$850 free money monthly for black women in Georgia! thumbnail

$850 free money monthly for black women in Georgia!

By Save America Foundation

Georgia is starting a pilot program to give – with no strings attached – $850 cash a month from state tax payers ( you know – the ones of all ethnicities that work and those that employ others ) to 650 black women! Not any poor citizens but only black women. ( I am sure that the $850 figure will increase shortly down the road. )

The program will be named “IN HER HANDS” and will initially cost $13,000,000 ( yes – million! ) of Georgia tax payers money. People who actually pay the taxes will have no say! It’s already decided and will be the largest guaranteed income program in the United States!!

This comes as businesses are finding it practically impossible to hire enough workers. This $850 will be on top of everything else these 650 black women receive in other benefits like Federal benefits, food stamps etc.

Why should they actually go to work at all?

I guess what they are saying is that there are no poor white women in Georgia. Nor any poor Asian women in Georgia. How about Hispanic women? No poor single dads of any race or creed? How about native Americans? Nope! This program is only for one race and one sex.

It will however only go to black women, probably mostly single mothers who didn’t care to understand about contraception, in the Forth Ward in Atlanta. This was Martin Luther Kings Jr. home where he grew up. It was he that initially promoted the idea of a guaranteed income in this country.

Can anyone say REPARATIONS?

Can anyone say COMMUNISM?

Can anyone say RACISM?

Do you want to have a good laugh?? Guaranteed income is a step toward creating a more just and equitable economy is what they are saying!! Who is saying this you ask?

Let me tell you all.

It is led by the “Georgia Resilience and Opportunity Fund”, and a coalition of local elected officials and nonprofits, and the nonprofit “GiveDirectly.” The program will include mainly participants who live in Atlanta but also in other parts of suburban and rural Georgia who are near or below the federal poverty line. The program will study how such unconditional cash transfers affect the financial and mental well-being of participants.


Will it actually improve their lives or will they give it to their boyfriends and/or use it to buy big screen TVs and drugs and alcohol. Will their kids actually benefit by a better standard of living?

Probably not as this particular class of citizen is not known for their good decision making. This cash will be a monthly boom to them and I believe most will waste it. It will not help in any major way local legitimate businesses or local legitimate economies.

It’s just more of that good old free stuff!!

Do any of you believe that others of similar class etc. in the state will not be clamoring to be added to the program? Do you believe this will not expand not only in Georgia but in other lunatic run, left wing extremist run blue states?

Other cities like Oakland in the Commie state of California have a similar but smaller project. The city’s website, named “Oakland Resilient Families,” described the program this way: “A guaranteed income is predicated on the understanding that people are the experts in their own lives, and that the solutions to poverty are being created by the communities experiencing it. This unconditional, no-strings-attached income is meant to enhance, rather than replace, the existing social safety net by providing families with the flexibility to decide how best to meet their needs.”

By the way, that dumb former bar worker, far left and extremist Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has stated that she wants the federal government to provide a guaranteed income of at least $1,200 a month to “most Americans.” Her other extremist Squad members and other Democrats agree!!


Anyone see a problem with this? Anyone else wonder where all the money will come from?

I sure do!

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