‘Science says’ is a game anyone can play

“Science says” is a game Democrats have invented to tell us what to do. It’s like “Simon says” only for adults.

How Do You Play Science Says?

One person or a group assumes the role of the leader and calls out the actions. Everyone else must follow the leader and do the action, but only when the command is prefaced with the phrase “science says.”
For example, science says, pay more taxes. Everyone pays up. Science says, shut down the economy. Everyone stops working. Science says, gender is fluid. Everyone transitions to another gender. Science says, global warming. Everyone changes their way of life. Science says, systemic racism. Everyone denounces their own and other people’s whiteness, burns cars, and breaks into stores, taking home free sneakers, cell phones, and big-screen TVs.
If a player or a group does the action when the leader did not say “science says,” they are eliminated, lose their jobs and income, their reputation and careers are destroyed, they become unemployable and sometimes they go to jail. People can also be eliminated for failing to follow instructions that include “science says.” It is the ability to distinguish between genuine and fake commands, rather than actual ability, that matters in the game. The action just needs to be attempted and nothing needs to be accomplished.
The object of the game is to eliminate everyone who does not belong to the group of leaders, as quickly as possible. The winner is usually the most compliant player who has successfully followed all the commands. Occasionally, however, even those players may be eliminated, thus resulting in the leader becoming the ultimate winner.
Historically the leader has been the Democrat Party, which has used “science says” to its own advantage. Outsiders have resented the idea of telling others what to do.
But outsiders can play “science says” just as well as the Democrats can – and today we will show you how. Let’s play.
See more “Science Says” images here, here, here , here and here.
EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by OfflineRed Square on The Peoples Cube is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

1 reply
  1. Paul
    Paul says:

    People have to stop believing in false promises, governments doesn’t make money, they use your money and when the money runs out…. it will be your problem!

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