SHOCKING POLL: 41% of Democrats Embrace Disney’s LGBT Agenda to Sexually Groom Children thumbnail

SHOCKING POLL: 41% of Democrats Embrace Disney’s LGBT Agenda to Sexually Groom Children

By Dr. Rich Swier

We have written about Disney’s mission to groom underaged children to become sexual partners for pedophiles and pederasts. To understand Disney’s agenda watch this video of Disney’s Gay Diversity and Inclusion Manager Vivian Ware:

SCOOP: Disney diversity and inclusion manager Vivian Ware says the company has eliminated all mentions of “ladies,” “gentlemen,” “boys,” and “girls” in its theme parks in order to create “that magical moment” for children who do not identify with traditional gender roles.

— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 29, 2022

On June 30th, 2021  Michelle Mockler, Disney’s External Communications Manager, on the Disney Parks Blog reported:

We sat down with Vivian Ware, Diversity & Inclusion Manager, who reflected on her journey helping launch one of Disney’s first-ever BERGs (Business Employee Resource Groups) more than 22 years ago, our PRIDE BERG.

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In 1998, when Vivian was asked if she would be interested in joining a team of fellow cast members organizing a Diversity Resource Group that was supportive of the LGBTQ+ community. Vivian became instrumental in founding the group, soon to be known as PRIDE (People Respecting Individual Diversities in Everyone).

[ … ]

She [Vivian Ware] recalls that at the time, she was still early in her own coming out journey. “Being able to connect with others and create a bond with people who were like me, created affirmation for me that I was not alone and that it was okay for me to be who I was.”

The launch of the PRIDE BERG coincided with the launch of our HOLA BERG, which advocates for the Hispanic and Latinx community, and PULSE BERG, which supports the Black, African-American, and Caribbean communities. Vivian fondly recalls the teams involved in all three launches coming together to serve as allies to one another as they geared up to launch the BERGs: “The launch of these first-ever BERGs at the same time showed the strength of community. When we all come together, our voices are more powerful than when we work separately.”

Read more.

Trafalgar Group’s National Issues Survey on Disney

The Trafalgar Group’s new National Issues Survey on Disney, which was sponsored by the Convention of States Action, found that more than 69 percent of respondents said they were likely to support “family-friendly alternatives” to Disney.

However, when your break down the numbers you find a shocking numbeDr.r of those who embrace Disney’s LGBT movement to groom children.

Here are the numbers of those embracing the grooming of children by Disney:

  • Democrats – 41%
  • Republicans – 14.7%
  • No Party Affiliation – 27.5%

NOTE: The Trafalgar Group’s new National Issues Survey on Disney poll was conducted between April 4-8th of 1,079 likely general election voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.99 percent.

The Bottom Line

The Disney Corporation has been queering kids since 1999. This movement to queer children is designed to create a new generation that embraces fully the LGBTQ agenda. And they are succeeding.

Recently Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed the “Parental Rights in Education” (Anti-Grooming) bill into law on April 11th, 2022, prohibiting classroom discussion or instruction on sexual orientation and identity in kindergarten to third grade or in older grades in “a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate.”

When the bill was passed by the Florida legislature Disney’s CEO came out against the bill as did multiple senior staff members. Disney want to groom children to be used and abused sexually.

It is astounding that so many still want this to continue by supporting Disney. As the saying goes, “What you allow is what will continue.” It appears there are many who want this kid grooming to continue.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.