VIDEO: Biden’s Inflation Plan Includes Increased Dependency on the State and Marxist Economics thumbnail

VIDEO: Biden’s Inflation Plan Includes Increased Dependency on the State and Marxist Economics

By Dr. Rich Swier

The Last Refuge reported on Biden’s plan to deal with out of control inflation. According to The Last Refuge,

Depending on income, the Biden administration plans to offset higher prices for Americans by providing the essential services and products they need.  In essence, Democrat-Socialism with a filter of equity in distribution, i.e. “enhanced dependency.”

Remarkably, Stephanopoulos references one of the most insane New York Times op-ed’s ever written around economics [ARTICLE HERE].  Within the reference, the Democrat legislative proposal is for the government to take over the purchasing of essential products like food, fuel, gasoline and medicine.  The government would then distribute those products.  The entire premise is based on some academic leftist theory of economics that is just nuts. It looks nothing like capitalism.

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Biden, his administration and the media are all into Building Back Bigger Government.

Marc Morano reported on a New York Times article written by Culture & lifestyle journalist Annaliese Griffin writing on June 2, 2022. Griffin wrote,

Inflation has the potential to drive welcome change for the planet if Americans think differently about the way they eat…We could adjust what we eat to save both our pocketbooks and our planet.

Climate change has motivated some to eat less resource-intensive meat and more vegetables, grains and legumes, but this movement has not reached the scale necessary to bring needed change — yet… A 2021 study in Nature found that animal products produce greenhouse gases at twice the rate of foods from plants. We should be paying attention to every ton of carbon dioxide that goes into the atmosphere — the same way shoppers are watching the cost of every addition to their grocery carts.” …

Inflation resulting from the cost of fuel and feed, coupled with supply chain slowdowns, may make meat substitutes more affordable relative to traditional, factory-farmed meats.

… Historically, cost has been a powerful force that has changed Americans’ diets.

Marc Morano responded to Griffin’s article with,

“The New York Times seems bent on updating Gordon Gekko’s phrase from the 1987 film Wall Street: Chaos, for lack of a better word, is GOOD. Climate activists in academia, the Biden admin. and the media seem to think the more humans suffer, the more the planet will benefit. This is more evidence that economic calamity, debt, inflation, supply chain issues, and skyrocketing meat and energy costs are not the unintended consequences of the climate agenda, but the INTENDED consequences. Chaos conditions the public to accept more centralized control of their lives. Vladimir Lenin reportedly once said, ‘worse is better’ or ‘the worse, the better’ to cheer on chaos and the destruction of the existing order to impose his ideology.”

The Bottom Line

A reader sent us an interesting commentary titled “Price of gas in France” about an art thief who stole a number of masterpieces. Here’s what he sent us:

A thief in Paris planned to steal some paintings from the Louvre. After careful planning, he got past security, stole the paintings, and made it safely to his van. However, he was captured only two blocks away when his van ran out of gas.

When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied, “Monsieur, that is the reason I stole the paintings—.”

Biden’s plan is no better than that of the thief, it is dramatically worse.

Americans are seeing Biden’s policies at the gas station, on store shelves, in the products and services they buy and in their retirement accounts.

It’s all bad, really bad.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.