My 2024 Commentaries: July thru December, by Topic thumbnail

My 2024 Commentaries: July thru December, by Topic

By John Droz, Jr.

A helpful way for you to check out my 2024 Critical Thinking commentaries that you may have missed

Since we are at the end of 2024, let’s look back. As I continue to add readers, some of them are probably not aware of Critical Thinking commentaries I published earlier in the year or before. Yes, anyone can check out the Archives — but do they?

In any case the Archives are chronologically arranged, while this last half of 2024 list of my commentaries is by topic. Although some commentaries could be under more than one topic, I put them where they seemed to be most applicable. I had to do this manually, so there might be a typo, etc. someplace. Hopefully this list will be of value to you!

Note 1: The comments for all these article are still open, so feel free to share your insights, after any commentary listed.

Note 2: This list will be available in the Archives if you’d like to refer to it at a later date.

Note 3: To go one step further back, check out the 1st Half of 2024 Archives, by topic.

Note 4: To go two steps back, check out the 2023 Archives, by topic.

Note 5: If you’d like to have me write more about a particular topic, please say so in the comments below.

My 2024 Commentaries: July thru December














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WiseEnergy.orgdiscusses the Science (or lack thereof) behind our energy options.

C19Science.infocovers the lack of genuine Science behind our COVID-19 policies.

Election-Integrity.infomultiple major reports on the election integrity issue.

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