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Socialist Revolution in America: Observations, Analyses, and Commentaries of a Soviet Attorney

By Simona Pipko

Dear readers! I am a former Soviet attorney who loves America the Beautiful and warns you. We are close to losing our country to Socialist Charlatans like McAuliffe, Sanders, and Soros, who undermine us from within. The term “Radical Left” is a shallow and deceptive definition of the Democrats. The ruling party is a Criminal Cabal of Socialist Charlatans, rapidly destroying our political system and Constitutional republic. To save the country we should know our enemies.

It is not a coincidence that Russia is a major topic for world affairs in 2021—ideology runs the world. The Obama legacy and his global program much bigger than you think. It is a copy of Stalin’s project for One-World Socialist Government Under the Kremlin’s Rule—well-crafted and decorated with buzzwords. It is a repetition of the design created by Stalin/Andropov and described by me for years. Their devoted disciple Vladimir Putin is promoting it today. Very little has changed in the world of ideology since the Stalin/Andropov design—Russia and China are working together again. They are connected by an umbilical cord of ideology, and they are building and developing a Global Spy Ring against America today.

The Chinese Covid-19 has brought enormous harm to the global population—over 4 million deaths and millions of families suffering. America lost 700 thousand of its citizens, more than we lost in WWI, WWII, and the Cold War combined. Yet the Chinese virus has brought even more surprises—our “superior technology” can’t find the origin of the virus for two years. All that happened because we don’t know the Chinese Intel. We don’t know it because we demonstrate no knowledge of Russia, her intelligence apparatus, and the Socialist/Communist modus operandi. Reading my new book, you will learn all of them.

Some descriptions of my new book from XLIBRIS’ Press Release:

New book presents a first-hand analysis of the Russian KGB government that brought the world and America to its current crisis

Socialist Revolution in America: Observations, Analyses, and Commentaries of a Soviet Attorney released

SARASOTA, Fla. – “We are at war waged by Socialist/Communist forces against Western civilization and American capitalism. Their ideology and modus operandi are lies, deceit, distortion and fraud have never changed. Love for my country and the acknowledgment that America doesn’t know her enemy inspired me to write my book. It is not Marxism, but fraudulent Soviet Socialism and Chinese Communism that systematically attack Western civilization and its economy of Capitalism.” Simona Pipko states.

As a compilation of articles written during the last 30 years, Socialist Revolution in America: Observations, Analyses, and Commentaries of a Soviet Attorney (published by Xlibris) presents a first-hand analysis of the Russian KGB government. This book displays the American foreign policy and its insufficient knowledge of such an international force as The KGB for the last 70 years. It exhibits the detrimental results this phenomenon has been leading to in our country and in the world.

A rich arsenal of information based on the Pipko’s first-hand experiences and factual data, this book will bring to light compelling and grim secrets behind such names as Joseph Stalin, who married the communist ideology with Islamic jihad; The KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov who designed the monumental infiltration into the midst of society by simultaneous intrusion of the intelligence apparatus and the media, and Vladimir Putin who is successfully implementing their strategy in the 21st century.

“No other book exposes the incompetence and the miserable failure of the FBI and American intelligence leadership, which provides the KGB with a free hand in dismantling our Constitutional Republic,” Pipko says. When asked what she wants readers to take away from the book, she answers, “This book is an eye-opener in comprehending the major underlying problems in America and the world. To survive and win this war, awareness and knowledge of the enemy is urgent and crucial.”

Socialist Revolution in America: Observations, Analyses, and Commentaries of a Soviet Attorney, By Simona Pipko

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble guide.

About the Author

Simona Pipko was born in Moscow, U.S.S.R. A graduate of the Leningrad Law School, she practiced law as a defense attorney for 25 years in the capital of Estonia, Tallinn. Leaving behind her communist husband, she immigrated to the United States with her two children in 1981. While living in New York City and teaching at the New School for Social Research and New York University, she wrote a series of articles for various publications, including The International Lawyer ABA, Law and National Security Intelligence Report. She is also an alumni of the George F. Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies. In 2002, she published her first book Baltic Winds: Testimony of a Soviet Attorney. In 2006, she published her second book The Russian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism. She is also the author of six books and over 100 articles published in the United States.

Since 2010, she has been engaged in writing a series of articles under the general title Soviet Socialism in the Twenty-first Century. The series was published by Red County South, under the name of Vera Berg, in the rubric of Colony Rabble. In 2020, she published Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders (Your Online Publicist, 2020). She also published: What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction (Your Online Publicist 2021).

My fellow Americans!

We are facing an extreme danger to our national security domestically and globally. Our chaos will continue and exacerbate until the White House staff is in power over our senile president Biden. Putin is running America. The source of instability is the same—America missed the chunk of Russia’s history and therefore is puzzled and disoriented. The Socialist Revolution in America is revealing this significant and dangerous history. To save America the Beautiful for our children and grandchildren, and to know the enemies, please, read Socialist Revolution in America at

To be continued or at

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