“Activate The Church” Program: Prioritizing Child Safety thumbnail

“Activate The Church” Program: Prioritizing Child Safety

By Veterans 4 Child Rescue

In today’s world, the safety and protection of children within our faith-based communities are of paramount importance. The “Activate the Church” program aims to empower congregations with essential resources to evaluate and enhance their safety protocols, ensuring a secure environment for our youngest members.

This comprehensive guide offers a checklist for assessing current practices and identifying areas for improvement. The intent is clear: to enable individuals to thoroughly vet their churches, affirming their commitment to child safety and protection.

The goal of the “Activate the Church” program is to foster an environment where child safety is a priority, and every community member is vigilant and proactive in protecting vulnerable children. By following these guidelines, churches can ensure they are sanctuaries of safety and care.

Recommended Protocols to Protect Children

Ensuring the safety of children within religious institutions and faith based communities is paramount. Here are practical vetting methods, recommendations, and ideas that churches and faith based communities can implement:

  1. Comprehensive Background Checks: These should be national, not just limited to contiguous counties or the state.
  2. Personal Reference Checks: At least two that aren’t immediate family members.
  3. Probation Period: A minimum six-week observation period for newcomers.
  4. Leadership Interview: Face-to-face discussion with at least three church leaders.
  5. Vetting Questionnaire: Comprehensive questions about their past, motivations for joining, etc.
  6. Behavioral Training: Equip the congregation with training to detect signs of inappropriate behavior or grooming.
  7. Social Media Evaluation: Examine their online presence, interactions, and posts for any red flags.
  8. Group Affiliations: Research any groups or social circles they’re part of.
  9. No One-on-One Protocol: Always ensure that no adult is left alone with a child. A two-adult rule is a good standard.
  10. Wellness Checks: Regular, unannounced check-ins when children are in church-run programs.
  11. Peer-led Awareness: Work with youth groups to create peer-led awareness and safety programs.
  12. Community Watch: Encourage church members to join or form community watchdog groups.
  13. Safe Environment Training: Mandatory courses for all staff and volunteers.
  14. Regularly Update Policies: Continually review and adapt child safety policies to address new challenges and ensure best practices.
  15. Open-Door Policy: Activities involving children should be in rooms where doors remain open, or have windows for visibility.
  16. Secure Check-In/Out Systems: Parents or guardians sign children in/out of programs, ensuring kids leave with the right person.
  17. Anonymous Reporting System: A method for individuals to report suspicious behavior without fear of backlash.
  18. Monthly Safety Drills: Regular drills to teach children how to respond to emergencies.
  19. Annual Safety Audits: Hire external professionals to assess the effectiveness of child safety protocols.
  20. Collaboration with Experts: Partner with local law enforcement and/or child protection agencies for advice and training sessions.
  21. Limited Access: Restrict areas of the church to authorized personnel only, ensuring children can’t be taken to isolated areas.
  22. Regular Refreshers: Annual (or more frequent) refreshers on all safety protocols for staff and volunteers.

The goal is to create an environment where safety is a top priority and all members are vigilant and proactive in protecting the vulnerable.

Click here to download this checklist

Church Safety: Prioritizing Security, Awareness, and Response


  • Pray In
  • Introduce Safety Topic
  • Icebreaker Activity
  • Introduction of Attendees
  • Course Overview and Objectives
  • Dive into Church Safety Protocols
  • Q&A Session
  • Close and Pray Out

Safety Philosophy and Guiding Principles:

  • Guided by God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost.
  • Ensure safety and security for all.
  • Create a quiet and seamless place of gathering and worship.
  • Act with consideration, humility, and compassion.
  • Be swift and firm when necessary.
  • Aim for no loss of life, limb, or property.

Church Safety Planning:

  • Every mission demands a plan.
  • Detailed and actionable plans yield success.
  • However, be adaptable because as Mike Tyson said, “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

Our Plan: Educate, Prepare, Practice, Execute, and Repeat.

Learning Principles:

  1. Instruction
  2. Understanding
  3. Consensus
  4. Agreement
  5. Implementation

Volunteer Selection:

  • Invitation-based.
  • Meet specific requirements.
  • Recommendations from team members.
  • Desire to serve and understand the responsibility.
  • Commit to training and active duty.

Role of Greeters and Other Frontline Team Members:

  • Everyone is a greeter at heart.
  • Greeters aid in initial contact and awareness.
  • Team members should communicate effectively, especially during emergencies.

Inside and Outside Awareness:

  • Inside: Check lighting, identify safe exits, and reduce collateral damage risks.
  • Outside: Monitor unfamiliar visitors, assess risks like domestic disputes, and manage parking issues.

Radio Usage and Communications:

  • Standardize terminology.
  • Prioritize clarity.
  • Test equipment regularly.

Case Studies:

Reflect on tragic events like the Charleston SC Church Shooting and others. Analyze the causes, motives, and outcomes to prevent future incidents.

Key Topics:

  • Manage conflicts peacefully.
  • Foster a culture of awareness.
  • Identify suspicious behaviors.
  • Engage suspicious or armed individuals carefully.
  • Understand when and how to respond to intruders.
  • Coordinate medical responses.
  • Protect community leaders.
  • Implement lockdowns efficiently.

Intruder Response:

  • Assess the situation: Who, What, When, Where, How.
  • Determine the needed response level and resources.

Medical Response:

  • Act quickly: Call 911.
  • Administer first aid if trained.
  • Speed is crucial; every second counts.


  • Understand what it means and its implications.
  • Identify who has the authority to call a lockdown.
  • Communicate when it’s safe to resume normal activities.


Prioritizing safety in the church setting isn’t about fostering an environment of fear, but one of preparedness and proactive care. In doing so, we can ensure that our places of worship remain the sanctuaries they’re meant to be.

Thank you for your commitment to safety, and may God bless our efforts to protect His flock. Let’s end with a prayer.

Action Plan Outline for V4CR and Volunteers: Combating Child Trafficking and Exploitation

1. Community Engagement and Mobilization

Activate the Church

  • Organize awareness sermons and sessions during church gatherings.
  • Collaborate with youth groups for peer-led awareness programs.
  • Mobilize church volunteers to participate in community watchdog groups.

School Boards/Meetings

  • Advocate for mandatory child trafficking awareness curriculum.
  • Propose training for school counselors and staff.
  • Engage with Parent-Teacher Associations for joint awareness initiatives.


  • Launch petitions for stricter anti-trafficking laws and policy changes.
  • Engage volunteers for digital and physical signature collections.

2. Reducing Predators’ Ability to Operate

  • Conduct background checks for individuals working with children (in schools, community centers, etc.).
  • Collaborate with law enforcement to organize community policing and surveillance.
  • Advocate for stricter online monitoring for potential grooming activities.

3. Wellness Checks on Children

  • Coordinate with community leaders for at-risk children.
  • Launch community-driven initiatives to check on children’s welfare in their neighborhoods.
  • Mobilize and train volunteers on indicators of child trafficking and exploitation.

4. Trainings / Workshops / Events

  • Regularly schedule community workshops on the signs of child trafficking and protective measures.
  • Organize events to spread awareness and raise funds for anti-trafficking measures.
  • Foster an environment of continuous learning through updated workshops and resource distribution.

5. Industry-Specific Training & Awareness Resources

First Responders

  • Offer specialized training on identifying victims and the proper protocols to follow.

Medical Professionals

  • Introduce modules on recognizing signs of abuse and trafficking during medical examinations.
  • Offer guidance on reporting and safeguarding victims.


  • Develop resources on monitoring students for signs and on how to address potential trafficking cases.
  • Encourage schools to integrate these learnings into teacher training programs.

Others (Transport, Hospitality, etc.)

  • Work with industries that might unknowingly facilitate trafficking to train staff on identifying and reporting suspicious activities.

6. Partnerships and Collaboration

  • Foster relationships with other anti-trafficking organizations for combined efforts.
  • Engage local businesses for support, be it financial or in-kind.
  • Collaborate with media outlets for coverage and increased visibility on the issue.

7. Feedback and Continuous Improvement

  • Regularly gather feedback from the community on the effectiveness of initiatives.
  • Analyze and assess the impact of strategies, refining them as required.
  • Keep abreast of global best practices in combating child trafficking and adapt them to the local context.

By implementing this action plan, V4CR and its dedicated volunteers can make significant strides in the fight against child trafficking and exploitation in their community.

Click here to download this action plan

Church-Assisted Custodial Exchange Protocol

A custodial exchange is a sensitive and critical process, often leading to heightened emotions and potential risks. Here’s a suggested protocol that churches can implement to ensure the safety of both the child and the guardian during these exchanges:

  1. Neutral Location: Designate a neutral, well-lit, and monitored location within the church premises for exchanges. This might be a common area like a fellowship hall.
  2. Third-Party Presence: Always have a neutral third party present, preferably two – one familiar to each parent if possible. These individuals can be church staff or trained volunteers.
  3. Scheduled Times: Clearly define and adhere to specific exchange times. This minimizes opportunities for disagreements and confrontations.
  4. Separate Entrances/Exits: If possible, have each party use a different entrance/exit to avoid any direct encounters and to keep interactions minimal.
  5. Documentation: Keep a logbook to record the date, time, and any notable incidents or observations during each exchange.
  6. Waiting Area: Set up a waiting area for the non-custodial parent to ensure they don’t arrive early or linger after the exchange. This space should be separate from the exchange location.
  7. Safety Measures: Install security cameras in the exchange area. This not only acts as a deterrent for inappropriate behavior but provides evidence if any dispute arises.
  8. Communication Protocol: Communication should be limited during the exchange. If any changes to the schedule or other important details need to be communicated, it should be done in writing (email, text) and not in person during the exchange.
  9. Emergency Plan: Have a clear plan in place for emergencies. This includes having key contacts (like local law enforcement or legal counsel) and an evacuation procedure if needed.
  10. Training: Regularly train involved staff and volunteers on the protocol, conflict resolution, and how to handle potentially volatile situations.
  11. Stay Neutral: The church’s role is to provide a safe space and not to mediate or intervene in personal disputes unless there’s a risk of immediate harm. However, when children are involved, their safety and wellbeing should always be top priority.
  12. Restraining Orders: Be informed about any existing restraining or protective orders. Ensure they are strictly adhered to.
  13. Feedback System: Allow both guardians to provide feedback on the process, ensuring the system can be continually improved upon.
  14. Review and Update: Periodically review the process with all involved parties and make necessary adjustments to ensure maximum safety and efficiency.
  15. Confidentiality: Ensure that all details regarding the custodial exchange remain confidential. Only the necessary church personnel should be privy to the details.

Click here to download this checklist

By implementing such a protocol, churches can provide a crucial service to families in their congregation, ensuring that children’s well-being and safety are prioritized during these sensitive times.

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