SABOTEUR: RINO Senator Lisa Murkowski Announces She Won’t Approve Any of Trump’s Nominees thumbnail

SABOTEUR: RINO Senator Lisa Murkowski Announces She Won’t Approve Any of Trump’s Nominees

By The Geller Report

This reptile voted for Trump impeachment. Now she says she won’t approve Trump’s they are fully vetted by the FBI – and we know how reliable they are.

Murkowski shouldn’t even be there. Her opponent in the Senate race, Kelly Tshibaka was ahead of Murkowski but didn’t reach the required 50% under “Ranked Choice” rules. Thus the lengthy ranked-choice voting process rendered a whole other winner.

“The only people who benefit from Ranked Choice Voting are career politicians and the special interests that are in bed with them…..” (more)

Badly done, Alaska, badly done.


Pamela Geller


Democrat Regime Squandered $267M Fighting Free Speech Under Biden — as Trump Vows to Ban ‘Censorship Cartel’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.