc. All of these are effectively saying “Shut up and go along.” That is what the Left’s main objective is: to have compliant, unquestioning citizens.
Lastly, we need to fully understand the societal implications here. In the US, every year some four million students graduate from high school. A conservative estimate is that at least 75% of them not only do NOT know how to think critically, but they have been purposefully propagandized.
When we think about what this means, the implications of this are frightening. The most problematic consequence is that most of these graduates soon become voting citizens. In other words, our K-12 school system is producing 3± million new voters EVERY YEAR who not only are unable to think critically about societal matters but have been taught to robotically support whatever the Left-leaning ideology of the day is.
So that is my 5-Part strategy of explaining the basics and the importance of Critical Thinking to a State Legislator or any other seriously interested person. If you have suggested improvements, please share in the comments below…
I (and a few others) are trying to stop this K-12-originated tsunami. For example, we are now supporting a Conservative candidate for Superintendent of North Carolina’s Department of Public Instruction: Michele Morrow.
She is not part of the education establishment, but rather a nurse and a mom who home-schooled her five children. She is fully onboard with genuinely teaching Critical Thinking, opposing SEL, etc.
The Left full well knows that Michele’s election would be a body blow to their efforts to propagandize the US K-12 education system — so they published attacks against her within minutes of her winning the GOP primary in March (against the heavily favored incumbent).
If you live in NC (or know anyone who does), voting in the upcoming election is an extraordinary opportunity to make a major dent in the Left’s campaign to undermine America via our K-12 education system. No matter where you live, please consider donating to support this courageous woman.
©2024. John Droz, Jr. All rights reserved.
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WiseEnergy.org: discusses the Science (or lack thereof) behind our energy options.
C19Science.info: covers the lack of genuine Science behind our COVID-19 policies.
Election-Integrity.info: multiple major reports on the election integrity issue.
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