VIDEO: Tiny Bistro In Very Blue State Standing-up to Government Tyranny

The Marxist Governor of California is lying and bragging simultaneously about a phony, rosy economic picture in the once Golden State. Gavin Newsom has crushed business and only a few Constitutional Americans have had the guts to say “no” to his unconstitutional attacks.

Graham Ledger speaks with the owner/operator of the Apple Bistro, Jennette Waldow, in Placerville, CA. about the price one restaurant is paying for standing up to a tyrannical government.


©The Ledger Report. All rights reserved.

7 replies
      • John
        John says:

        “Doctor” of what? Certainly not of medicine!! When someone tries to pass some batshit BS as gospel truth, it’s only fair to ask him to produce some proof.

        • Dr. Rich Swier
          Dr. Rich Swier says:

          Come to Florida and enjoy our climate. See our businesses open and the people thriving.

          I have lived thru 4 pandemics. The most recent were H1N1 and SARS under the Obama administration. COVID is a Chinese weaponized strain of SARS created in the Wuhan lab and funded by the U.S. government.

          Prove me wrong.

  1. Euell Neverno
    Euell Neverno says:

    This guy is crap. If this guy ran the country, there would be a lot more dead people from Covid. He must like to hear himself talk.

    • Dr. Rich Swier
      Dr. Rich Swier says:

      Have you had your vaccine shot? How’s it working for you.

      Graham said that it’s your choice to get a COVID shot. However, the government cannot mandate it.

      Get it?

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