WATCH: OMG, Kamala is Obama 4.0
By Dr. Rich Swier
“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program until one day America will be a Socialist nation
without ever knowing how it happened.” — Norman Thomas, American socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.
Elon Musk posted the video below on X. Elon called it, “amazing.”
Kamala is bent on continuing, as Obama said, the mission to “fundamentally transform” American into a tyrannical dictatorship.
Barack and Michelle Obama recently endorsed Kamala in order to continue to grow government powers while stripping away at every American’s fundamental rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Barack and Michell’s endorsement insures that they, not Kamala, will be in charge of the administration, as they were with Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
Like Biden was Obama 3.0 now Kamal is Obama 4.0.
The same policies, the same hate for America, the same destruction of the middle class, the same grooming of children for sex, the same, big government largesse, the same open borders, the same weaponization of every branch of government to be used to keep and expand their powers.
The use of all means with the help of the lamestream media to paint their opponents as racist, homophobic and Islamophobic, while at the same time being racists, anti-traditional families and pro-Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran.
Kamala will continue the wars in Europe, the Middle East and may start another war in the Far East. Kamala will continue supporting America and Israel’s enemies while at the same time use American tax dollars to fund organizations like UNRWA that then funds Hamas.
Kamala will continue to destroy our Constitutional Republic and replace it with a “democracy” where government has all of the power and the people are mere slaves.
Kamala will continue to grow the now $34 trillion national debt, currently the interest alone on the national debt soaks up 78% of our tax dollars.
Kamala, like Biden and Obama, will be the figurehead of the party of the traitors who want to destroy America. For you see others are pulling the strings behind the scenes. Others like Barack, Alex Soros, and organizations like Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the Pro-Hamas terrorists and the LGBTQ community.
Barack Obama created the Red-Green-Rainbow Alliance, Kamala will continue to grow and expand it.
The Choices
This election is all about clear choices. Voters have a choice and their vote will determine which of the choices wins. Remember this election is not about the candidates but rather about their policies. It’s their policies, stupid!
Here’s a list of some of the choices that are on the ballot on November 5th, 2924:
- Bigger government under Kamala or government of, by and for the people.
- More wars or global peace through strength.
- A weak military or a strong military.
- Tax and spend or cut the government and free the people.
- Continue to ignore the fentanyl and opioid crisis in America or do something to stop it by stopping the drug cartels.
- Continue to ignore the child trafficking by drug cartels or to seal the border and stop this selling of little girls and boys for sex.
- Personal pronouns or male and female.
- Murder the unborn or embrace life and traditional marriage as between one man and one woman with their biological children.
- Supporting criminal illegal aliens or supporting our veterans.
- Replace God with government or believe in the the grace and glory of God the father.
- More violent crime or no crime.
- Jail patriots or jail rapists, murderers and actual criminals.
- To deport criminal illegal aliens or to give criminal illegal aliens cell phones, taxpayer paid for plane tickets and government checks and healthcare benefits.
- American energy independence or the green agenda to destroy our ability to produce cheap and reliable energy from America’s nuclear, oil, natural gas and coal resources.
- Teaching our children from K-20 what to think and not how to think.
- Judging people by the color of their skin or judging people by the content of their characters.
- Open borders or legal immigration.
- Funding our enemies or funding our friends.
- Justice for some or equal justice under the laws of America.
- Censorship or freedom of speech.
- Attempt to assassinate your political rival or not.
- Rewrite history or remember our history as a nation conceived in liberty under God.
- Higher taxes or lower taxes.
- Driving nations to de-dollarize or make the U.S. dollar strong again.
- More media lies or telling the truth.
- Burn the American flag or stand for the American flag.
- Fundamentally transforming America or restoring our Constitutional Republic.
- The U.S. Constitution or a one world government.
- America last or America first.
- Obama 4.0 or MAGA 2.0.
A Brain
We are waiting to see what the DNC’s agenda is and who is picked to be Kamala’ running mate, if she is selected, not by the people, but by those with power in a smoke filled room in secrecy. The 13 million Democrats did not vote for Kamala in the primary election. A “political coup” occurred and Kamala is being installed.
Gird your loins as the 2024 presidential election is now between the party of traitors and the party of patriots.
This election is all about using one’s brain to discern between good and evil, truth or lies, reality or slavery.
Please watch this video titled “A Brain” to understand.
American patriots won in 1776 and must win once again in 2024.
This is America’s second Revolution.
There are no other choices!
Choose wisely!
©2024. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.
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