Subverting Society by Replacing Biological Sex with Sodomy thumbnail

Subverting Society by Replacing Biological Sex with Sodomy

By Dr. Rich Swier

 Sodomy is “sexual contact with another person in an act which is both offensive to modesty and consent.”, October 3, 2020.

“As the many male victims of rape in the regime’s disgusting jails can testify, this state-run pathology of sexual repression and sexual sadism is not content to degrade women only.” ― Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir

History tells us that the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome, Arab Spain, imperial China and pre-Meiji Japan all embraced sodomy. After doing so these cultures became at best corrupted and at the worst literally disappeared from the face of the earth. After the collapse of these experiments with sodomy its proponents in the arts, literature and society experienced a culture shock.

In the sixth century B.C.E. Jewish religious leaders branded male homosexuality as a capital offense and blamed it for the destruction of the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. When these two traditions collided in Christian Rome during the late years of the Roman empire, the repercussions spread throughout Europe and the New World like a wild fire.

Sodomy is deemed evil today and is considered an offense to modesty and consent of those sodomized. But wait, Science issued a letter questioning this idea of sodomy, not on scientific grounds, but on the political myth based upon the idea of “language inclusiveness.”

Now we have scientists, whose job is to get to the truth calling sodomy “context-dependent.” This means that the act of sex is now “non-binary” or “genderqueer.”

Sex neuroscientist Dr. Debra Soh in a January 03, 2022 article titled “Biological sex is being redefined to subvert society” reported:

On Thursday [December 30, 2021], Science, one of the top scientific publications in the world, ran a letter titled, “Transgender rights rely on inclusive language,” suggesting that biological sex is “context-dependent” and not binary.

If you had to go back and re-read that last sentence, let me assure you, you did indeed read it correctly. The letter — authored by two neuroscientists and a graduate student in biology — argues for “inclusive language around sex diversity,” and that, in the five years since the National Institutes of Health announced that research proposals should include sex as a biological variable, society has become hostile to transgender people.

The NIH’s directive was originally instated to address the fact that biomedical studies including only male participants lacked application to women. Pre-Clown World, this would be uncontroversial. But behold the pathway of thinking social justice ideology has plowed while I mourn my former field of neuroscience.

Anyone who follows my writing will know by now that sex is determined by gametes: eggs and sperm. As a result, there are only two sexes, and biological sex is not a spectrum. Intersex people, who possess a combination of female and male anatomy (and who are frequently tokenized by activists as a justification for outlandish claims), typically prefer to live as male or female, within a binary conception of sex. [Emphasis added]

Read the full article.

The Bottom Line

On June 26th, 2015 the Supreme Court of the United States after hearing the case Obergefell v. Hodges legalized same-sex marriage.

Today we have Catholic priests, bishops and even cardinals sodomizing little boys. We have cartels profiting from human sex trafficking, which includes underaged boys and girls, who are sold to bordellos and houses of prostitution for sex, including being sodomized.

We now have a “cultural war” against the traditional family and its primary “social justice jackhammer” is the normalization of sodomy. A mother and a father raising their biological children has been replaced with Peter Paul “Pete” Montgomery Buttigieg and his male partner appearing on an Amazon Prime video with his husband Chasten and their non-biological child.

Watch: Mayor Pete | Official Trailer | Prime Video

In an April 11, 2016 Black Press USA column titled “Homosexuality Is the New BlackRaynard Jackson wrote:

In order to have a fully functioning society, we must have some common baseline of beliefs that join us together, whether it’s a fraternity, a church, or a political party. Without this commonality, belonging to a group or a society is impossible.

We hold these trues to be self-evident: the Earth is round, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, Barack Obama is the president of the United States, and if you are born with a penis you are a male. If you are born with a vagina you are a female.

Oh-oh! These last two are going to get me in trouble. Now I will be called homophobic, hateful, un-Christian, a divider, not fit for public service, unfit for management in corporate America, etc., but the question is, “Why?”

That is the question. Why? Why can’t we point out that sex is binary? Why can’t we point out the negatives of those who practice sodomy? Why are we allowing non-binary men to compete in women’s sports? Why are you labeled homophobic if you point these thing out?

Why can’t we point out that globally 1.7 million died of HIV/AIDS in 2021?

Church Militant points out that, “Persons with same sex attractions deserve our respect and compassion. But the militant gay movement’s message that ‘gay’ is good is completely false. This lie is confusing society and hurting the individuals themselves.

We believe in hating the sin but loving the sinner. However, the myth that being “gay is good” is dangerous and debilitating to a culture. History tells us so.

To read more of our columns on homosexuality please click here.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.



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