Biden’s Plans to Restrict Second Amendment Rights
The Biden/Harris campaign has posted The Biden Plan To End Our Gun Violence Epidemic on their campaign website. To spare you the discomfort of having to read through their proposal to regulate the Second Amendment out of existence, the following are some key features.
- Banning the manufacture and sale of so-called “high-capacity” magazines and “assault weapons,” identified by cosmetic and functional features. The Biden euphemism for these is “weapons of war.” Candidate Biden also wants them regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) like full-auto firearms, short barrel rifles and sound suppressors. Existing owners will have the “choice” of registering their “evil black rifles” as NFA firearms or surrendering them to the government.
- Restricting firearm purchases to one-per-month and outlawing the private transfer of firearms. Online sales of firearms, ammunition, kits and gun parts would also be prohibited. So would the possession of so-called “ghost guns” that can be assembled from kits, parts or 3D printing. There would also be a federal requirement to report a lost or stolen firearm and punishment for not “safely” storing your firearm or preventing access by a minor.
- Expanding prohibited possessors to include those convicted of certain misdemeanors and those adjudicated by the Social Security Administration (SSA) as unable to manage their affairs (like paying bills or writing checks) for mental reasons. They also propose the rapid identification of those who become prohibited possessors, for whatever reason, for swift confiscation of their firearms.
- Extending the time limit that a NICS background check must be completed. Also, requiring local law enforcement to be notified when someone fails a background check. Statistically, there is over a 99% chance that a failed NICS check is a false positive. Under a President Biden, several hundred thousand law-abiding gun owners could experience an oh-dark-thirty SWAT raid simply because of a computer mismatch.
- Incentivizing the state level passage of Red Flag laws that allow for firearms confiscations without due process. “Incentivizing” is political-speak for dangling the promise of federal funds to states to compel them to pass legislation.
- Incentivizing states to establish a system to “license” firearms owners. Unelected bureaucrats would decide whether or not you would be allowed to exercise your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. They also want to treat “gun violence” as a public health epidemic. It won’t be long before the dots are connected to prohibit firearms ownership as a medical preventative.
- Repeal of the “Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act” that protects firearms manufacturers from civil liability for criminal misuse of a firearm.
- A whole lot more, such as empowering the U.S. Justice Department to enforce all these laws.
- Remember in November! How do you want your future as a gun owner to look? Not voting is a decision to surrender your rights.
This article is reproduced by permission granted by the Arizona Citizens Defense League.
The ACDL is the foremost Arizona organization protecting your Second Amendment rights, helping Arizona achieve the number one position in gun rights by Guns & Ammo magazine.