VIDEO: Disadvantaged Populations Receiving Excessive Vaccinations for Money thumbnail

VIDEO: Disadvantaged Populations Receiving Excessive Vaccinations for Money

By Project Veritas


Project Veritas released Part 2 of our series today featuring homeless and lower-income populations receiving excessive vaccinations for the financial incentive of a $100 gift card.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Project Veritas investigated the practices of DocGo/Ambulnz screeners in the field and obtained undercover footage of employees giving advice on how to circumvent rules to obtain gift cards in exchange for excessive vaccinations.
  • In one instance, an administrator for DocGo/Ambulnz describes how “flipping the names and the date of birth” allows for people to bypass safeguards in the system intended to flag multiple vaccinations.
  • In another instance an RN for DocGo/Ambulnz advises an undercover journalist for Project Veritas to “try something somewhere else where it’s not the same company.”
  • DocGo/Ambulnz employees were also captured on undercover recordings giving anecdotal testimony about how gift cards they distribute are sometimes missing money: “It was in the system that the money was already removed. We’re giving out blank cards.”

You can watch the video by here.

It is an outrage that taxpayer funds are being misused in this way.

Especially concerning is the potential that DocGo/Ambulnz employees appear to be enabling people to commit fraudulent acts by seemingly instructing them on how to get away with receiving a gift card for a vaccination.

Project Veritas will get to the bottom of this. Stay tuned…

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.