BUILD BACK BETTER WATCH: Biden White House Fully Supports the Sexual Grooming of K-3 Children thumbnail

BUILD BACK BETTER WATCH: Biden White House Fully Supports the Sexual Grooming of K-3 Children

By Dr. Rich Swier

EDITORS NOTE: This is our first story in our new series titled “Build Back Better Watch.” We believe political and policy actions speak louder than words. Hope you will read and comment on our articles. 

As the November 2022 mid-term elections loom we are now seeing a clear difference in what divides Conservative voters, parents, and the Republican Party from the Democrat Party and its allies. These two key public policy positions are:

  1. Grooming Children for Sex at an Early Age.
  2. Which feeds into the second key policy position – Abortion.

In an article titled “Abortion: The Perfect Cover-Up for Rape” Ann Farmer wrote:

In the UK, Police have issued an apology and paid substantial damages to three women now in their 30s, who as children were repeatedly sexually abused and raped by organised gangs.

Greater Manchester Police Chief Constable Stephen Watson apologised the failings of the police under his predecessors. They had “failed to protect them or investigate their abusers”. Mr Watson told the three victims, referred to as Amber, Daisy and BXW: “GMP could and should have done much more to protect you and we let you down.”

[ … ]

The men responsible for these crimes have demonstrated by their own vile conducttreating children as worthless playthings — that they themselves are worth very little. Some have been jailed. But this kind of abuse will not end until the governing elites stop ignoring that the state uses abortion, the so-called “right to choose”, as the perfect cover-up for rape and even for organised crime.

When Democrats sexualize under aged children they are setting them, boys and girls alike, up for rape by pedophiles and pederasts.

This week Biden’s White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki did an interview with Chris Wallace on the failed CNN+ channel. The topic was on should teachers discuss sex and “gender identity” with Kindergarten to 3rd Grade public school students. Listen to what both Wallace and Psaki said carefully:

JEN PSAKI: Teachers should talk with kindergarteners about if they’re “a girl or a boy.”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 21, 2022

Chris Wallace on teaching elementary children about sex states, “as a parent I would have a problem with that.” Then Psaki pushes back stating its not about “teaching about sex” but about “gender identity.” Teaching about gender identity is teaching about a perverted form of sex. Psaki brings up children with “two moms” and “I’m not sure if I’m a girl or a boy” saying these kids are experiencing “these moments in their lives.”

The Blaze,  on April 22nd, 2022 reported:

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told CNN+’s Chris Wallace that she believes teachers should have the right to discuss gender identity with their pupils in grades as early as kindergarten.

According to The Hill, Psaki sat with Wallace for his CNN+ show to offer commentary on “her time behind the briefing room podium” as well as “the current state of politics.”


Red and blue states are rapidly moving further apart on hot-button social issues as lawmakers and activists shift their focus to topics like abortion and transgenderism.

Republican-led states are passing waves of laws limiting elective abortions and sex change treatments for children, while blue states attempt to become havens for transgender children and abortion-seekers. Legislative efforts to impose 15-week abortion limits, restrict sexuality and gender ideology in classrooms and limit transgender participation in women’s sports have cropped up in GOP-led states across the country; each of these measures has recently passed in Florida alone.

“The policies that we champion are really common-sense positions that have broad support from among the average Floridian,” a spokesman for Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s office told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Children shouldn’t be indoctrinated or sexualized in the classroom. Parents have rights when it comes to their child’s education. Life is life and worth protecting, whether in the womb or outside of it. On these matters, we take a stand.”

The Bottom Line

A Social Issues line in the sand has been drawn between Red and Blue states.

Republican state lawmakers have pushed a socially conservative agenda, while blue states, corporations like Disney and social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, have fired back with their own social policies, including advancing legal abortion up to the point of birth and beyond and promoting sex change treatments for underaged children who believe they are ” gender confused, non-binary, gender-queer or just plain transgender.”

If you vote blue you are supporting pedophilia, pederasts, the LGBTQ+ and abortion agendas.

If you vote red you support life at conception, the traditional family consisting of a man, woman and their biological children, straight men and women, and are against the carnal sin of sodomy.

These are the clear choices.

Vote wisely on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.