FLURONA: Another Covid Variant Coming At You! thumbnail

FLURONA: Another Covid Variant Coming At You!

By Save America Foundation

FLURONA! Just discovered in Israel who just discovered the first person, an unvaccinated pregnant woman, with Flu and Covid! A double bubble! How awesome is that?


The great news for big Pharma is that the CDC has already declared it safe to have both the flu shot and the China virus shots together! Now they can ensure increased profits worldwide as indoctrinated sheep will all run to their latest and closest vaccination centers to get both shots! Oh …. Then the boosters!

You gotta know big pharma is ramping up production of both to meet the demand that will come from excited liberal based media conglomerates at the demand of leftist politicians who are probably already working out their take of the profits!

The message will be social distance! Mask! Heck – no, double mask! Vaccinate! Take boosters. Hurry, hurry, hurry! Do it to keep others safe! You know it’s the right thing to do!

The Influenza has always been Americas biggest infectious disease killing between 50,000 and 60,000 people a year with upwards of 700,000 infections annually. Of course, that piece of human excrement, the highest paid federal government employee, Dr “Liar” Fauci, has already warned us about this occurrence.

So – will the flu shots become required and be attached to the vaccine passports so loved by liberals worldwide? Will those passports become invalid without all the shots and up to date boosters? I can see that as a distinct possibility.

Keep taking the shots! Oh – and the boosters! Oh – and the flu shot!

Let’s keep big pharma and our corrupt politicians in business!

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.


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