Teamsters Union Members Overwhelming Vote to Endorse Trump, Union Bosses Teamsters Union Just Announced They Won’t Endorse Anyone
By The Geller Report
Teamsters, one of the largest labor unions in the country, just released a poll showing that an overwhelming majority of their over 1.2 MILLION members support Trump over Kamala Harris. But union leadership won’t endorse Trump.
WATCH: Teamsters are for Trump at 59.6% of members
For the first time in over thirty years the Teamsters Union will not be endorsing a Presidential candidate, Union leadership is owned by the anti-American Democrat party of treason. They are loyal to the party, not their members.
Any Teamster that continues paying their dues is a sucker with a capital S.
🔴Trump: 58.5%
🔵Harris: 32.5%
Understand what’s happening with the Teamsters: the members all want Donald Trump, but the leadership knows it can’t officially endorse Trump without putting the entire organization at risk due to the bloodlust of the Democrat party at every level in blue states where the Teamsters are most prevalent.
Any Teamster that continues paying their dues is a sucker with a capital S.
WATCH: CNN stunned because Teamsters’ WILL NOT endorse Kamala Harris
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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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