Let’s Focus On Islam, Again thumbnail

Let’s Focus On Islam, Again

By Matthys van Raalten

Elections are coming up in the U.S., but an important topic is left off the table.

This topic is Islam, a dangerous religion, that contradicts everything that Christian civilization stands for.

You would think that such a grave threat as the Rise of Islam in the World would be an important talking point among presidential candidates. But they shy away from discussing it. Or, as in the case of Joe Biden, they even embrace this dangerous religion, and wrongly think of it as a religion of peace.

The reason that not one famous American politician these days dares to talk about Islam, is fear for the consequences. There is great fear that one gets death threats from Muslims, or that the media will portray one as a racist and hater, or that one becomes a target of an assassinations.

Many years ago, I had a mentor in Bloemendaal, a village to the North of the town of Harlem. The name of my mentor was Mr. Spaanderman. He was more than 70 years old and his profession was psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

Mr. Spaanderman taught me lessons about fear. He said that fear is a bad counselor. In fact, he entrusted me that fear is the worst counselor.

If you listen to your fears, you are in the end not superior to the animals.

I hope that the situation in America changes for the better. That means that the difficult topics are being talked about by politicians.

I personally consider Islam the gravest threat to Western civilization. And I have good reason to do so, as I have studied this religion in-depth. Let’s focus on Islam again.

©2024. Matthys van Raalten. All rights reserved.

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