An Open Letter to the Honorable Prince Reza Pahlavi of Iran thumbnail

An Open Letter to the Honorable Prince Reza Pahlavi of Iran

By Amil Imani

Honorable Prince Reza Pahlavi,

Once again you brought joy to our hearts with your abiding love for Iran and your message of unity and steadfastness among all Iranians. Prince Reza Pahlavi, you have always been the catalyst that the opposition needed. You are a seasoned politician and my admiration for you has grown. In my opinion, You, Prince Pahlavi are the winner card the opposition forces both in Iran and abroad desperately needed. We must use this card wisely and expeditiously.

During widespread demonstrations that swept across Iran just a few months ago many protesters chanted slogans in support of the Pahlavi dynasty and particularly praised what the dynasty’s founder Reza Shah the Great, your grandfather achieved in such a short time for his country.

Your Majesty, you have shown by words and action that the transition from the present failed Islamic regime to secular democracy is the central objective of your mission. Vital to the success of the effort is the abandonment of old suspicions, parochial thinking, and scheming for special privileges for any individuals or groups. Goodwill and work for the common good are required of all.

For many years, you have distinguished yourself as a person of sterling principles and caring hearts by championing the cause of human rights in Iran. Your resonant voices, in defense of greatly wronged Iranians, is a precious balm of solace to the prisoners of conscience in the dungeons of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The current revolution may not lead to the immediate downfall of the regime, but we are witnessing the death throes of the Islamic Republic. Even if the uprising ends today, it is but one step in a long struggle to achieve a more representative, democratic, and popular government.

Let me thank you and offer you my support in our mission to replace the Republic with a secular Democracy.

Woman, Life, Freedom

Amil Imani

©2023 Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Sky News Interview with Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi of Iran