Escape the Censorship Cartel — Join and Follow us on these great ‘Alternative’ Social Media Sites

As you know Facebook has unpublished me. But I am on many other great Alternative Social Media Sites along with many other patriotic Americans. Time to dump Facebook, Twitter and Google. They have become the “Censorship Cartel.”
If you wish you may want to join me on them and if you do please let me know and follow me on them. Also follow the many other patriots on these nouveau social media sites that promote and encourage freedom of speech.
Here are links to our pages on other social media sites:






Thanks for your continued support of President Donald J. Trump and our defense of the U.S. Constitution.
Here is a list of media sites that aren’t mainstream because they tell the truth:

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.
Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2020
WordPress Deplatforms Conservative Treehouse, NOT the First and Won’t be the Last!
REALATED VIDEO: Big Tech’s coordinated suppression amounts to a ‘censorship cartel’