ULTIMATE IN BRAINWASING: An Unbelievable 22% Of Democrats Believe A Male Can Get Pregnant thumbnail

ULTIMATE IN BRAINWASING: An Unbelievable 22% Of Democrats Believe A Male Can Get Pregnant

By Dr. Rich Swier

Brainwashing: the process of pressuring someone into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means.

We have been reporting on how Democrats have become unbelievably unhinged to the point where we now believe that they have become victims of long term brainwashing.

After WWII the concern about brainwashing became headlines. In 1946 the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was so worried about the spread of Communism, by brainwashing, that it proposed removing liberals, socialists and communists from places like schools, libraries, newspapers and entertainment. Prophetic isn’t it.

The Daily Wire’s Christina Buttons in her column Nearly 1 In 4 Democratic Voters Believe Men Can Get Pregnant wrote,

A new poll finds that significant numbers of Democratic voters believe things that are false.

Nearly one in four Democratic voters believe men can get pregnant, according to a new poll.

The online survey, conducted by WPA Intelligence from August 22-25, found 22% of Democrats agreed with the statement, “Some men can get pregnant.”

Read more.

But it gets worse. You would thing that those who Democrats who are well educated would disagree. But the didn’t!

Christina continues,

The percentage [of those who believe men can get pregnant] rose when only including women, and a whopping 36% of white, college-educated female Democrats concurred. 

“Overall, few Americans think men can get pregnant,” said WPAi Managing Director Conor Maguire. “But with 36% of a core Democratic constituency (college-educated white Democratic women) and one out of five Democrat voters believing this, one can see why Democratic leaders coddle the radical gender theory movement.

A Pew Research poll found that about 5% of young adults in the U.S. believe it’s possible to identify into a gender that differs from their biological sex.

The American Civil Liberties Union, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and numerous liberal media outlets, including CNN and MSNBC, are increasingly opting for terms such as “pregnant people,” or “birthing parent,” instead of “women” when referencing pregnancy, fertility and abortion.

Of course we now have Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Ketanji Brown Jackson who cannot define the word “woman” because she’s not a biologist.

This idea of gender identity is pure brainwashing.

It appears that the more educated women have been brainwashed the most.

Does this survey data mean that the more education the more brainwashing.

It appears so because Wisconsin schools have been sued for helping children ‘transition’ their gender identity. The Daily Wire’s Dillon Burroughs reports,

A school district in Wisconsin was sued on Wednesday over its gender identity training which allows teachers and school staff to hide student gender transitions from parents.

America First Legal (AFL) and the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) filed the lawsuit on behalf of a group of parents against the Eau Claire Area School District (ECASD), along with its board members and superintendent, claiming the current policies violate their freedom of religion and parental rights.

“Policies like Eau Claire’s blatantly violate parents’ constitutional rights to raise their children. School staff do not replace parents while their children are at school. A gender identity transition is a major event in a child’s life; schools must defer to parents about this,” WILL Deputy Counsel Luke Berg said in a statement.

Read more.

Are K-16 schools indoctrinating rather than educating?

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©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


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