The California Marxist Government’s Incompetence and the Burning Down of Los Angeles
By Geoff Ross USN retired Surface Warfare/Air Warfare
The incompetent, borderline criminal acts of Governor Newsom and his Communist California legislators have literally by executive order and signed legislation burned down a significant portion of Los Angeles and its surrounding neighborhoods.
The voters in California legal and illegal should pay close attention to the low IQ zero bottom feeding leadership they have put into office in Sacramento and Los Angeles.
Take in point- During the massive fires spreading across Los Angeles and Pacific Palisades local residents Patrick and Evan Golling saved their house and their neighbors home by using their swimming pool water.
They purchased a new small gasoline powered pool pump and used it to draw water from their pool and spray it over their surrounding property.
They actually broke the law with this purchase because Governor Newsom recently signed into law (October 9th 2024) banning the sale of such gasoline -powered small-motorized equipment.
This bill AB1346 was written by Assemblyman Marc Berman which ordered the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to ban the sale of such motorized engines / pool pumps.
Now we wait and see if this family get prosecuted for using an illegal gas powered pool pump which saved their home and most likely their neighbors homes too.
Governor Newsom also signed an executive order that banned the sale of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035 making it impossible to evacuate in a future fire without a zero emissions vehicle.
The power lines were shut off in the Pacific Palisades to prevent them from falling and creating more problems. This would thus make it impossible to charge an Electric Vehicle if this unconstitutional ban on new gasoline powered vehicles stands.
Let’s not exclude the fact the water reservoirs were empty in the Pacific Palisades and the fire department had minimal water pressure to discharge from their firehoses.
The Mayor of Los Angeles Karen Bass (born in Los Angeles) was on a boondoggle back to her imaginary roots trip to celebrate the swearing in ceremony of the new president of Ghana when the wild fires broke out. I wonder who paid for this trip?
Seriously? It’s amazing the number of these self proclaimed African-Americans who have never been to Africa with zero ties to Africa so she made the trip.
The Mayor of Los Angeles gets an annual salary of $269,365, plus free housing and utilities at the Getty House so hopefully the tax payers did not fund this irrelevant trip. She is living the Socialist Stalinist dream.
There are also news reports stating Governor Newsom cut over $100 million dollars from the wildfire and resilience programs in California but this needs to investigated further with an audit in my opinion.
The state of California used to be the poster child of free market capitalism with entrepreneurs building a strong economy and expanding job creation.
Now California and in particular Los Angeles is a burning ember of failed leadership, unprecedented homeless camps filled with meth addicts and human despair.
Millionaires and the Hollywood elite are crying like babies over their losses which was created by the incompetent government they elected supported by their clown in the White House Joe Biden.
The failure to clear away dead brush close to these million dollar homes, the failure to fill the water reservoirs, the idiotic relocation of fresh mountain water run off into the Pacific, the failure to build fire breaks, the failure to prepare for such disasters and the massive assault on fossil fuels which is the lifeline and economic heartbeat of our nation implemented by these incompetent Marxists has come home to roost.
Let’s hope the citizens of California finally wake up and remove this criminal corrupt government from Sacramento and the local governments across the state.
When we suffer from hurricanes here in Florida we don’t need Mexican firefighters helping us nor do we need Canadian fire equipment.
We do have to contend though with the Biden Marxists refusing FEMA Aid to Florida homes with Trump signs after hurricanes though but that’s ok. We are totally self sufficient here, we don’t need the federal Commies in DC helping us.
Governor Newsom needs to be prosecuted for criminal conduct which resulted in the deaths of Americans he was elected to protect.
©2025 Geoff Ross USN retired Surface Warfare/Air Warfare. All rights reserved.

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