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Churchill and Easter

By Matthys van Raalten

Human beings play games. Some play nice games, others play games to get powerful or to destroy.

But without Winston Churchill, there would be no games anymore to be played on planet Earth.

Let’s talk about war. Let’s talk about World War II.

In the years 1939 till 1945, the whole world was almost drawn into darkness.

We owe it to Churchill that today we are alive and live in peace.

Churchill remained the steadfast leader, even when all the odds were against England.

His greatness was also in his humility: he was always close to the common soldier, the common man.

He encouraged his soldiers, he encouraged the common people.

But he was also a genius in the Art of War.

Modern historians want to ignore him. Modern historians want to criticize him for his bombardments of German cities, or for not bombing Auschwitz.

These jealous souls all fail to realize that great leaders have great shadows.

This Easter, I propose to light a candle for Churchill.

Jesus Christ gave birth to our civilization. Winston Churchill grasped it out of the claws of the German devil.

©2024. Matthys van Raalten. All rights reserved.

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