A Global Soviet Mafia and the American KGB thumbnail

A Global Soviet Mafia and the American KGB

By Simona Pipko

When George Orwell was writing his “1984” he had the Soviet Union or Russia as a model before him in the 1930-1940s. The brilliant book will live forever, warning you to watch “Big Brother” and “Ministry of Truth.” It was the time of Stalinist “Iron Curtain,” a time of vast secrecy upon the formation of Stalinist Soviet Socialism, a totalitarian system with weaponized security apparatus. Orwell couldn’t learn the secret terms of the Police State then. “1984” was a literary masterpiece of a real history for humanity.

Fifty years later, my colleague, a famous Russian defense attorney Arcady Waksberg published his book “The Soviet Mafia”, a masterpiece about authoritarian Soviet Socialism and its bureaucracy as an instrument of control and power—The Soviet Mafia. The book can be the current addition and political explanation of Orwell’s warning. Published by St. Martin Press in 1991, it discusses the character of the Soviet leaders, their criminal activities and also predicts instability and destruction in the world.

There are three main concepts in the book:

  1. The Evil Empire may be dead, but not the evil that drove it—the Soviet Mafia.
  2. The book gives us a new definition of political forces and their leaders, previously known as Communists, the KGB, and the Soviets—a new collective identity—the Soviet Mafia.
  3. The Soviet Mafia is a multinational political force and has no particular ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.

“Vaksberg redefines the old terms of Soviet history and points to a new collective identity, the Soviet Mafia, the nucleus of an organized criminal enterprise. He notes that while the former Soviet republics, the so-called New Independent States, have different cultures and religions and speak different languages, all their governments participate in the Soviet Mafia.“ The Soviet mafia, St. Martin Press, p. 53

Knowledge of the written above definition of the Soviet Mafia is imperative to grasp the global predicament in 2022. After the Collapse of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Putin and his Oligarchs-friends have created and implemented Crony-Capitalism in Russia. The changes were not substantial as the process, administration and management of the country had been left in the same hands of the Soviet Mafia. The class of Socialist apparatchiks continue to exercise Socialist modus operandi and the Russian Federation has institutionalized the policy of the Soviet Mafia, where the KGB’s Mafia/Army was the tool to proliferate it globally. The Soviet Mafia had reached and infiltrated several foreign countries, you know them by the Soviet style centralized system of government they had installed.

The Soviet Mafia had reached and infiltrated the American government as well with the election of Bill Clinton in 1992. His right hand, George Stephanopoulos helped him to corrupt and transform our social Media. The infiltration has been multiplied by Bush, Obama, and Biden. The source of all America’s problems in 2022 is the same—The Soviet Mafia, we don’t know! The American people don’t know Russia and her Intelligence Apparatus. They don’t know our foremost enemy that has been destroying us for decades. The attacks on 9/11, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and many other terrorists groups had been organized, managed, and supervised by the Soviet Mafia and KGB.

The Russian Federation and the Soviet Mafia

The Russian government and the Soviet mafia are following the common Socialist modus operandi: lies, deceit, fabrication, and fraud—the quintessential techniques of the Russian “Disinformation”. Remember Vladimir Putin’s connection to the KGB’s Mafia/Army for decades. They are tied for life and Putin’s enemy # 1 is Donald J. Trump and America. If you remember the last seven years, please, also remember that the entire cascade of Which Hunts against Trump has been manufactured by the Russian “Disinformation” under supervision of Vladimir Putin. In fact, it was a war against American Capitalism.

The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was unexpected and unprecedented. However it reminded me of the previous Hoaxes and Which Hunts. Then I heard the alarming buzz-words of suspicious activities. The government threatens us with a grave matter of national security, nuclear weapon secrets, and espionage. All of that created a sense of the urgency and danger identical to the activities of the Soviet mafia in Russia, shaped by the Socialist apparatchiks. The Biden “semi-fascism” remark put everything in a proper place: we have been dealing with the Democrat Party run by the Soviet Mafia for decades. Hold your horses!

It is not a “good faith error.” Political connection is the law in a totalitarian state. I have been dealing with the FBI and writing about it for years. In my opinion, the FBI is infiltrated by foreign powers and failed to protect us and the country for many years. To have a probable course to ban my writing, the FBI submitted my name to the FISA Court and the Court made me a foreign agent in 2002. If you go to the list of cases rendered by the FISA Court, you will find my name in the year 2002. Hence, the FBI has prevented you from learning the truth since 2002…

How do I know that the FBI is infiltrated? Very simple. Americans do not know the values of my writings. They are unaware that Communists don’t want the truth to come out to the light. They don’t want you to know the Soviet Mafia and other important information about them to be published. Put the logic of those two events together and you will see the foreigner within the FBI: he or she has grasped the danger of my writings to ban it. Moreover, the FBI intentionally misled Zuckerberg with false data to suppress and hide the info about Hunter Biden, days prior to the election 2020, using a Russian concept of “Disinformation.” How do they learn the techniques? The answer is: The Russian operatives of the Soviet Mafia, the KGB Mafia/Army, or Socialist Charlatans helped. We are totally infiltrated by them.

We definitely have serious national security problems. Suppressing information by the FBI prior the days to the election 2020 requires an additional investigation. Besides, the CIA event, when 51experts wrote a letter to defend Hunter Biden should be investigated as well. Spies who lie: 51 ‘intelligence’ experts refuse to apologize for discrediting true Hunter Biden story, NY Post, August 28, 2022. In my opinion all 51 expert inept if not dangerous for the American CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. I don’t trust the FBI and any of those experts. The information about the Soviet Mafia will be absolutely needed to determine the truth before the midterm election.

Stalinism and the Soviet Mafia are Inseparable

Don’t be surprised by the surge of violence and recent assassinations. The Japanese leader Shinzo Abe was assassinated in July 2022. In August, writer Salman Rushdie was assassinated and there is a preparation to assassinate the Republican Mike Pompeo by Iran. We had recently other two assassinations of the Republicans in car accident: a Congresswoman Indiana Congresswoman Jackie Walorski and her deputy. For those who know the Soviet Mafia and its KGB’s Mafia/Army it was the assassinations of two Republicans from the US Congress. The explanation is Chapter 7 WWIII: Recruitments and Drags, Infiltrations and Assassinations. What is Happening to America? Part III. The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction.

The Soviet Mafia has been running the Democrat Party since the presidency of Bill Clinton. Pay attention to the Dems’ unity in fighting the Republicans and Trump for years. Count the corrupt departments, agencies, Colleges, and Universities involved. They have achieved a profound and international transformation of the American cultural values with impunity. Mike Pompeo is right, Russia will infiltrate our midterm, but even he doesn’t know the deep, broad way Russia will collaborate with the Dems leaders, to defeat Republicans. The main location is Biden’s White House, the crux of the matter of collaboration with Russia. Biden and his staff had been cooperating with Putin in suffocating young Ukrainian democracy since 2013-2014. This connection has never been stopped, with the Biden election it was emplaced in the White House, despite Biden’s mental decline.

It is not “the battlefield of love” we are at war and the Dems joined the enemy against the Republicans. I was warning you over thirty years about the war and a lot of Evil action produced by the Dems against Republicans and the American Constitutional republic. Analyze Biden’s actions during his short presidency and you wouldn’t find any steps in favor of the USA. Why does it happen? I have already given you my opinion: Biden is a sick man unable to run the country. His old staff runs the White House and it has links to the past connections with the Soviet Mafia. Some members of the staff don’t know the American law and we have experienced constant violations of the rules, law and order of the American republic.

Biden’s team has spent $trillions not to the favor of the capitalist economy but to bankrupt it with dirty tricks according to Socialist modus operandi and the Soviet Mafia. There is another example connected to the January 6th events. Do you remember the Kidnaping Plot? Several FBI members were there. It is the same model designed by the FBI and planned to execute on January 6, 2021: to do violent acts and to blame the Republicans later. The maneuver-ploy is very familiar to me—it is the usual plotting of the Soviet Mafia against the target. I see Stalinist ploy, imitating the Russian Socialist Revolution with the same strategy and tactics: Biden’s team uses the Russian ploy of “Disinformation” in the 2022 America.

The Biden remark on fascism is evidence that the Biden team read my columns and used the information to save the Dems’ skin. I am the only writer who is debating two terms: Soviet Socialism or Soviet fascism. This is the quintessential subject of my entire writings over forty years. Show me another writer who is discussing those two terms from first-hand experiences?  You won’t find any. Biden’s team uses the major Stalinist postulate—“Never admit crime committed, instead accuse your opponent of that exact crime.”  Biden’s team in cooperation with Putin and his Soviet mafia do just that. It is the repetition of the same Trump/Russia collusion, the same target and the same accusers—a Stalinist ploy, the typical cover-up of the crime the Dems themselves had committed…

If you analyze the foreign policy of the Biden team, you will be stunned by it. Biden’s team spent $billions, helping Ukraine to defeat Russia. At the same time Biden’s team is working with Iranian Nuclear Deal under Russian supervision: the terrorist state of Russia is supervised America in the Deal! Incredible! By that, Biden’s team confirmed my statement: Putin runs America! Another incredible event: the Democrats are targeting people known to us as honest people. Trump made America First in reality. Rudy Giuliani saved a suffocating and dying under crime New York City. Who are the Democrats to fight them?

We have another Stalinist ploy–$billions spent by Biden’s team to help Ukraine. The motivation is clear to use Ukraine to cover-up the crime the Democrats had committed by long-term collusion with Russian Intelligence, while accusing Republicans. Their collusion had been described by me in my books and columns for years. Please, recall seven hundred riots, killings and destruction brought by the Democrat states in 2020. In the best traditions of Stalinism, some of the Democrats are departing Biden before the midterm election to divert you attention from the crimes they had committed for decades. Don’t believe them! They are Socialist Charlatans. Every Democrat should be tied to Biden’s team to become accountable for his or her actions against the American Constitutional republic…

I have several questions for the leading and publicly speaking Democrats: Juan Williams, Jaime Harrison, and Herald Ford from Fox News.

What do you know about the Soviet Mafia?

What do you know about the Soviet/Russian law of 1955, waging a Global Revolutionary War and its narcotic sub-components against American Capitalism?

What do you know about Mexican Cartels? For you information, they are not Mexican. Those are Russian Cartels in Mexico. They were established by the Russian Intelligence in the 1950-1960 to fight the Global War. All of that and many other nefarious events are the legacy of Stalinism, you regrettably are unfamiliar with and missing the Truth…

My fellow Americans!

We are at a pivotal time in America and we can’t fail. Our children and grandchildren will never forgive us!

Educating yourself, knowledge, courage and perseverance can save the American Constitutional republic.

It is now or never!

Freedom’s torch is yours!

To be continued at www.simonapipko.com and www.drricswier.com/author/spipko/

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

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