Entries by Jarrett Stepman

Hail, Biden!: The President’s Toothless Caesarism

President Joe Biden demonstrated his commitment to “norms” last week by delivering a speech threatening governors, and all who oppose his will, with a unilateral edict requiring COVID-19 vaccinations. As my colleague Fred Lucas reported, Biden “directed the Labor Department to develop an emergency regulation giving the Occupational Safety and Health Administration the authority to […]

China Wants You to Be a Woke ‘Anti-Racist’ While It Pursues Ethnic Cleansing

China is all aboard the cause of “anti-racism” and critical race theory. At least, China wants the United States to be all aboard. In a video produced by China Global Television Network, which is a state-owned media company controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, two narrators talk about “how to teach about racism to your […]

NPR Allows Its Reporters To Engage In Direct Activism

The thin veil over National Public Radio’s commitment to objective journalism has been lifted. NPR has announced a new ethics policy that allows its journalists to “participate in activities that advocate for ‘the freedom and dignity of human beings’ on both social media and in real life.” National Public Radio, an organization partially funded by […]

Critical Race Theory in Classrooms Isn’t Just About Teaching ‘Honest History’

The media spin and outright gaslighting to cover up the reality of the teaching of critical race theory in our schools and institutions has shifted into overdrive. First, we were told it wasn’t happening at all. Then, we were informed that trying to stop it was authoritarian fascism or something. Now left-wing media and politicians […]

Even Some of Biden’s Media Allies Find It Hard to Ignore Border Crisis

Whatever you do, don’t call the surge of attempted illegal immigrant crossings at the southern border a crisis. That’s the message Americans and the media have been getting from the Biden administration. Given how swiftly we’ve seen border enforcement become overwhelmed since the presidential transition in late January, there’s a good reason for Americans to consider […]