Islam is a totalitarian ideology, its laws believed to be the literal word of Allah and, therefore, immutable in every respect through eternity. Their adherents are under obligation to “rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power that gets in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.” Among the many methods of warfare is lying. War is deceit, Allah is the “master of all scheming,” and deception has become an artform in Islam. Further, because lying is permissible in Islam, lies are not discernible because the deceiver bears no conscious guilt.
Although it is true that deception within Islam is subtle and sophisticated, it is only effective on willing subjects, those who already have a root of bitterness toward Israel, the Jews and/or Western civilization. Islam serves to formulate their contempt and justify it.
With this as background, an internet acquaintance sent an Israeli video to a friend who had taken a Holy Land tour years before. The friend replied she had been to the West Bank (ancient Israel’s Judea and Samaria) and had “nothing but contempt for Israel.” Her statements are presented in bold face, and I will provide the backstory – what she didn’t say.
“We went to a Christian Palestinian school and heard how the Israeli soldiers terrorized the school children. The IDF constantly goes into the West Bank to arrest and terrorize Palestinians, especially the young children.”
She was already deceived. What she didn’t say was why soldiers would spend their time entering the area to arrest children. Does she choose to be oblivious of the many countries that use their children in armed conflict, 14 noted, 7 in Africa. Closer to home, America’s left is using our school children against our country, and encouraging groups like BLM and Antifa to burn cities and harm our protective forces, the police. Children do commit crimes worthy of arrest, in the West Bank and worldwide, and those not arrested in America may be our own undoing.
In Islam, the entire family unit is compelled to further the cause of Allah and the Palestinians are notorious for putting their women and children in harm’s way, at rocket launches or on roofs of building where explosives are stored, so that their deaths, whether self-inflicted or caused by retaliatory fire, will increase the casualty count for world pity. Older children are used to discharge ignited kites and incendiary balloons over Israel, while smaller children are placed on road embankments with a supply of rocks to throw at passing cars, often causing crashes and death. They are also used in tunnel construction, expendable should the tunnels collapse. The children are raised without interests in reading, music, or Little League games, but with an obsession for Mohammed’s 1400-year war against the Jews, willing to accept martyrdom should they go up in smoke.
The silence of the Christian schools and of the World Council of Churches (WCC) amounts to complicity in the ruination of the Palestinians’ children and the murder of Israeli’s.
The friend attached a film that showed the IDF handling themselves in exemplary fashion, with one speaking calmly to the five-year-old boy, not harassing or brandishing weapons, while the other five or six were standing at a distance, unmenacingly, not looming over the child. Questioning is not harassment, and the boy was holding the hand of another, in his late teens, perhaps an older brother. Of course, the child is frightened because he did something wrong, but had he been terrified, he’d have tried to hide behind his brother. He may have caused a fatal crash and knew he was being reprimanded – or feared worse, depending upon the lies that permeate their culture. There is no doubt that the soldier would be stern to make him understand that he’d caused irreparable harm, perhaps killed a child like himself. He was escorted to the IDF car calmly with his brother, presumably heading for headquarters. Although he would be lectured about right and wrong, there is no doubt that he would be given a chocolate bar.
The IDF take their representation of Israel very seriously and see themselves as goodwill ambassadors. The Israeli soldier understands that this could be the difference between a child who recalls a reasonable outcome or one who will seek jihadi revenge. Research shows that there is a total disconnect between the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) accusations against Israel and the reality on the ground.
“The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) is now present in the small village of Yanoun,” wrote the person with contempt for Israel, implying that their presence was necessary to keep an eye on Israeli abuse.
What she didn’t say is that Yanoun is one of many Bedouin encampments, often with camels, that settle illegally on Israeli land that is impermissible to all because it lacks infrastructure – electricity, sewage, water, health and welfare services. America has many areas not zoned for housing, and all sovereign countries are justified in granting or withholding building rights. The Israel High Court approved the order to demolish the village, according to laws that apply to all, and Israel usually offers alternative housing to the nomads, but they refuse. The EAPPI, founded by the World Council of Churches, has been maintaining a round-the-clock presence in Yanoun since 2003, working with the Palestinians against Israeli law. They maintain an antisemitic, adversarial position toward the State of Israel, which includes lying about a mismanaged, Palestinian-caused water shortage. They appear to be trained in Islamic lies.
One frequent accusation is that the IDF soldiers rape Arab women, a familiar act of violence by Arab men worldwide – again, this is projection. It is documented that one anti-Israel activist, a professor, asked an Israeli soldier if he knew how many Palestinian women were raped by IDF forces. The soldier replied, “none,” as far as he knew. She triumphantly responded that he was right, because, she said, ‘You IDF soldiers don’t rape Palestinians because Israelis are so racist and disgusted by them that you won’t touch them.’”
“Jewish people have come into Yanoun and burned down their olive trees. The people have been so terrorized that there are only about 50 Palestinians left,” she continued.
What she didn’t say is why Israelis raze certain homes and destroy trees. Families of murderous terrorists lived in those homes and constructed terror tunnels under the groves to penetrate Jewish villages and murder the residents. This is an all-too-familiar theme in Palestinian children’s propaganda stories. Any destruction, therefore, becomes necessary as security as well as a means of punishment and deterrence.
According to Regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations that Israel inherited from the British Mandate (1947), the military commander may order the destruction of any house, structure or land suspected of being the source of “any firearm fired illegally, bomb or hand grenade or any explosive thrown, blown up or detonated.” Did no one tell the woman that immediately after the Six-Day War, Israel offered to negotiate land for peace with Jordan, Syria, and Egypt, but was refused each time? Israel did not want the responsibility of administration over the area, but while it was thrust upon her, she improved infrastructure, schooling and life expectancy for the Palestinians. Nevertheless, Israel began the destruction of terrorists’ homes after the first Intifada of violent riots (1967). By 1994, Israel began turning over administration to the Palestinian Authority.
“We went to a Christian Palestinian school . . .,” she said, and spoke negatively.
What she didn’t say is that the ecumenical accompaniers serve the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Palestinian areas. They report of soldiers who search teachers, harass residents, and close the schools, but never reveal the causes – the Palestinians’ daily violence, tear gas and riots. Apparently, it breaks the hearts of those reporting that Palestinian children are escorted in and out of their communities, but there is no comparable sympathy for Israeli children escorted in and out of their shelters or hospitals after the Palestinians explode their weapons or themselves in a crowd.
EAPPI fears for the West Bank children who are harassed, but not for the Israeli children who are blown up in school buses by Palestinian terrorists, or for such as the three Israeli teenagers who were kidnapped on June 12, 2014, and killed, their bodies found in the West Bank field on June 30, 2014 – and other similar events.
The WCC, which trains volunteers to promote boycotts of Israel and engage in antisemitic rhetoric, is funded by several Western governments, the EU, and the UN. Their EAPPI program, which consists of 350 member churches in 110 countries and 500 million Christians worldwide, has been in place for 15 years, with a stated mission of “Christian unity,” which shamefully includes anti-Israel advocacy. Their activism has explicit antisemitic overtones, as they have repeatedly compared Israel to Nazi Germany, accused Israel of apartheidism, and continue to instigate a broad-based boycott, divestment and (total) sanctions (BDS) on Israel. Their numerous lies and accusations include blaming Israel for planting knives in Palestinians who were shot after attempting to stab Israelis, and for attempting Palestinian depopulation. While the WCC claims not to “countenance” Israel with Nazi Germany, they do not discourage their representatives’ denunciations, and continue to favor boycott products of Jewish “settlements.”
This warrants an additional note about “settlements.” The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 13, 2007, by a majority of 144 states in favor, 4 votes against, and 11 abstentions, recognized that indigenous people (also known as first people, aboriginal people or native people) have the right to the lands, territories and resources, which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired and that the exercise of these rights shall be free from discrimination of any kind. According to international law, the Jews are the indigenous people of the lands referred to as Judea, Samaria, Palestine, Israel, and the Holy Land, and therefore fulfill the criteria required by international law. The Jews are the original ethnic group that settled Judea and Samaria 3,500 years ago, when the land was bestowed upon the Jews by the Almighty. Statements to the contrary are political, not legal.
What she didn’t say was that the Arabs from the neighboring states, who now call themselves Palestinians, are the invaders, interlopers, and aspiring conquerors, and the WCC is a blight on America for not supporting one of America’s most dedicated allies.
One final word about the woman who has “nothing but contempt for Israel.” We would give her the benefit of the doubt to suggest that she doesn’t know the facts, but the reality is more likely that she visited the West Bank under the auspices of the WCC in support of their anti-Israel agenda. Once ripe for deception, she is now a zealous missionary of outright lies and half-truths.
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