Kamala Harris—an Accomplished Student of Socialism and Fascism. America Beware! thumbnail

Kamala Harris—an Accomplished Student of Socialism and Fascism. America Beware!

By Simona Pipko

Kamala Harris was sure that Trump is a fascist. That was her strong answer to Anderson Cooper, who interviewed her on CNN. Watching the show, I expected him to ask Kamala her definition of fascism. He didn’t. He didn’t know that Judge Joe Brown CA called Harris a fascist. Yet, the Radical left picked it up Trump-Fascist and the Nazis’ accusation of Trump besmirched America. I think Cooper was wrong not to continue asking Kamala the definition of fascism. I am not sure she would have answered correctly, but the discussion would’ve helped Americans to learn very important definitions of ideologies that threaten our nation today. Yes, today, as the Democrat party has been playing the race card trying to change the American political system for the last thirty years.

​Fear mongering is a famous action of the Soviet fascism, ideology, which I have been writing for decades—ideology of a smear machine. “There has been considerable disagreement among historians and political scientists about the nature of fascism” , Britannica. However, the Mark Levin Show on Fox News, October 27, 2024 has brought a scary history of Hitler’s crime against humanity to our homes. The horror of the fascist history, the mass-graves with thousands of bodies of Jews, reminded us of the Holocaust of six million innocent people killed because of their religion. The horrifying scenes were a result of the unhuman fascist ideology. Regrettably, nobody is showing Stalin’s crime in Russia. Putin’s Russia is covering-up his crime—Stalin officially announced as a Great Leader of Russia. That is the reason I have been writing about Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet fascism for forty-three years…

​I love America and I don’t want the dreadful regime I escaped emigrating to America to be restored here on the soil of this wonderful nation. I am not an academician, yet, living under Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism and being a lawyer, I learned a lot and would risk to tell you my understanding of several ideological isms. I have been writing and warning you about the danger of Putin’s Socialist Revolution in America since 2021. Please, read my book: Socialist Revolution in America XLIBRIS, 2021. My same warning has been expressed in all my seven books and about 200 columns and that fact gave me some rights to introduce my ideas publicly.

Fascism and Socialism

​​Fascism and Socialism are two sides of the same coin of totalitarian regime. “Totalitarianism is a form of government that attempts to assert total control over the lives of its citizens. It is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression. It does not permit individual freedom. Traditional social institutions and organizations are discouraged and suppressed…”  Unfortunately, Americans don’t know either fascism or socialism. Yet, they do know the term Nazis, which is an abbreviation of National-Socialism. Do you see an incredible connection between the two???

There is a difference in economy, but it is the only difference. Fascism accepts a free market economy; under socialism all means of production belongs to the government. For your information, after the Collapse of the Socialist economy in the Soviet Union in 1991, Putin established Crony Capitalism with the group of the Oligarchs loyal to him. The Soviet System with the weaponized KGB stayed the same. If you analyze the first day actions of the Biden-Harris White House you will be stunned by their tireless destruction of our free market and the political system designed and left to us by our Founding Fathers. They want to implement Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. Read my columns for detail…

So, in practice, the system and the main structural features of fascism and socialism are similar: a one-party system with subordinated media, overwhelming censorship, and weaponized Law Enforcement. There is a good example of weaponized Law Enforcement in fascist Germany and Soviet Russia. Some of you, who perhaps don’t know the definition of fascism, nevertheless, are familiar with the term Gestapo—an agency of weaponized Law Enforcement. The horrified scene in fascist Germany presented by Mark Levin above had been a result of the actions primarily done by the Gestapo. I gave you this example deliberately. The Soviet people called the KGB—the Soviet Gestapo. That is the reason, the main subject of my writings has been the significance of the KGB growing to the global KGB’s Mafia/Army—Evil Doer. Read my columns for free to learn the culprit.

Don’t waste time waiting for another attempt to assassinate Trump. It will come! And only awareness of the enemy can prevent it, awareness of the KGB’s Mafia/Army. As a former Soviet attorney, I have been writing about Russia’s Intel for four decades. To prevent you from reading my book, the FBI made me a Foreign Agent in 2002 and consequently sabotaged and banned my book What is Happening to America? three times. On August 31 2024, I submitted the book to Amazon.com for the fourth time. You can learn about the KGB’s Mafia-Army that runs the Democrat party and the Biden/Harris White House today. Please Click Here

Kamala is economically clueless; she didn’t answer any questions about the economy in her only one-solo interview. The entire Harris campaign is based on one thing: positioning herself as the opposite of President Trump. Nothing else, no substance, only buzz words. Kamala is Putin’s protege, I told you that years ago. “Kamala finally released a policy and it’s Bolshevik” Elise Stefanik. Elise Stefanik is right by identifying Russia. I can add more, as I’ve been writing about Russia and its Intel for four decades. I was calling the Dems’ actors many different names: Socialist Charlatans, Socialist thugs, the Con men and women and so on. Finally, I came to the conclusion that we are dealing with organized crime and called a spade a spade—America’s Socialist Mafia. Read my column: The Democrat Party: A Party of Disinformation and Fraud,  May 21, 2023.

This is not the threat to Trump from Iran, it is the Global Elites, led by Globalist Vladimir Putin and Socialist-Communist Cabal that hates Trump—he is an existential threat to them. The core of the issue is the terrorist State of Russia—Iran is its proxy. Those are not the Global Snobs; they are real enemies of Trump, combating him constantly-brutally trying to take him out under Putin’s leadership for the last nine years. You all have seen it during those years. American pundits don’t often use the term “Mafia,” but the world is changing fast and there is a necessity to learn new changes. I am not the first person to use the term “Mafia.“ A brilliant, savvy woman Georgia Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy increases Italy’s defense spending and use the term in her speech in front of the world:

“Meloni said she alerted the national anti-Mafia prosecutor and vowed to pass new measures to curb the practice” www.reuters.com › world › Europe Italy’s Meloni blames organized crime for ‘alarming’ migrant …”

“Jun 4, 2024 · Criminal gangs are exploiting loopholes in Italy’s legal visa system for foreign workers to smuggle in illegal immigrants, a problem the anti-Mafia prosecutor should investigate”

A very respected Meloni however has not identified the country and political system responsible for spreading organized crime across the globe, I have been doing that for four decades—the system of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. The system has been developed by Russian dictator Joseph Stalin, making Law enforcement an Apparatus of politics, by weaponizing Law Enforcement to secure Socialist economy in the 20th century. Read my column: Putin’s Soviet Socialism is Claiming Over the World: The Middle East, The Democrat Party, and White HouseAugust 12, 2024. We are not able to win the 2024 election without this information. Read every paragraph of it.

In the falsehood of intellectual dishonesty, Democrats’ administrations have been weaponizing our justice and criminal systems, like they destroy our border defense system, our educational system and the courts, all courts including the FISA Court that unlawfully made me a Foreign Agent and prevented you from learning the truth. The FBI submitted my name to the FISA Court and the Court made me a Foreign Agent with consequential banning and sabotaging my writings in 2002. In my opinion, it was a criminal act against me and against Americans. As a result, America’s Socialist Mafia is not known by Americans. Moreover, Biden-Harris team is not alone, the FBI is also a part of America’s Socialist Mafia and please, remember Socialist Mafia runs by the KGB’s Mafia-Army—Evil Doer…

…I have to stop writing; Kamala is speaking a week before the election…

…Listening to her, I was afraid to get a heart attack… I was horrified. I knew her friendship with the Soros family and suspect Socialist deceit, but it was more. Kamala vowed to repair the border she had destroyed, she lied straight to your face, like Soviet apparatchiks did in the Soviet Union. Trump was the main target. She was aggressive and rude against the U.S. Supreme Court, revealing a long-term Democrats’ desire to destroy the U.S. the Supreme Court as a democratic institution. A disturbing feeling of vomiting visited me, but I had to listen to her lying, cheating, deceiving, fabricating and fraud; it was the entire demonstration of Socialist modus operandi by a woman, who wants to be the U.S. President. She is not Bolshevik, she is a Soviet fascist with a desire to implement Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism in America … And… she is using the Republican narratives! What a Shame!!! I was disgusted…

It is Soviet fascism killing innocent Ukrainians! My heart is bleeding by watching Russia killing citizens and destroying the cities of Ukraine. But… Ukraine can’t win the war against Russia. Period. The war should’ve been stopped many months ago. The Biden-Kamala team has prolonged the war for very wrong reasons. However, President Zelenskyy is right: “Those are Russian Drones coming from Iran.” Read my columns about Putin, he personally supervised the building of the Drone factory in Iran. Yes, those are Russian Drones coming to Israel, too. Russia has infiltrated the Middle East since the 1960-70s. The expansionist addressor is everywhere. Read my column: Struggling America and World Chaos—The Products of the Biden-Harris Regime, October, 7, 2024

My fellow Americans!

The future of our wonderful country is in your hands.

Reject Soviet fascism and save the American Constitutional republic,

designed and left to us by our Founding Fathers.

Read my books and columns, educate yourself by learning the truth. We are in a dramatic chaos in America due to the Dems’ treason!

Vote them out!

To be continued www.simonapipko.com and at www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/

©2024 Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.