PODCAST: To Arms! Evil is on the March thumbnail

PODCAST: To Arms! Evil is on the March

By Center For Security Policy

There’s an increasingly obvious common-denominator to what’s going on throughout the world: Evil is on the march. Its object is nothing less than the destruction of the West’s Judeo-Christian civilization and nations – especially ours and Israel’s – in which it has both been rooted and flourished.

The demonic display in which transvestites obscenely mocked the Last Supper during the Olympics’ opening in Paris this weekend is a particularly vivid, if non-violent, example of the spiritual warfare now afoot worldwide.

Far worse is the actual and intensifying, murderous kind being waged by an alliance of totalitarians ranging from Communist China to Russia to Iran and their proxies.

Today’s “axis of evil” is also attacking free nations’ sovereignty and liberties with toxic “global governance” initiatives.

With God’s grace, good will yet triumph. We must pray He’ll do His part – as we mobilize to do ours.

This is Frank Gaffney.

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy Freedom Minute podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.