Biden’s Treasury Department Issuing Nonbinary Pauli Murray Quarter first U.S. ‘Queer Quarter’ – Not Political Satire thumbnail

Biden’s Treasury Department Issuing Nonbinary Pauli Murray Quarter first U.S. ‘Queer Quarter’ – Not Political Satire

By Royal A. Brown III

Pauli Murray, a nonbinary Black activist, lawyer, Episcopal priest, and poet, will be featured on a quarter in the next round of the U.S. Mint’s American Women Quarters Program, making Murray the first Black queer person to appear on U.S. currency.

Murray’s quarter will be issued in 2024.

Korie Dean in a February 06, 2023 News & Observer article titled “NC civil rights, social justice activist to be featured on US quarter” wrote,

Throughout the 1930s, the Pauli Murray Center writes, Murray “actively questioned” her gender and sex, repeatedly asking physicians for hormone therapy and exploratory surgery to investigate her reproductive organs.

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In a Smithsonian article titled “Pauli Murray as a LGBTQ+ Historical Figure” reported,

Pauli Murray wrote about her gender identity and sexuality throughout her life.  In her journals, Murray wondered if she was “one of nature’s experiments; a girl who should have been a boy.” Partially because of this struggle, Murray suffered breakdowns and was hospitalized throughout her twenties and thirties. Murray sought medical treatment and consulted doctors concerning what she called “an inverted sex instinct,” including asking doctors to test her hormone levels for any imbalance and attempting to find doctors that would agree to give her testosterone. 

Though Murray was married to a man briefly, she wrote “Why is it that when a man makes love to me, something in me tries to fight?” She fundamentally felt that she was a man trapped in a woman’s body, an expression of gender dysphoria. Pauli Murray wrote less about her gender identity after feeling that her medical options had been exhausted and after attending Howard where she experienced the dual oppressions of sexism and racism in Washington, D.C. Alongside Betty Friedan, Murray was a founder of the National Organization of Women (NOW), and she wrote extensively about the importance of women’s equality under the law.

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We truly believe that it won’t be long before our government will start targeting Christians who refuse to accept gender neutral and sexual nonbinary persons.

When our government puts these folks on money, you can bet that they will start looking to persecute any who defy their stance. Think not?

Just yesterday, Newsweek carried an article that showed an FBI report that listed Catholics as extreme terrorists.

©Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.

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