QUESTION: Who First Told You About Jesus?

I first learned about Jesus from my mother and father.  It is important that everyone everywhere learn about Jesus. The question is who will tell them?
The group is working to tell all of the 2.6 billion people who don’t know about Jesus the truth about Him.
Watch Within Reach: notes:

A Third of Our World has not yet heard the Good News of Jesus
We live in a time where many of those are within reach of a local church. Through our simple and effective strategy of training and coaching, believers share the Gospel in their own nations and cultures.
We understand it’s impossible to accomplish alone.
That’s why we partner with 1,600 groups of churches in 62 nations.

Learn more at about how to reach out to the world to tell them about the glory of Jesus.


In November 1995, leaders from several discipleship and mission training programs met for a day of prayer and fasting. Drawn together by a common mission, each also shared a common desire: to respond to the need expressed by clusters of churches worldwide to provide discipleship-mission training for their own young people.
As the Holy Spirit moved, these leaders began to see that the barriers separating them and their ministries from each other had fostered competition and pride instead of collaboration. Through confession, brokenness and prayer, God birthed Global Disciples and the initial training model now known as Global Disciple Training (GDT). Since then, Global Disciples has added training for trainers in small business development (SBD) and leadership development (LEAD).
Today, Global Disciples has grown to serve in partnership with over 928 church organizations, fellowships, or denominations in 46 countries, providing training which enables them to equip and send out their own mission workers to multiply Christ-like believers and plant new, locally-sustainable fellowships and churches. The global nature of our ministry is also reflected in the 26 nationalities represented in our facilitators, trainers, and support staff.
As Global Disciples,

  • OUR VISION is to see every person have an opportunity to choose and follow Jesus Christ.
  • OUR PRAYER is that disciples of Jesus Christ, from many nations and vocations, will embrace this vision and do their part.
  • OUR MISSION is to make it possible for clusters of churches to multiply Christ-like disciples and locally-sustainable fellowships among least-reached people.
  • OUR CENTRAL FOCUS is to equip leaders selected by their churches to multiply Christ-like disciples, who multiply churches among least-reached people.
  • OUR PHILOSOPHY is that local expressions of the Body of Christ in close proximity to least-reached people are best able to reach them—and we all can help.


  • Intimacy with Jesus. Who we are and what we do flows from our relationship with Christ.
  • Trusting Relationships. Building trust with our co-workers, partners, and donors is essential.
  • Risk-taking Obedience. Obeying Christ requires the courage to risk all for our God-given mission.
  • Unwavering Integrity. Being authentic, accountable, and truthful in our words and actions.
  • Serving with Humility. Modeling the way of Jesus is our goal, living selflessly for God’s glory.
  • Transforming by Prayer. We want our work to be conceived, birthed, and carried out in prayer.

I am a global disciple of Jesus.
My allegiance is to Jesus Christ. He is the Living Word of God, as revealed by the Holy Spirit and through the Bible.
I want to do my part so everyone has the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus and to choose if they will believe and follow Him.  My desire is to see each person experience the transforming love of Jesus, live in the fullness of the Spirit and enjoy God forever.
As a participant in a local expression of the global Body of Christ, I am united in heart and purpose with sisters and brothers of many nations, ethnic groups, languages and churches to glorify God and to make Him known.
I believe my part as a global disciple of Jesus Christ is to:

  • Pursue Intimacy with God as my Creator, Provider and Father, through Jesus my Savior, Lord and Friend.    
  • Love others as Jesus loves them, relating and serving as witnesses in word and deed, loving even enemies.
  • Pray diligently for people who do not yet know Christ, especially those unreached with the Good News.
  • Live generously as a steward of all God has entrusted to me, being an ambassador of our generous Master.     
  • Rely on the Holy Spirit and the Bible to lead, guide and empower me to live, love and serve for God’s glory.

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