Weekend Read: The Orwellian Left
By Mark Wallace
Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes
Over the last half-century, the so-called “Progressive” Left has spread its tentacles throughout innumerable nongovernmental organizations, the federal, state, and local governments themselves, public and many private schools, the universities, the media, the corporate world . . . the list goes on and on. Whether we are looking at Yale University, ABC News, the Washington Post, the FBI, the CIA, the highest-ranking generals and admirals in the military, the Department of Education, the teachers’ unions, we find them all infested with far-left progressives. That’s not to say that each and every FBI agent is a leftist — far from it — but the leadership of the aforementioned organizations and in certain (but not all) instances the supporting staff are leftist Democrats.
It’s fashionable in Republican and conservative circles to call the Progressive Left “Marxist,” “communist” or “fascist,” but in truth, the Progressive Left is not any of these. Numerous billionaires are far left. A true Marxist would be dreaming up plans to strip them of their wealth, but the Progressive Left that exploded in power and influence beginning in the Obama Administration has absolutely no intention of doing that. That’s why the tycoon Governor Pritzker of Illinois can continue to be a Democrat and pretend he cares about the average guy. The Progressive Left is more oligarchic than it is Marxist or Communist.
Make no mistake about it, the Progressive Left is a huge danger to our liberty. Its principal goal is the permanent seizure of power. All of the Progressive Left’s major policies are pointed specifically in that direction. Packing the Supreme Court so the Left can seize total control of the Third Branch of government. Making Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C. states so the Left can gain four more Senate seats and achieve a permanent majority in the Senate. Ending the Senate’s filibuster rule. Abolishing the Electoral College. Allowing millions of illegal aliens to vote. Giving the right to vote back to felons.
The Progressive Left’s other major (and highly disguised) policy is to impoverish America’s working and middle classes so that they are dependent on the government. A person who can make a good living without help from the government (think of Thomas Jefferson’s yeoman farmer and the present-day successful small businessman) is despised by the Left because they cannot control him or her. The Green New Deal is intended to replace fossil fuels with far less efficient sources of energy generation so that utility prices can be hugely increased, thereby making it more difficult for the average guy to keep his family housed and fed.
The Progressive Left is not Marxist, communist, or fascist. It is Orwellian. Its aims are best exemplified by the comments of Inner Party member O’Brien in George Orwell’s novel “1984”: “The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power . . . Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. . . . If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.”
Undoubtedly, in this late summer of 2024 the United States is still a long way from the absolute tyranny depicted in Orwell’s “1984” and his novel “Animal Farm.” But the Progressive Left is doing everything in its power to move the United States in that direction and has achieved notable successes, as shown below. Let’s review them one by one.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. In “Animal Farm,” the farm animals boot out the human owners and establish a kind of animal democracy where all animals are equal. Gradually, the pigs take over and begin to substitute a new rule that although all the animals are equal, some are more equal than others (namely, the pigs).
In the United States today, we have “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” in which members of certain identity groups are given special rights and privileges above and beyond those possessed by the rest of the populace. Using the word “diversity” in this context is a big lie because only certain identity groups count when it comes to “diversity.” Universities with DEI departments have faculties where Republicans or conservatives are either scarce or nowhere to be found. Where is the diversity there? To take another example, if you happen to be an Italian-American or an Irish American or a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, forget about “diversity” in your case — you don’t qualify. When was the last time the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division opened an investigation into the number of Italian-Americans or Polish-Americans (or Jews or Catholics or Presbyterians) in a police department or on corporate director boards? Clearly, in 21st century America some animals are more equal than others.
Newspeak. Oceania, the absolute dictatorship of Big Brother in Orwell’s “1984,” devotes resources to developing a new language named “Newspeak.” Newspeak is strongly related to standard English (known as “Oldspeak”) but has features designed to suppress dissent, advance Party causes and to generally force people into thinking the way the Party wants them to think. For example, the Newspeak word “thoughtcrime” brings to people’s attention that even thinking the wrong way is a crime.
The Progressive Left has begun taking baby steps in this direction. A prime example is the substitution of “enslaved people” for “slaves.” This substitution now abounds in academic journals and articles. I was taught in English class never to use two words when one word would do. So why are college professors and social justice warriors now using “enslaved people”? It’s obvious, isn’t it? “Enslaved people” emphasizes victimization, which is a key element of the Left’s narrative.
As another example of Newspeak in 21st century America, “gender-affirming care” has come to mean in many cases castration for males and radical mastectomies for women. Note how this paves the way for deluded parents to tell their confidantes that their psychologically-disturbed son received “gender-affirming care.” It’s so much easier to say that than to say, “my troubled son was castrated last week at the hospital.”
The Use of Opposite Meanings. In Orwell’s fictional state of Oceania, government ministries include the “Ministry of Love” and the “Ministry of Truth.” In point of fact, what goes on in these ministries is the diametrical opposite of what is implied by their names. The Ministry of Love is where political opponents of the regime are tortured. The Ministry of Truth is a giant propaganda machine where inconvenient facts from the past are made to disappear (“memory-holed”) and where lies about the current state of affairs are rampant and all-encompassing. The Party’s slogans are also heavily loaded with opposite meaning: “War is Peace.” “Freedom is Slavery.”
In 21st century America, we have “Planned Parenthood.” This organization has virtually nothing to do with parenthood. Its main mission is non-parenthood. A more accurate name for Planned Parenthood would be Planned Non-parenthood. It currently operates hundreds of Death Camps for the Unborn.
Memory-Holing the Past. The Party’s slogan in “1984” is “who controls the past, controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” This is the backdrop for a scene in the novel where Winston, the main character, is given the job of erasing for all eternity Big Brother’s past praise of a party functionary who later became persona non grata and was liquidated. We find a parallel in late summer 2024, where the mainstream media is now peddling the obvious lie that Kamala Harris was never really the “Border Czar” under Biden. (Note, however, that Donald Trump may have it right that she was really the “Invasion Czar” more than the “Border Czar.”). We find another parallel in the Left’s desperate efforts to prevent the public from learning about Kamala’s previous proposals to ban fracking, ban private health insurance, and replace it with Medicare-For-All, mandatory government repurchase of firearms, and other pet proposals of the Loony Left.
Forcing the Populace to Believe Obvious Lies. To really gain power over people, it’s essential to force them to renounce their true beliefs and to agree that obvious lies are actually the truth. We see this in “1984” where O’Brien holds up four fingers and asks Winston, who is tied up hand and foot to a torture machine, how many fingers he is holding up. Winston says “four” and is tortured. Suspecting that O’Brien wants him to say “five”, he says five and is tortured again. Finally, desperate to avoid any additional torture, Winston realizes that the correct answer is “whatever you want it to be.”
We see a similar, although less physically painful, pattern in 21st-century America when it comes to transgender issues. The Progressive Left wants us to believe that a biological man can actually become a woman and therefore must be treated by all of society as a woman. So does a man who decides to transition to a woman get all of his chromosomes to change from XY to XX? No. Does such a man acquire the ability to give birth to a child? No. Does such a man acquire a female pelvic and hip structure (for instance, wide hips and a uterus)? No. Can he change the pitch of his voice from lower to higher? No. Essentially, all that happens is that a biological man undergoing a surgical transition doesn’t become a woman but instead becomes a mutilated man. Yet we are supposed to believe the lie that he’s now a woman. And if we don’t, then we are characterized as “transphobic,” bigoted and cruel. Bonus Question: if a biological man decides to become a rhinoceros, does all of society have to treat him as a rhinoceros?
Thoughtcrime. In Oceania, to think even for a moment that Big Brother is a bad guy constitutes “thoughtcrime.” In 21st-century America, “hate crime” consists of (1) a criminal act such as murder or assault, and (2) certain kinds of thoughts internal to the perpetrator’s mind, such as a desire to hurt the victim on account of his race or other characteristics. Seen in this light, “hate crime” is, at least in part, thoughtcrime.
Persecution of Political Opponents. In “1984”, opponents of the Party were arrested, incarcerated in the Ministry of Love, and hideously tortured. In 21st-century America, opponents of the Progressive Left — ranging from Donald Trump to people praying outside abortion clinics— are arrested, subjected to political show trials and, if convicted, sentenced to fine or prison.
The Use of Intoxicants to Distract the Populace From Disastrous Government Policies. In “1984”, all or almost all goods and commodities are in short supply except one: Victory Gin. Victory Gin is plentiful, cheap, and most likely heavily subsidized. During the 2020-2022 Chinese coronavirus Plandemic, governors in Progressive Left states closed churches, synagogues, and gyms but kept the liquor stores open.
The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.
Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.
Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.
Please click the following link to learn more.

This article is courtesy of ThePricklyPear.org, an online voice for citizen journalists to express the principles of limited government and personal liberty to the public, to policy makers, and to political activists. Please visit ThePricklyPear.org for more great content.