Florida Votes To Ban Sex Change Procedures For Minors After Volatile Testimony thumbnail

Florida Votes To Ban Sex Change Procedures For Minors After Volatile Testimony

By The Daily Caller

The Florida Board of Medicine has voted to ban sex change surgeries and hormone therapy for children under the age of 18 after hours of deliberation and testimony Friday.

The guidelines, first released April 20, 2022, state that anyone under 18 cannot receive hormone therapy or puberty blockers. It also bans “gender reassignment” surgery for children and adolescents.

The state surgeon general endorsed the move in June and called on the medical board to, “review the Agency’s findings and the Department’s guidance to establish a standard of care for these complex and irreversible procedures.”

BREAKING: The Florida Board of Medicine has voted to ban sex change “treatments” for underage children.

— Sarah Weaver (@SarahHopeWeaver) October 28, 2022

The vote came after the board heard testimony from individuals who had detransitioned. One such individual, Chloe Cole, said she decided to transition after being “introduced to inappropriate content, and an echo chamber of far-Left ideology, such as that sex and gender are separate, women are inherently victims, men are inherently superior, and that dysphoric children need hormones and surgery in order to live.”

On full display at this hearing is the incredible danger in experts claiming that anything less than invasive and irreversible sex change surgeries and hormones will result in mass suicide of gender dysphoric teens. https://t.co/MSv4nWT5BM

— Sarah Weaver (@SarahHopeWeaver) October 28, 2022

“Over 2 years post-op…my nipples leak fluid and they stain my clothes. I have no breasts. I want to be a mother some day and yet I can never naturally feed my future children. My breasts were beautiful and now they have been incinerated for nothing.” – @ChoooCole pic.twitter.com/M4toFQc0Wx

— Sarah Weaver (@SarahHopeWeaver) October 28, 2022

Chaos erupted as board members announced an end to speaker testimony, and gave attendees an email to submit testimony into the public record. As board members filed out before returning to vote, protestors screamed “Let them speak! Let them speak!”



Staff writer.

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