CIA Says Iran About to Attack Israel thumbnail

CIA Says Iran About to Attack Israel

By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Hold the presses, folks! The CIA apparently has warned Israel that Iran is going to attack within 48 hours!

Now that warning, we are told by “press reports,” occurred on Thursday. And just to rub it in, a former CIA official told the New York Times that Israel’s precision strike on Damascus that killed the deputy commander of Iran’s Quds Force was “reckless.” Hence, Israel deserved to get hit.

But let’s take a closer look. For the CIA to actually warn Israel that Iran was about to launch a counterstrike on Israel from Iranian territory presumes that the CIA has some pretty good sources of intelligence inside Iran.

From what I have seen, the CIA has pretty good signals intelligence – that is, they can monitor what Iranian officials say on their cellphones  – but they don’t have any agents in place. They don’t have a clue what’s going on inside the Iranian regime leadership, other than what they say in public or on their phones (Hint: the Iranians know better than to use cellphones for sensitive conversations).

The Israelis, on the other hand, have absolutely stellar intelligence on Iran.

Their intelligence is so good that they were able to locate Iran’s secret nuclear weapons archive in a ordinary warehouse in south Tehran a few years ago, break in during the night, crack four giant bank vaults, and remove 500 bankers boxes of documents and several hundred CDs, and get it all out of Dodge before dawn.

One of the leaders of that operation was a woman – a Mossad “Amazon” – who was decorated (back to the camera) by Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Have you ever heard of the CIA carrying out a similar exploit? (And if they had, believe me today’s CIA would make sure it leaked to the NY Times).

The Iranians never realized they had been burgled until Prime Minister Netanyahu presented excerpts from Iran’s nuclear files at the United Nations more than a year later.

Israel’s intelligence is so good that they were able to track the deputy commander of the Quds Force to Damascus and kill him within twenty-four hours.

The Secretary General of the United Nations whined that Israel should be condemned for attacking a diplomatic facility – just as the Iranians did using local proxies in Benghazi on September 11, 2011, killing four Americans.

But in this case, the Iranian consulate in Damascus may have been a diplomatic facility on Sunday, but on Monday it had become a military headquarters where Brigadier General Zahedi and his deputy, Brigadier General Hadi Rahimi, were discussing military strategy with local Quds Force and militia commanders.

Take a look at photos taken after the strike, such as the one below. What do you notice about that beautiful building flying the Iranian regime flag to the left of the demolished “consulate?” Ah, yes. Not even a pane of stained glass has been broken, or the 50-foot tall signals intelligence antenna dented.

Pretty much the same accuracy as the Israelis have been practicing in Gaza, by the way.

Why am I convinced the Iranians won’t retaliate in any significant way, and certainly not by launching drones or missiles from Iranian territory, as the anonymous CIA “sources” are whispering?

Because to do so would give Israel the green light to finally strike Iran, something many in Israel have been wanting to do for years. And if one thing is sure, it’s this: the Iranian regime is terrified of an Israeli strike on Iran. They will fight Israel to the blood of the last Palestinian or Lebanese, but they will do nothing to bring the fight to Iran.

I discuss this and President Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren’s hyperventilating response to the Israel’s latest actions in Gaza, as well as NATO’s 75 birthday and a curious Easter ceremony in Florence, Italy, on Prophecy Today Weekend.

As always, you can listen live at 1 PM on Saturday in the Jacksonville, FL, area on 104.9 FM or 550 AM, or by downloading the Jacksonville Way Radio app. If you miss it live, you can listen to the podcast here.

Yours in freedom.

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