By Jihad Watch “Shall Paper live, or Ink/Since Brass and Marble Can’t Withstand/This Iron Age’s Violating Hand?” — Johannes de Bosco The University of Southern California (that’s USC to you and me) has been thrust into the limelight yet again. In 2019, and for several years following, it was in the news as a major […] 11:52:372023-01-17 11:52:37The Graves of Academe: USC School of Social Work Bans ‘Field’
By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities How Western culture has been moulded by faith. Faith Challenges Culture: A Reflection of the Dynamics of ModernityPaul O’Callaghan | Lexington Books | 2021, 142 pp In this terrific book, Dubliner Fr Paul O’Callaghan, a lecturer in the school of theology in the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross […]
Good day Deano, I hope today finds you well today over at The New York Times, as their executive editor. Well, it has been a busy couple of weeks over there on Capitol Hill. Our elected officials are trying to iron out details of the $3,500,000,000,000 reconciliation bill. This of course is tied to (held […] Cirino Cirino2021-10-07 07:20:572021-10-07 07:20:57Dear New York Times Executive Editor, Dean Baquet RE: Capitol Hill Stalemate
“Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald We all know that from day one of this illegal Biden regime acting like a power hungry rabid dictator or as a King, the blunders have come thick and fast. The illegal and unconstitutional acts just keep pouring out of their sick […] America Foundation America Foundation2021-10-07 07:09:352021-10-07 07:09:35Joe Biden’s Top 10 Blunders!
That’s not ‘Building Back Better’—it’s shooting ourselves in the foot. President Biden has heralded his $4.5+ trillion spending proposals and accompanying tax hikes as an investment in “leading the world versus letting it pass us by.” Yet, paradoxically, a new analysis exposes one huge way Biden’s plans would make the US less competitive on the […] for Economic Education (FEE) for Economic Education (FEE)2021-10-07 06:50:262021-10-07 06:50:26Biden Plan Would Sabotage U.S. Economic Competitiveness in One Huge Way, Analysis Finds
Medical Kidnap reported the following as participants at the Milken Institute meeting: Joining Fauci, Rick Bright, and Michael Specter at this event were: Margaret Hamburg, Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Medicine, Bruce Gellin, President, Global Immunization, Sabin Vaccine Institute, Casey Wright, CEO, FluLab. Explosive Video of Fauci and HHS Plotting for a New Outbreak to Enforce mRNA. Watch: […] Rich Swier Rich Swier2021-10-07 06:28:192021-10-07 06:28:19WATCH: Fauci and HHS Officials Plot for ‘A New Avian Flu Virus’ to Enforce Universal Flu Vaccination
We have all seen the horrible violence in Seattle in the last year or so. But now there’s a new battle, virtually under the radar. In 1932, the Union Gospel Mission began serving the poor and downtrodden in Seattle. But now this ministry which has been serving millions of meals through the years and providing […] Newcombe Newcombe2021-10-07 06:16:102021-10-07 06:16:10An Important Church and State Battle in Seattle
The month of October kicks off “Respect Life Month” in the Catholic Church, and with the U.S. Supreme Court scheduled to hear the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case on December 1, Christians across the country have begun praying in earnest for the case that could overturn Roev. Wade. How will Americans react to the possibility of […] Research Council Research Council2021-10-07 05:52:552021-10-07 05:52:55Worldview is Central to Determining Views on Abortion
According to Pew Research, in the early 1960s nearly 80 percent of Americans trusted the federal government “to do what’s right just about always/most of the time.” Today, that number hovers around 20 percent. Is it any wonder why? The Biden administration refuses to control our borders, betrays friends, and bewilders allies in Afghanistan, and […] Research Council Research Council2021-10-07 05:44:032021-10-07 05:44:03VIDEO: Government Strong-Arming Fuels American Distrust
Nazi tactics, plain and simple, the end of America. FEINSTEIN INTRODUCES BILL TO REQUIRE VAX TO FLY ON DOMESTIC FLIGHTS By: The DC Patriot, October 4, 2021:Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has introduced a bill, The U.S. Travel Public Safety Act, that would require travelers on domestic flights in the U.S. to be vaccinated for COVID-19, test negative, or have had […] Geller Geller2021-10-07 05:11:082021-10-07 05:11:08Democrat Senator Feinstein Introduces Bill to Require VAX to Fly on ALL Domestic Flights
Jessica Berg Wilson didn’t Want To Lose Her Job, Obituary Gets ‘Misleading’ Label When Posted to Twitter. Democrat party of murder. “Jessica Berg Wilson, 37, of Seattle, Washington, passed away unexpectedly September 7, 2021 from COVID-19 vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) surrounded by her loving family,” …. An Oregon woman’s obituary has gone viral after her […] Geller Geller2021-10-07 04:56:002021-10-07 04:56:00Young Mother Dies After Mandated Vaccination
There is more to the story than meets the corrupt media eye. Make no mistake, this whistle blower is merely a Democrat device to hijack the censorship issue of conservatives and instead, shut down free speech. Two sides to the story: Facebook Whistleblower Is a Democrat Activist Demanding Big Tech and Government Crack Down […] Geller Geller2021-10-07 04:40:482021-10-07 04:40:48Facebook Whistleblower Is a Democrat Activist Demanding Big Tech and Government Crack Down on Free Speech [Video]
My latest in PJ Media: This is the state of American academia today: Gordon Klein has taught courses in business law, tax law, and financial analysis at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management for no fewer than forty years. He is a respected academic who has been on CNBC and quoted in the Wall Street Journal for his […] Spencer Spencer2021-10-07 04:25:262021-10-07 04:25:26Madness: UCLA Suspends Professor for Refusing to Assign Grades Based on Skin Color
Editors’ Note: There has been an increasing number of statements by public officials of late that parents are not the number one stakeholder in the education of their children. Hence the term “public school” should be best termed a “government school”, because teachers’ unions, educational bureaucrats, and elected school board officials, are increasingly taking the […]
00Kendall Tietz Tietz2021-10-07 01:00:282021-10-07 01:00:28National School Boards Association Calls on Biden to Police Parents Using Domestic Terror Laws
School Board Member Bridget Ziegler discusses the DOJ threatening to crackdown on parents. Last night, my wife and Sarasota County School Board Member, Bridget Ziegler joined Congressman Ken Buck on Shannon Bream’s Show to discuss the Department of Justice threatening to treat concerned parents showing up at School Board meetings as “Domestic Terrorists”. Watch the […]
Every day brings horror stories of racial discrimination and racial preferences. Told a couple of folks I was going to write about race. “Don’t go there,” said one. “Leave it alone,” said the other. ‘Nuff said. I couldn’t resist. America is obsessed with race. That is just how we live. Social justice warriors and woke […] - Navigating Modern Complexities - Navigating Modern Complexities2021-10-06 07:29:252021-10-06 07:29:25RACE: A Four-Letter Word Guaranteed to Offend Everyone
But not everything in the report adds up. France is reeling after yesterday’s release of a report on child sexual abuse. An estimated 216,000 victims suffered abuse between 1950 and 2020, according to the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church (CIASE). “The church failed to see or hear, failed to pick up on the weak […] - Navigating Modern Complexities - Navigating Modern Complexities2021-10-06 07:20:282021-10-06 07:20:28France Aghast After a Huge Report on Sexual Abuse in The Catholic Church
Let’s take the novel coronavirus seriously, but let’s not throw reason, prudence, or the Constitution out the window. Anyone who’s seen the John Hughes movie Ferris Beuller’s Day Off probably remembers the scene where Ferris’s economics teacher (Ben Stein) explains the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act to a roomful of bored, sleeping students. The scene is brilliant for many reasons, perhaps […] for Economic Education (FEE) for Economic Education (FEE)2021-10-06 05:19:032021-10-06 05:19:03Panic Has Led to Government “Cures” That Are Worse than the Disease, History Shows
In new footage released by Project Veritas, three Pfizer scientists admit that natural immunity to the coronavirus likely offers better protection than the vaccine. Yet the CDC refuses to even address the possibility of natural immunity, and various vaccine mandates America’s tyrants are considering allow no exemption for natural immunity. Natural immunity is not some magic code, […] Research Council Research Council2021-10-06 05:04:542021-10-06 05:04:54VIDEO: The Truth Will Set Us Free from Vaccine Mandates
In a memorandum issued on Monday, Attorney General Merrick Garland has directed the FBI to combat purported “threats of violence” against school administrators from so-called “hate groups” — by which he means parents justifiably outraged over the leftist indoctrination that passes for K-12 education in American schools. Garland expressed concern about a “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, […] The Networks The Networks2021-10-06 04:49:052021-10-06 04:49:05AG Garland Sics FBI on Parents Opposed to Critical Race Theory
Poland declared a state of emergency at the border with Belarus earlier this month and revealed that some of the migrants “had radical Islamic propaganda in their possession.” The jihadist infiltration through unvetted refugee streams has been a major threat to the security of Western countries across the board, although globalists refuse to acknowledge this. […] Rich Swier Rich Swier2021-10-06 04:20:182021-10-06 04:20:18Poland sends thousands of texts to illegal Muslim migrants at Belarus border telling them to go back
Editor’s Note: It is amusing, if not tragic, that those who complain the most about “inequality”, pursue monetary, fiscal, and tax policies, that make it much worse for the poor. Asset price inflation favors obviously those with the means to own assets: stocks, bonds, and real estate. While inflation is a tax on all of […]
Thank you for taking the time to send emails. Socialism is hostile toward a wide range of liberties that Americans have cherished for hundreds of years. Socialism is very oppressive toward religious liberties especially towards Christians and Jews. “This is the biggest step toward socialism in my lifetime.” U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham. House Speaker Nancy […] Family Association Family Association2021-10-05 13:02:262021-10-05 13:02:26Socialist Spending Bill Fails To Move Forward
Maybe they want to see who’ll blink first. But I’ve heard of Twitter suspending people’s accounts (e.g., Nicki Minaj) and banning users (e.g., President Trump), along with the games they routinely play, such as shadow-banning tweets. I’ve never heard, however, of someone being in Twitter limbo for more than six months while the Twitter twits […] Duke Duke2021-10-05 12:54:142021-10-05 12:54:14A Record? Twitter Has Had Me “Under Suspension” for SIX MONTHS
“Biden and his minions are bound and determined to Build Back Bigger Government.” – Dr. Rich Swier So what does Build Back Better (BBB) mean? Didn’t the last President Make America Great Again? So is Biden’s intent to make America greater than his predecessor? According to the White House website the intent of Build Back […] Rich Swier Rich Swier2021-10-05 09:04:122021-10-05 09:04:12Today is October 5th, 2021 and Joe Biden’s ‘Build Back Better Agenda’ is the worst in U.S. History
Here’s why the fantastical notion of a trillion-dollar coin appearing out of thin air to pay the bills is so appealing—and perilous. Gridlock in Washington, DC continues amid a fight over raising the debt ceiling, the legal limit on how much the federal government can borrow. Right now, the federal government will be unable to […] for Economic Education (FEE) for Economic Education (FEE)2021-10-05 07:42:372021-10-05 07:42:37Can The Government Mint a $1TRILLION Coin to Pay Its Bills?
“The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.” – Aldous Huxley (pacifist, philosophical mysticism, writer, and universalist) “Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.” – Edward Bernays (pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda) “Only those who believe in child […] Nelson Nelson2021-10-05 06:57:532021-10-05 06:57:53America’s Medical Stasi, from Subjugation to Slavery
“People who recovered from prior infection and remained unvaccinated were 27 times less likely to experience symptomatic reinfection from the Delta variant when compared to those who had not been infected and received two doses of the mRNA Pfizer vaccine.” – Israel study There is growing evidence that natural immunity to Covid, and its Delta […]
What next? Fist control? Knife control? No. It’s all about Democrat tyrants disarming the American people. FBI: More People Killed with Fists, Feet, Than Rifles By AWR Hawkins,, Breitbart News, 27 Sep 2021: The FBI released its Uniform Crime Report (UCR) Monday showing that more people were killed in 2020 with fists and feet than were killed […] Rich Swier Rich Swier2021-10-05 05:20:102021-10-05 05:20:10FBI REPORT: Twice as Many Killed with Knives than Rifles & Shotguns Combined
The Capital Research Center (CRC) specializes in investigating how left-of-center nonprofits impact American public policy and how such groups are funded. Independent nonpartisan nonprofits can greatly influence issues that affect electoral outcomes, even without directly involving themselves in partisan politics. CRC has published reports analyzing different categories of political spending over past election cycles, finding […]
00Robert Stilson Stilson2021-10-05 01:00:102021-10-05 01:00:10Book Profile: The Argument: Revolt of the Activists
The Graves of Academe: USC School of Social Work Bans ‘Field’
/in Culture Wars,, Education, Featured, Politics /by DrRichSwier.comBy Jihad Watch “Shall Paper live, or Ink/Since Brass and Marble Can’t Withstand/This Iron Age’s Violating Hand?” — Johannes de Bosco The University of Southern California (that’s USC to you and me) has been thrust into the limelight yet again. In 2019, and for several years following, it was in the news as a major […]
Going Beyond The Culture Wars
/in Culture Wars,, Elections, Politics, Religion /by DrRichSwier.comBy MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities How Western culture has been moulded by faith. Faith Challenges Culture: A Reflection of the Dynamics of ModernityPaul O’Callaghan | Lexington Books | 2021, 142 pp In this terrific book, Dubliner Fr Paul O’Callaghan, a lecturer in the school of theology in the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross […]
Dear New York Times Executive Editor, Dean Baquet RE: Capitol Hill Stalemate
/in Commentary, Culture Wars,, Elections, Politics /by Christopher CirinoGood day Deano, I hope today finds you well today over at The New York Times, as their executive editor. Well, it has been a busy couple of weeks over there on Capitol Hill. Our elected officials are trying to iron out details of the $3,500,000,000,000 reconciliation bill. This of course is tied to (held […]
Joe Biden’s Top 10 Blunders!
/in Culture Wars,, Elections, News, Politics /by Save America Foundation“Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald We all know that from day one of this illegal Biden regime acting like a power hungry rabid dictator or as a King, the blunders have come thick and fast. The illegal and unconstitutional acts just keep pouring out of their sick […]
Biden Plan Would Sabotage U.S. Economic Competitiveness in One Huge Way, Analysis Finds
/in Culture Wars,, Economy, Elections, News, Politics, Regulation, Taxes, Waste, Fraud and Abuse /by Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)That’s not ‘Building Back Better’—it’s shooting ourselves in the foot. President Biden has heralded his $4.5+ trillion spending proposals and accompanying tax hikes as an investment in “leading the world versus letting it pass us by.” Yet, paradoxically, a new analysis exposes one huge way Biden’s plans would make the US less competitive on the […]
WATCH: Fauci and HHS Officials Plot for ‘A New Avian Flu Virus’ to Enforce Universal Flu Vaccination
/in Culture Wars,, Elections, Healthcare, News, Politics, Science /by Dr. Rich SwierMedical Kidnap reported the following as participants at the Milken Institute meeting: Joining Fauci, Rick Bright, and Michael Specter at this event were: Margaret Hamburg, Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Medicine, Bruce Gellin, President, Global Immunization, Sabin Vaccine Institute, Casey Wright, CEO, FluLab. Explosive Video of Fauci and HHS Plotting for a New Outbreak to Enforce mRNA. Watch: […]
An Important Church and State Battle in Seattle
/in Commentary, Courts & Law, Culture Wars,, Elections, News, Politics, Religion /by Jerry NewcombeWe have all seen the horrible violence in Seattle in the last year or so. But now there’s a new battle, virtually under the radar. In 1932, the Union Gospel Mission began serving the poor and downtrodden in Seattle. But now this ministry which has been serving millions of meals through the years and providing […]
Worldview is Central to Determining Views on Abortion
/in Commentary, Courts & Law, Culture Wars,, Healthcare, News, Regulation, Religion /by Family Research CouncilThe month of October kicks off “Respect Life Month” in the Catholic Church, and with the U.S. Supreme Court scheduled to hear the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case on December 1, Christians across the country have begun praying in earnest for the case that could overturn Roev. Wade. How will Americans react to the possibility of […]
VIDEO: Government Strong-Arming Fuels American Distrust
/in Culture Wars,, Elections, News, Politics /by Family Research CouncilAccording to Pew Research, in the early 1960s nearly 80 percent of Americans trusted the federal government “to do what’s right just about always/most of the time.” Today, that number hovers around 20 percent. Is it any wonder why? The Biden administration refuses to control our borders, betrays friends, and bewilders allies in Afghanistan, and […]
Democrat Senator Feinstein Introduces Bill to Require VAX to Fly on ALL Domestic Flights
/in Courts & Law, Culture Wars,, Economy, Elections, News, Politics /by Pamela GellerNazi tactics, plain and simple, the end of America. FEINSTEIN INTRODUCES BILL TO REQUIRE VAX TO FLY ON DOMESTIC FLIGHTS By: The DC Patriot, October 4, 2021:Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has introduced a bill, The U.S. Travel Public Safety Act, that would require travelers on domestic flights in the U.S. to be vaccinated for COVID-19, test negative, or have had […]
Young Mother Dies After Mandated Vaccination
/in Culture Wars,, Healthcare, News, Politics, Science /by Pamela GellerJessica Berg Wilson didn’t Want To Lose Her Job, Obituary Gets ‘Misleading’ Label When Posted to Twitter. Democrat party of murder. “Jessica Berg Wilson, 37, of Seattle, Washington, passed away unexpectedly September 7, 2021 from COVID-19 vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) surrounded by her loving family,” …. An Oregon woman’s obituary has gone viral after her […]
Facebook Whistleblower Is a Democrat Activist Demanding Big Tech and Government Crack Down on Free Speech [Video]
/in Courts & Law, Culture Wars,, Elections, News, Politics /by Pamela GellerThere is more to the story than meets the corrupt media eye. Make no mistake, this whistle blower is merely a Democrat device to hijack the censorship issue of conservatives and instead, shut down free speech. Two sides to the story: Facebook Whistleblower Is a Democrat Activist Demanding Big Tech and Government Crack Down […]
Madness: UCLA Suspends Professor for Refusing to Assign Grades Based on Skin Color
/in Culture Wars,, Education, News, Politics /by Robert SpencerMy latest in PJ Media: This is the state of American academia today: Gordon Klein has taught courses in business law, tax law, and financial analysis at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management for no fewer than forty years. He is a respected academic who has been on CNBC and quoted in the Wall Street Journal for his […]
National School Boards Association Calls on Biden to Police Parents Using Domestic Terror Laws
/in Culture Wars, Education, Liberty, Politics /by Kendall TietzEditors’ Note: There has been an increasing number of statements by public officials of late that parents are not the number one stakeholder in the education of their children. Hence the term “public school” should be best termed a “government school”, because teachers’ unions, educational bureaucrats, and elected school board officials, are increasingly taking the […]
VIDEO: Parents = Terrorists? Insane!
/in Culture Wars,, Education, Elections, News, Politics /by Christian ZieglerSchool Board Member Bridget Ziegler discusses the DOJ threatening to crackdown on parents. Last night, my wife and Sarasota County School Board Member, Bridget Ziegler joined Congressman Ken Buck on Shannon Bream’s Show to discuss the Department of Justice threatening to treat concerned parents showing up at School Board meetings as “Domestic Terrorists”. Watch the […]
RACE: A Four-Letter Word Guaranteed to Offend Everyone
/in Commentary, Culture Wars,, News, Politics /by MercatorNet - Navigating Modern ComplexitiesEvery day brings horror stories of racial discrimination and racial preferences. Told a couple of folks I was going to write about race. “Don’t go there,” said one. “Leave it alone,” said the other. ‘Nuff said. I couldn’t resist. America is obsessed with race. That is just how we live. Social justice warriors and woke […]
France Aghast After a Huge Report on Sexual Abuse in The Catholic Church
/in Culture Wars,, Religion, Waste, Fraud and Abuse /by MercatorNet - Navigating Modern ComplexitiesBut not everything in the report adds up. France is reeling after yesterday’s release of a report on child sexual abuse. An estimated 216,000 victims suffered abuse between 1950 and 2020, according to the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church (CIASE). “The church failed to see or hear, failed to pick up on the weak […]
Panic Has Led to Government “Cures” That Are Worse than the Disease, History Shows
/in Culture Wars,, Economy, Elections, News, Politics, Waste, Fraud and Abuse /by Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)Let’s take the novel coronavirus seriously, but let’s not throw reason, prudence, or the Constitution out the window. Anyone who’s seen the John Hughes movie Ferris Beuller’s Day Off probably remembers the scene where Ferris’s economics teacher (Ben Stein) explains the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act to a roomful of bored, sleeping students. The scene is brilliant for many reasons, perhaps […]
VIDEO: The Truth Will Set Us Free from Vaccine Mandates
/in Commentary, Culture Wars,, Elections, Healthcare, News, Politics, Science /by Family Research CouncilIn new footage released by Project Veritas, three Pfizer scientists admit that natural immunity to the coronavirus likely offers better protection than the vaccine. Yet the CDC refuses to even address the possibility of natural immunity, and various vaccine mandates America’s tyrants are considering allow no exemption for natural immunity. Natural immunity is not some magic code, […]
AG Garland Sics FBI on Parents Opposed to Critical Race Theory
/1 Comment/in Courts & Law, Culture Wars,, Education, Elections, Politics, Waste, Fraud and Abuse /by Discover The NetworksIn a memorandum issued on Monday, Attorney General Merrick Garland has directed the FBI to combat purported “threats of violence” against school administrators from so-called “hate groups” — by which he means parents justifiably outraged over the leftist indoctrination that passes for K-12 education in American schools. Garland expressed concern about a “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, […]
Poland sends thousands of texts to illegal Muslim migrants at Belarus border telling them to go back
/in Courts & Law, Culture Wars,, Immigration, National Security, Politics /by Dr. Rich SwierPoland declared a state of emergency at the border with Belarus earlier this month and revealed that some of the migrants “had radical Islamic propaganda in their possession.” The jihadist infiltration through unvetted refugee streams has been a major threat to the security of Western countries across the board, although globalists refuse to acknowledge this. […]
My “Wealth Effect Monitor” for the Money-Printer Economy: Holy Moly, October Update
/in Culture Wars, Economy, News, Politics /by Wolf RichterEditor’s Note: It is amusing, if not tragic, that those who complain the most about “inequality”, pursue monetary, fiscal, and tax policies, that make it much worse for the poor. Asset price inflation favors obviously those with the means to own assets: stocks, bonds, and real estate. While inflation is a tax on all of […]
Socialist Spending Bill Fails To Move Forward
/in Culture Wars,, Economy, Elections, News, Politics, Taxes /by Florida Family AssociationThank you for taking the time to send emails. Socialism is hostile toward a wide range of liberties that Americans have cherished for hundreds of years. Socialism is very oppressive toward religious liberties especially towards Christians and Jews. “This is the biggest step toward socialism in my lifetime.” U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham. House Speaker Nancy […]
A Record? Twitter Has Had Me “Under Suspension” for SIX MONTHS
/1 Comment/in Commentary, Culture Wars,, News, Politics /by Selwyn DukeMaybe they want to see who’ll blink first. But I’ve heard of Twitter suspending people’s accounts (e.g., Nicki Minaj) and banning users (e.g., President Trump), along with the games they routinely play, such as shadow-banning tweets. I’ve never heard, however, of someone being in Twitter limbo for more than six months while the Twitter twits […]
Today is October 5th, 2021 and Joe Biden’s ‘Build Back Better Agenda’ is the worst in U.S. History
/1 Comment/in Culture Wars,, Elections, News, Politics, Taxes, Waste, Fraud and Abuse /by Dr. Rich Swier“Biden and his minions are bound and determined to Build Back Bigger Government.” – Dr. Rich Swier So what does Build Back Better (BBB) mean? Didn’t the last President Make America Great Again? So is Biden’s intent to make America greater than his predecessor? According to the White House website the intent of Build Back […]
Can The Government Mint a $1TRILLION Coin to Pay Its Bills?
/1 Comment/in Budget and Finance, Culture Wars,, Economy, Elections, News, Politics, Waste, Fraud and Abuse /by Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)Here’s why the fantastical notion of a trillion-dollar coin appearing out of thin air to pay the bills is so appealing—and perilous. Gridlock in Washington, DC continues amid a fight over raising the debt ceiling, the legal limit on how much the federal government can borrow. Right now, the federal government will be unable to […]
America’s Medical Stasi, from Subjugation to Slavery
/in Culture Wars,, Elections, Healthcare, Politics, Science /by Kelleigh Nelson“The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.” – Aldous Huxley (pacifist, philosophical mysticism, writer, and universalist) “Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.” – Edward Bernays (pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda) “Only those who believe in child […]
Natural Immunity Trumps Getting Jabbed!
/2 Comments/in Culture Wars,, Healthcare, Politics, Science /by Dr. Rich Swier“People who recovered from prior infection and remained unvaccinated were 27 times less likely to experience symptomatic reinfection from the Delta variant when compared to those who had not been infected and received two doses of the mRNA Pfizer vaccine.” – Israel study There is growing evidence that natural immunity to Covid, and its Delta […]
FBI REPORT: Twice as Many Killed with Knives than Rifles & Shotguns Combined
/1 Comment/in Courts & Law, Culture Wars,, Gun Rights, News, Politics /by Dr. Rich SwierWhat next? Fist control? Knife control? No. It’s all about Democrat tyrants disarming the American people. FBI: More People Killed with Fists, Feet, Than Rifles By AWR Hawkins,, Breitbart News, 27 Sep 2021: The FBI released its Uniform Crime Report (UCR) Monday showing that more people were killed in 2020 with fists and feet than were killed […]
Book Profile: The Argument: Revolt of the Activists
/in Culture Wars, Politics /by Robert StilsonThe Capital Research Center (CRC) specializes in investigating how left-of-center nonprofits impact American public policy and how such groups are funded. Independent nonpartisan nonprofits can greatly influence issues that affect electoral outcomes, even without directly involving themselves in partisan politics. CRC has published reports analyzing different categories of political spending over past election cycles, finding […]