Communist Chinese Propaganda In U.S. School Textbooks thumbnail

Communist Chinese Propaganda In U.S. School Textbooks

By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

The below article was distributed by Given what is rapidly becoming evident as China positions to become the dominant country in the world, and also becoming evident under Obama-Soros-Biden-Uniparty Global Elites America’s weakening in the global community, this article most likely will not come as much of a surprise.

Here in Arizona our State Superintendent for Public Instruction, former Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne, is fighting the good fight against multiple socialist factions. Mr. Horne is confronting head-on the gross and unapologetic assault to remake public classrooms into nothing more than mere “holding cells” intentionally created to dump-down children, fill them with socialist and even pagan propaganda, turning them toward state loyalty and against their parents, and making darn certain NO form of critical thinking is taught.

China is on a mission, and the Global Elites have ruled that with “No more Trump” the Global Establishment will reshape the world into a New-World Order no longer allowing national sovereignty, moving toward population elimination, and control over what is deemed appropriate. The article below is but another example of that which I have written, and unfolding in plain site.

I pray the citizens of these United States truly humble themselves and return unto submission (cooperation) to the beliefs our founders shared quite openly, candidly and unapologetically – In God We Trust!

China’s Communist Party gets caught dumping propaganda into American textbooks

Under Joe Biden’s watch, China’s aggressive behavior toward the United States has been escalating rapidly.

Now a new report uncovered shocking information showing China is infiltrating the American school system. And China’s Communist Party just got caught dumping propaganda into American textbooks. Since its inception, a central tenant of Communism has involved wiping out all religious and artistic cultural practices within a population.

In recent decades, most first world countries depending on China for cheap goods have been turning a blind eye to the country’s persecution of several people groups. One group they’ve been especially determined to stamp out is the Falun Gong—a religious group with between somewhere around 70 to 100 million followers worldwide. Efforts to stamp out the practice within China have reportedly included imprisonment with torture, labor camps, and even reports of organ harvesting. Now there’s new evidence the country is exporting its religious suppression tactics with propaganda in textbooks used in some of the most elite schools in the country.

A new report entitled “Surveillance, Slander, and Censorship” provides a stunning peek into the culture war that China is conducting on US campuses. The Falun Dafa Information Center used surveys to determine the extent to which China’s Communist party is disseminating propaganda on US soil.

American college textbooks found defending China’s long-time One-Child Policy.

The researchers discovered at least 10 universities are using curriculum containing propaganda attacking Falun Gong. That includes Chinese language classes at major universities including Yale, Brown, the University of Chicago, the University of Michigan, and Wellesley College. “The physical dimensions of the CCP’s campaign to wipe out Falun Gong have been accompanied by a massive, systematic propaganda effort to defame and slander Falun Gong, to spread falsehoods, and to incite unfounded fears that the group is dangerous or violent,” report writers claim.

Considering that most US colleges generally claim to adhere to a secular approach, a textbook section called “Discussing Everything Chinese” seems entirely out of place. A textbook currently being used on US campuses randomly brings up Falun Gong warning students that the practice “can lead people to madness.” It also claims that practitioners promote “extreme ideas such as starvation, forced sleep deprivation, and rejection of any medical treatment.” The Epoch Times, which has ties to Falun Gong followers, reported that assignments call for students to “associate the spiritual practice with heretics”—as though that has anything to do with learning to speak Mandarin. The outlet also reported that, “the textbook also includes exercises that endorsed China’s One-Child Policy ‘as a legitimate means of controlling population growth’ and promote ‘a strong anti-American sentiment.’”

It’s become abundantly apparent that college campuses have become a training ground to promote Communism within the United States, but having propaganda that is actively being used inside China taught in American classrooms is beyond shocking.

Read more.

©2023. Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: How China Infiltrated U.S. Classrooms