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Biden Delivers Xmas Address, Avoids Mentioning Jesus Christ

By Discover The Networks

President Joe Biden delivered the White House’s Christmas address Thursday evening and failed to mention Jesus by name.

“How silently, how silently, the wondrous Gift is given,” Biden began. “There is a certain stillness at the center of the Christmas story. A silent night when all the world goes quiet and all the glamour, all the noise, everything that divides us, everything that pits us against one another, everything — everything that seems so important but really isn’t, this all fades away in stillness of the winter’s evening.

“And we look to the sky, to a lone star, shining brighter than all the rest, guiding us to the birth of a child — a child Christians believe to be the son of God; miraculously now, here among us on Earth, bringing hope, love and peace and joy to the world,” Biden said. “Yes, it’s a story that’s 2,000 years old, but it’s still very much alive today. Just look into the eyes of a child on Christmas morning, or listen to the laughter of a family together this holiday season after years — after years of being apart.” [Emphasis added]

The president has repeatedly claimed he is a “devout Catholic,” despite his support for leftist policies that go against church teachings, such as abortion. Pope Francis has referred to Biden’s statements on his faith and his stance on abortion as an “incoherence.”

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

153 Known Connections

Biden Botches the Words of the Declaration of Independence

During a March 2, 2020 campaign rally — one day before the so-called “Super Tuesday” presidential primaries in 14 separate states — Biden tried to recite the Declaration of Independence but bungled the words badly, saying: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women created by — go, you know the, you know the thing.” The Declaration of Independence actually reads as follows: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Biden also mistakenly referred to Super Tuesday as “Super Thursday” before correcting himself…

To learn more about Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. click here.

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