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Omicron Crackpots

By Save America Foundation

I wish I could say I trust my government, but I don’t, not when they’re so obviously full of phony-baloney about COVID and trying to get me to believe the stupidest things.

When the medical trials first launched it was one shot, then two. Then passports/segregation. Now 3 shots, with Israel on their 4th and booster interval shortened to 3 months. It could also be a two dose Omicron booster.

Informed consent was never on the table.

Pure insanity…

— Kris Eriksen 🇨🇦 (@KrisEriksen77) December 1, 2021

Joe Biden said yesterday people should get vaccinations and booster shots to ward off the Omicron variant.  What he didn’t tell you is that people infected with the Omicron variant in Africa and Australia were fully vaccinated.  He also didn’t tell you Moderna’s chief executive is out there saying the current vaccines most likely won’t protect you against the Omicron variant and new vaccines are needed.

This whole vaccine thing is out of whack to begin with.  The emphasis has always been on vaccines, while the idea of effective treatment for COVID, strangely, has never gotten much attention.  Hydroxychloroquine was dismissed early on, despite the fact a survey of 6,000 doctors worldwide found it was the best treatment based on their clinical experience.  Ivermectin also got short shrift, even though it’s been endorsed by the Tokyo Medical Association and basically fixed India’s COVID problem.   Now comes the nail in the coffin for our government’s phony narratives about hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin:  There are now 67 studies showing Ivermectin and 298 studies showing hydroxychloroquine are effective in treating COVID-19.  But you have to sue your doctor and your pharmacist if you want to be treated for COVID with Ivermectin.  Why is that?  Do you want to follow the science or follow the government pied pipers who, themselves, might just be following the money?

Speaking of science, there are a hundred studies showing masks are not materially effective in reducing COVID transmission and are actually harmful to wear.

So much for the mask narrative, but the wheels are coming off other government narratives about COVID, too.  ‘The vaccines are effective’ – no, breakthrough cases are on the rise as vaccine efficacy drops below 50 percent.  They said close the schools even though the risk to kids was miniscule and closing schools didn’t lower the child mortality rate.   They ignored natural immunity and kept pushing the vaccines even though almost 150 million Americans have natural immunity from having been exposed to coronavirus.

Recently, Fauci claimed to be the science and above criticism – the same guy who first said masks are meaningless and ended up telling you to wear two of them.  If it’s true he is now the science, how do you explain this? – Fauci said in the 1980s that kids could get AIDS from routine nonsexual contact.  Not true.  He also said heterosexual AIDS would become 10 percent of all AIDS cases.  It’s never even been close to that.  Flash forward to COVID and we see Fauci initially saying it’s nothing to worry about, it’s just a bad flu, and you can’t rely on models to make predictions, but then he went on to rely on models to make predictions.  Fauci also claimed hydroxychloroquine was actually dangerous, but he was already in possession of information showing it was effective.  Sorry Fauci lovers, but something’s not right with that guy.

To sum up, everything government officials are telling you about COVID is wrong and there is no reason for you to believe them.

Germany reports highest COVID death toll in 9 months.

If only they’d had mandatory mask rules and vaccine passports.

Oh, they did.

— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) December 1, 2021

Some people are speculating about motive, saying public health officials are deliberately lying, in cahoots with the vaccine manufacturers, and deliberately killing people.  I’ll leave the speculation to others.  it’s enough for me to know I can’t rely on the government, that it’s up to me to seek out the correct information, and I’m ultimately responsible for the choices I make.  That may sound novel to you, but it’s the way it’s supposed to be in a self-governing Republic composed of what are supposed to be self-governing individuals.

Sorry if I’ve shattered your faith in government, but you never should have had that much in the first place.

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©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.


“I have been stunned at the response – and especially from Britain. Nothing I have seen about this new variant warrants the extreme action the UK government has taken in response to it.”

– Dr Angelique Coetzee, who alerted the world to the Omicron variant

— James Melville (@JamesMelville) December 1, 2021


Problems with Covid Shots harder to deny! Plus the Insane hype from the left on new SA Covid strain.

 Shots harder to deny! Plus the Insane hype from the left on new SA Covid strain.

COVID Vaccines: The Dog Is Chasing Its Tail.